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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Issue 5
( 2024-12-20 )
Issue 4
( 2023-12-22 )
Issue 3
( 2022-12-23 )
Issue 2
( 2021-12-23 )
Issue 1
( 2020-12-25 )
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University. Studies in education
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Hiroshima University
Issue 5
( 2024-12-20 )
PP. -
Career Resilience Formation during Job Hunting
Kodama Makiko
PP. 1 - 9
実践の差異を産み出す「当事者としての教師」に関する考察 : 同一目標・同一計画で行った文学教育実践の比較
A Study on the 'Teacher as an Active Participant' Who Creates Differences in Practice: A Comparison of Literature Education Practices with the Same Goals and Plans
Lei Minlian
Maruta Kentaro
Matsumoto Hitoshi
PP. 10 - 19
Analysis of Social Interactions Using the Episodic Recording Method in a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sakai Yutaro
Asaoka Hiroshi
PP. 20 - 27
河床堆積物の礫径変化と学生の持つ誤概念について : 瀬野川を対象として
Students’ Misconceptions about Changes in Gravel Diameter in Dry Riverbed Sediments: Survey results for the Seno-gawa river
Yoshidomi Kenichi
PP. 28 - 35
困難な歴史を展示する博物館における教育の意味の再考 : 記念的博物館教授学から見える日本の博物館の課題を手掛かりに
Reconsidering the Meaning of Education in Museums Exhibiting Difficult Histories: Focusing on the Problems of Museums in Japan That Discovered by the Analysis based on Commemorative Museum Pedagogy
Kim Jongsung
Sako Yuka
Xiu Liu
Ooka Shinji
Goto Ibuki
Tsuyuguchi Yukimasa
Mizoguchi Yusuke
Wada Naoto
PP. 36 - 45
近世城下町における寺院の配置の変遷に関する研究 : 金沢城下町を事例にして
A Study of Changes in the Layout of Temples in Early Modern Castle Towns: A Case Study of Kanazawa Castle Town
Harada Ayumu
PP. 46 - 53
児童文学における地理空間 : 『小人の冒険』シリーズを事例に
Geographic Space in Children's Literature: A case study of the "The borrowers" series
Liu Xiaoyi
PP. 54 - 61
The Necessity of Confirming Original Text When Creating and Using the “Database of Historical Sino-Japanese Readings”
Sasaki Isamu
PP. 62 - 70
小学校国語科話し合い学習における〈探索的合意形成〉の検討 : ストラウスによる組織論を基盤として
An Examination of “Exploratory Consensus Building” in Elementary School Japanese-Language Classes with Discussion-Based Learning: Based on straus’ theory of organizations
Hiroguchi Tomoyo
Mase Shigeo
PP. 71 - 79
Critical Content-Based Instruction in English Language Education: The civil rights movement in the U.S.A.
Nakahara Mizuki
Ono Akira
PP. 80 - 89
発達性協調運動障害のある幼児・児童に対する運動指導に関する研究 : 国内文献レビューに基づく分析
Research on Motor Skills Instruction for Young Children and Students with Developmental Coordination Disorder: An Analysis Based on Domestic Literature Review
Kitabayashi Mami
Matsumoto Yusuke
Saito Kazuhiko
PP. 90 - 98
大学生がもつ陸上競技授業の学習観に関する研究 : 過去の運動・スポーツ経験に着目して
A Study on University Students' Learning Perspectives on Track and Field Classes: Focusing on past exercise and sports experiences
Tsuneura Kouki
Abe Naonori
Matsumoto Yusuke
Saito Kazuhiko
PP. 99 - 104
Comparison of Synesthetic Mental Images of the Five Basic Tastes and Their Solutions Among University Students
Tominaga Mihoko
Yamamoto Mayuko
PP. 105 - 110
An Approach to Improve Dietary Education Using Evidence-based Eating Habit Assessment Index
Harada Marina
Shibata Sachi
Kaikiri Hiroko
Tominaga Mihoko
Matubara Kiminori
PP. 111 - 119
中学校「技術・家庭」技術分野と家庭分野における技術観及び技術教育観に関する研究 : 技術分野及び家庭分野担当教員への調査より
Research on the Views of Technology and Technology Education in the “Technology and Home Economics” of Junior High School: From a Survey of Teachers of Technology and Home Economics
Miyagawa Shun
Suzuki Akiko
PP. 120 - 128
プロジェクト型学習としてのオペラ制作の課題設定に関する研究 : 複数の実践による学生アンケート結果から
A Study on Task Setting of Opera Production as Project-Based Learning: From the Results of a Student Survey Through Multiple Practices
Oonouchi Ai
Ito Shin
Fujii Yusuke
Edagawa Kazuya
PP. 129 - 138
Trends in Multicultural Childcare Research in Academic Journal Articles
Ogawa Yoshikazu
Park Sunghee
PP. 139 - 147
SCAT as a Qualitative Data Analysis Method to Examining the Practical Knowledges of Early Childhood Teachers
Nakatsubo Fuminori
Kato Nozomi
Hida Takeshi
Uchida Chiharu
PP. 148 - 156
卒業者が語る高校職業教育 : 工業高校卒業者の初期キャリアにみる学校-職業の接続/断絶
Graduates Talk about Vocational Education at High School in Japan: School-Work Connection/ Disconnection in the Early Careers of Graduates of Technical High Schools
Ogawa Mitsuhiro
PP. 157 - 164
The Role and Challenges of Teaching History of Education Based on the Science Council of Japan's Reference Standards for Education
Shiraishi Takato
PP. 165 - 174
Rezeption des Marxismus in der DDR-Pädagogik
Yoshida Nariakira
PP. 175 - 183
イエナ・プランによる評価改革に関する研究 : イエナ大学附属学校における客観的報告と主観的報告に着目して
Bewertungsreform basierend auf dem Jena-Plan: Objektiver Bericht und Subjektiver Bericht im Universitätsschule Jena
Ando Kazuhisa
PP. 184 - 193
Teachers' Evaluation of "Family-School Connections" in China
Zhu Xinya
PP. 194 - 203
バーリン思想における「消極的自由」の教育学的意義 : 哲学的な議論との連続と展開
Educational Meaning of ‘Negative Liberty’ in Berlin’s Thought: Focusing on continuity and development with philosophical arguments
Takasu Akane
PP. 204 - 212
SDGs達成のための大学の取り組み : 先行研究のレビューを中心に
University Initiatives to Achieve the SDGs: Focusing on a review of previous studies
Tan Zhixi
PP. 213 - 221
上海市における幼児園教員の確保と配置に関する硏究 : 外来常住者の子どもの幼児教育保障に注目して
A Study on the Availability and Assignment of Kindergarten Teachers in Shanghai: Focusing on the guarantee of early childhood education for children of non-local permanent residents
Ma Chengzhao
PP. 222 - 231
事例の科学としてのヴァン=マーネンの解釈学的現象学的方法論の展開 : 「現象学を遂行すること」の検討を中心として
Max van Manen’s Methodology of Hermeneutic Phenomenology and its Development As the Science of Examples: Focusing on Doing phenomenology
Fujiwara Yuka
PP. 232 - 241
公立A幼稚園において外国籍の3人の子どもはどのように園生活に馴染んでいるのか : うえの式質的分析法によるフィールドノーツの分析をもとに
How are the Three Foreign Children Adapting to Life at Public Kindergarten A?: An Analysis of Field Notes Based on Ueno's Qualitative Analysis
Li Ruimiao
Ishii Kanako
Park Sunghee
Ogawa Yoshikazu
Nakatsubo Fuminori
Onodera Kaori
PP. 242 - 250
Exploring International Students from ASEAN Countries in International Double Degree Programs at Japanese Universities: Motivation, experience and challenges
Leung Chi On
PP. 251 - 260
内戦の中で日本語を学習することの意味 : シリア人日本語学習者のライフストーリーから
Why Did He Study Japanese under the Civil War: Narrative from a syrian japanese learner
Nakayama Akiko
Seo Rena
PP. 261 - 270
Impact of Disaster Prevention Education Training in Thailand: Insights from Instructor Training
Taniguchi Kyoko
Takeuchi Yukiko
Inpin Wanwalee
Miyake Yuki
Dania Maya
Juwitasari Reni
Maki Takayoshi
PP. 271 - 278
Historical Development of Internationalization of Vietnamese Higher Education: Preliminary results from document content analysis
Ngan Nguyen Thi Lan
Sekiguchi Yohei
Maki Takayoshi
PP. 279 - 288
Teacher Education Curriculum Reform in Cambodia: Perspectives, Practices, and Challenges
Vandy Tep
PP. 289 - 298
多言語社会キルギスにおけるモノリンガルとバイリンガルの「説得の戦略」 : キルギス語とロシア語の意見文のエートスと議論の型
Persuasion Strategies Among Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers in the Multilingual Society of Kyrgyzstan: Focusing on ethos and topos in written statements of opinion in Kyrgyz and Russian
Saijo Yuto
PP. 299 - 308
Re-examining the Analysis of the Compiling Trends of Local Government History and Geography Published in Shizuoka Prefecture Using "Chosen Tsushin-shi (Korean Envoy to Japan)" as a Keyword
Kamogashira Toshihiro
PP. 309 - 318
触覚に着目した図画工作科授業における児童の様相 : 児童が自分の見方や感じ方を広げる授業の開発に向けて
Aspects of Children in Arts and Crafts Classes: Focusing on Touch and Words: Toward the Development of Appreciation Classes Where Children Can Expand Their Perspectives and Perceptions
Shimatani Ayumi
PP. 319 - 328
Research Trends in Autoethnography in Japan
Tajima Miho
Nakatsubo Fuminori
PP. 329 - 336
Exploring the Quality of Teaching Materials and Methods during Planned Science Activities in Vietnamese Preschools: A case study
Hang Dinh Thi-Thu
PP. 337 - 346
Issue 4
( 2023-12-22 )
PP. -
The Effects of Study Program on Students’ Interest in History and Use of Question Generation Strategy.
Urano Nobuhiro
Fukaya Tatsushi
PP. 1 - 8
学校教育と民俗音楽文化の関係性(3) : コダーイの人間教育観を参照して
Relationship between School Music and Folk Music Culture (Part 3): Referring to Kodály’s Philosophy of Human Education
Gondo Atsuko
Takahashi Michiko
PP. 9 - 18
特別支援学校(肢体不自由)における医療職と教師の連携に関する現状と課題 : 教師が感じる現状と課題を中心に
Collaboration between Outside Experts and Teachers in Special Needs Schools for Physically Handicapped: Focusing on the Current Situation and Issues Perceived by Teachers
Funabashi Atsuhiko
PP. 19 - 27
長春大学における視覚障害のある大学生の学習上の困難と支援 : タブレット端末の活用を中心に
Learning Difficulties and Support for College Students with Visual Impairment in the People’s Republic of China: Effect of Students’ Use of Tablet Terminals in Lectures at Changchun University
Zhang Kaiqi
Ujima Kazuhito
PP. 28 - 37
地質野外実習プログラムの考察とその成果 : 西条盆地と吾妻子の滝
Geological Field Training Program to Understand the Geomorphic Development of the Saijo Basin Designed to Introduce Sciences Students to Field Methods: Azumako Waterfall
Yoshidomi Kenichi
PP. 38 - 44
A Study of the Influence of Nodulation on the Formation of Granite Landforms
Yokota Aya
Yoshidomi Kenichi
PP. 45 - 50
性の多様性に向き合う単元をどのように開発・実践したか : 社会科・保健体育科教師が直面した葛藤に注目して
The Challenges of Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)inclusion in the Japanese classroom
Kawaguchi Hiromi
Oguri Yuki
Murata Ichiro
Shiraishi Ai
Iwata Shotaro
PP. 51 - 60
社会科論における認識的不正義の是正方法の特質と課題 : 社会科学科・社会形成科・社会正義志向の社会科を事例として
Characteristics and Challenges of Methods of Correcting Epistemic Injustice in Social Studies Theories: A Case Study of Social Science, Social Formation, and Social Justice-Oriented Social Studies
Tanaka Ryouto
PP. 61 - 70
高校生はどのように「民主主義」を捉えたか? : 高校日本史単元「大正デモクラシー」の事例を手がかりに
How Did High School Students Perceive “Democracy”?: The case of the high school Japanese history unit “Taisho Democracy”
Tamai Shinya
Kato Kenji
Miura Hiroyuki
Kawaguchi Hiromi
PP. 71 - 80
熟議に対する生徒のメタ認知を促す参照枠の条件と構成 : W.C. Parker「公共政策熟議モデル」に注目して
Conditions and Constitute of the Reference Framework for Promoting Student’s Meta-cognition of Deliberation: Focusing on “Model of Public Policy Deliberation” developed by W.C. Parker
Nose Hikaru
PP. 81 - 90
普濟寺版「五部大乗経」は「覆宋版」か(二) : 本文と漢字字体からの検討
Was Original Text of Fusaiji Edition(普済寺版) the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経) Printed Based on the South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経)?(2): Comparing text and kanji glyphs
Sasaki Isamu
PP. 91 - 100
The Relationship between High School Students’ Literary Argumentative Writing and Consciousness of Strategic Reading for Literary Texts.
Hayashi Issei
PP. 101 - 109
英語文学作品の原文とそのリトールド版との比較に基づいた英語教材開発 : エミリー・ブロンテ作『嵐が丘』の場合
The Development of English Teaching Materials Based on a Comparison between the Original Literary Text and Its Retold Version: The case of Wuthering Heights by E. Brontë
Ono Akira
PP. 110 - 118
中学校の体つくり運動におけるコーディネーショントレーニング導入の有効性に関する研究 : 運動の楽しさや喜び及び運動有能感に着目して
A Study of the Effectiveness of Introducing Coordination Training on Physical Fitness in Junior High School: Focusing on the enjoyment of exercise and physical competence
Urata Yuriko
Saito Kazuhiko
PP. 119 - 128
A Literature Review of Perceptions and Attitudes toward Education of Water Safety among Chinese College Students and University Swimming Teachers
Zhou Pengcheng
Saito Kazuhiko
Matsumoto Yusuke
Ebina Waka
PP. 129 - 132
中国における兵式体操の変化に関する再考察 : 1900-1920年代の学制改革を手掛かりにして
Reconsideration of Changes in Military Gymnastics in China: Based on the educational system reforms from 1900 to 1920
Ma Da
PP. 133 - 139
Investigation of the Usefulness of ICT-Based Class Evaluation by Learners
Matubara Kiminori
Shibata Sachi
Kaikiri Hiroko
Tominaga Mihoko
PP. 140 - 146
青年期における家庭展望の概念と研究方法の検討 : ライフキャリア理論からのアプローチ
Research on the Concept and Research Methods Related to Adolescents’ Family Perspectives: An Approach Using Life Career Theory
Watanabe Tokinari
PP. 147 - 154
Achievements and Challenges in Creating Mock Lessons as a Group in Music Teacher Training
Oonouchi Ai
PP. 155 - 161
歴史研究の対象としての「東ドイツの教育」研究の教育方法学的示唆 : ドイツにおける2010年代以降の研究動向を手がかりに
DDR-Pädagogik als ein Gegenstand der erziehungswissenschaftlichen und bildungsgeschichtlichen Forschungen: Forschungstrends in Deutschland seit den 2010er Jahren
Yoshida Nariakira
PP. 162 - 169
米国における公立大学授業料無償化政策の展開 : ニューヨーク州に注目して
A Study of Tuition-Free Policy for Public Universities and Colleges in the United States: Focusing on New York State
Yoshida Kana
PP. 170 - 179
Zur Hodegetik als Disziplin der Führung
Ando Kazuhisa
PP. 180 - 189
東広島市・広域交流型オンライン学習の成立要件 : 欧州評議会デジタルコンピテンシー開発モデルの5つの柱を手がかりに
Conditions for “Local Study to Encourage Wide Area Communication” in Higashihiroshima City: Referring to the 5 Pillars in The Council of Europe Model for Digital Competence Development
Kawamoto Yoshitaro
Yoshida Juntaro
Morozumi Ryohei
Tanaka Ryouto
Kusahara Kazuhiro
PP. 190 - 199
「通学/非通学」をめぐる高校教育制度・政策の現状と課題 : 「通学」志向の強化とICT活用をめぐる課程間の相違
High School Education System and Policy Trends Concerning "School Commuting / Non School Commuting": Promotion of "School Commuting" and Differences in the Use of ICT between Courses
Kawamoto Yoshitaro
PP. 200 - 209
中国における下層出身の中学生の重点高校への進学過程 : 家庭と学校生活の影響に着目して
The Process of Entering Key Senior High Schools for Lower Class Students in China: Focus on the influence of family factors and school life
Bao Wanrong
PP. 210 - 219
なぜB氏は特別支援学校教員として定年退職まで働き続けることができたのか : 複線径路等至性モデリング(TEM)による分析
Why was Mr. B able to continue working as a special education teacher until retirement?: An analysis using trajectory equifinality modeling
Li Ruimiao
Omichi Kaori
Kato Nozomi
Maeda Hiroko
Wakamatsu Misa
Kamikawa Taeko
Nakatsubo Fuminori
PP. 220 - 227
『少年の日の思い出』の謎を解く : 矛盾する言葉を手掛かりに
A Rhetorical Analysis of “Shounen-no-hino-omoide”
Yanagisawa Hiroya
PP. 228 - 236
中国人中級日本語学習者における日本語文のディクテーション時の音韻保持と意味処理 : 作動記憶容量と音韻的短期記憶容量を設定した実験的検討
Phonological Retention and Semantic Processing during Dictation of Japanese Sentences in an Intermediate Class of Chinese Students Learning Japanese: An experimental study of setting working memory capacity and phonological short-term memory capacity
Shao Yuncai
Matsumi Norio
PP. 237 - 246
日本語母語話者の物語理解における状況モデルの構築 : 矛盾検出法とドット課題を用いた実験的検討
A Situation Model of Narrative Comprehension by Native Speakers of Japanese: An experimental study using the contradiction detection method and the dot tasks
Tang Ran
Matsumi Norio
PP. 247 - 256
Using Item Response Theory to Analyze Student Ability to Acquire Lower Primary Curriculum Content: A Case of Rural Malawi
Taniguchi Kyoko
PP. 257 - 266
Education Reforms in Myanmar before COVID-19: Basic and Teacher Education
Tin Nu Nu Wai
PP. 267 - 276
Teaching-Research Nexus of Teacher Educators in Myanmar: Perceptions and Practices
May Thu Kyaw
PP. 277 - 286
ウガンダでの学校設立において地域の宗教団体が担った役割 : カサンダ県の中等学校の事例に着目して
The Role of Local Religious Organizations in the Establishment of Schools in Uganda: A Case Study of Secondary School in Kassanda District
Yokoyama Honoka
PP. 287 - 295
Policy Review of Teacher Educators’ Research Engagement in Cambodia: Focus on the Context of the National Institute of Education
Sokchea Ly
PP. 296 - 305
海外日本語教育における授業文化に関する研究の動向と展望 : 学習観,教師観,授業観の観点から
Review of Research on Classroom Culture and Values in Japanese Language Teaching Abroad: Focus on the beliefs about learning, teachers, and classes
Saijo Yuto
PP. 306 - 315
初任保健体育科教諭が抱える保健授業についての悩み事に関する質的研究 : コロナ禍による影響を踏まえて
A Qualitative Study of Novice Health and Physical Education Teachers' Concerns about Health Classes in Light of the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Matsumoto Yusuke
Shiraishi Tomoya
PP. 316 - 325
幼少期における子どもの社会参加をどのように調査するか : J. Hauverによる文脈に根差した学習論の構築
How to Research Civic Engagement in Young Children?: Building a Context-Based Learning Theory by J. Hauver
Ono Sota
Tatara Yusuke
Sako Yuka
Liu Xu
Goto Ibuki
PP. 326 - 335
Significance as Teaching Materials of the World of Circular Letters by Warriors of the Clan in the Edo Period in Pre-modern History Education
Kamogashira Toshihiro
PP. 336 - 343
書写書道教育における「人間形成」に関する考察 : 高次脳機能の発達という視点から
The Perspective of Human Development on Handwriting Education and Brain Science
Kawahara Jun
PP. 344 - 353
社会科教育研究においてナショナル・アイデンティティはどのように語られてきたか : 文化的多様性の尊重と国民統合に着目して
How has National Identity been Discussed in Social Studies Research?: Focusing on respect for cultural diversity and national integration
Morozumi Ryohei
PP. 354 - 360
The Awareness among Chinese Mothers and Daughters about Wearing Bras
Zhuang Lili
PP. 361 - 370
中国における民間食育活動の実態と課題 : 「食育推動計画」の教員研修活動に着目して
The Current Status and Issues Related to Private Food Education Activities in China: Teacher Training Activities for ‘A Yummy Curriculum’
Zhang XiaoLing
PP. 371 - 380
ドイツにおけるコルチャック教育学の展開と独自性 : szacunek概念の受容を中心に
Entwicklung und Einzigartigkeit der Korczak-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Schwerpunkt auf der Rezeption des Konzept „szacunek“
Matsuura Asuka
PP. 381 - 390
Development and Effectiveness Study of a Depression Prevention Program Focusing on Self-compassion for Nursing Students
Tanabe Sayaka
PP. 391 - 399
The Role of Cross-modal Binding in Reading Kanji by Native Japanese Children
Oda Mami
PP. 400 - 408
外在化問題に対する保育者の認知と保育実践の関連 : 保育方法の類型化による検討
The Relationship between Early Childhood Education and Care Teachers' Cognition and Childcare Practices for Externalizing Problems of Children: Cluster analysis of ECEC methods
Hamada Shoko
PP. 409 - 418
Issue 3
( 2022-12-23 )
PP. -
Do Interactive Texts Promote Understanding?
Fujiki Daisuke
Tanaka Rune
Iseki Ryuta
Shimada Hideaki
PP. 1 - 8
中学校家庭科のケアリング教育における支援方法の検討 : 「生活の課題解決プロジェクト」を通して
Support methods in “caring education” for home economics in junior high schools: A project for “solving lifestyle issues”
Fujii Shiho
Itou Keiko
PP. 9 - 17
Possibilities for Literary Education from “The Wounded Narrator”
Lei Minlian
PP. 18 - 27
National Survey on the Implementation Realities of Art Education at Hearing Special Needs Schools in Japans
Ikeda Satoshi
Liu Qiyang
PP. 28 - 35
A Case Study of the Relationship between Real Time Drawing of Rainfall Index R’ Calculated Using AMeDAS Data and Sediment-Related Disasters Occurred in July 2018 in SW Japans
Yoshidomi Kenichi
PP. 36 - 41
社会科教員志望学生はどの論争問題をいかに扱おうとしているか : 社会科教員養成カリキュラムの改善のために
Examining pre-service teachers’ the selection and treatment of issues about teaching controversial issues in social studies: For the improvement of social studies teacher training curriculum
Kawaguchi Hiromi
Tanaka Ryouto
Tamai Shinya
Ono Sota
PP. 42 - 51
Exploring the Educational Value of “Difficult History”
Kim Jongsung
Ono Sota
PP. 52 - 60
本人訴訟体験からの法律学修(3) : 連絡ミスで累積した賃料連帯保証債務の免除
Legal Learning through the Experience of Lawsuit in Person (3): The Socio-Legal Studies on a Case of Having Forgiven his Debt Owing of Rents Increased without Report to a Joint Guarantor
Hata Hiroto
PP. 61 - 70
民主的コミュニケーションを実現する市民育成をめざした社会科教育研究の展望 : コミュニケーションを扱う社会科授業理論・実践の類型化を通して
Prospects for Social Studies Education Research Aimed at Cultivating Citizens for Democratic Communication: Through a Typology of Social Studies Teaching Theories and Practices Dealing with Communication
Tanaka Ryouto
PP. 71 - 80
越境的な遠隔教育を子どもはどう受け止めたか : 東広島市「広域交流型オンライン社会科地域学習」参加児童のアンケート回答から
How did Children Perceive Cross-Border Distance Education?: From the Questionnaire Responses of Children Participating in the "Local Study to Encourage Wide Area Communication" in Higashihiroshima City
Yoshida Juntaro
Unoki Keita
Kusahara Kazuhiro
PP. 81 - 90
普濟寺版「五部大乗経」は「覆宋版」か(一) : 書誌的事項からの検討
Was Original Text of Fusaiji Prints ( 普濟寺版) the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras ( 五部大乗経) Printed Based on the South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon (宋版一切経) ? (1): The thing understood by bibliographic inscriptions
Sasaki Isamu
PP. 91 - 100
How to teach reading comprehension of critical essays according to students’ academic achievement and learning characteristics in high school
Tojo Chika
PP. 101 - 110
米国の論証教育にみる文学批評学習の意義と課題 : オハイオ州立大学の Argumentative Writing Project を視座として
The significance and issues of literary argumentation through US argumentative writing education: An argumentative writing project at Ohio State University
Hayashi Issei
Mase Shigeo
PP. 111 - 119
チョーサーの語りのテクストにおける時制の交替移行について : 現象と認知主体の近さに着目して
Tense Shift in Chaucer’s Narrative Text: With Special Regard to the Synchronization of Subjectivity and Phenomena
Nishihara Takayuki
Nakao Yoshiyuki
PP. 120 - 128
Visual Thinking Strategies を用いた言語活動における中学生の発話の特徴
Characteristics of Junior High School Students’ Speech in Language Activities Incorporating Visual Thinking Strategies
Umakoshi Sumire
Ono Akira
PP. 129 - 138
The Development of a Conceptual Understanding of a Sustainable Society in Home Economics Education
Takeshita Hiroko
Suzuki Akiko
PP. 139 - 146
声楽初学者のイタリア古典歌曲による学びに関する一考察 : 学びのプロセスに着目して
Beginning vocal students’ learning of classical Italian songs: The process of learning
Edagawa Kazuya
Oonouchi Ai
PP. 147 - 154
音楽科教員養成課程における模擬授業の課題に関する一考察 : 準備のプロセスに着目して
Teaching practice tasks in music teacher training programs: The process of preparation
Oonouchi Ai
PP. 155 - 162
地域活動に従事する高齢者の Well-being 概念に関する文献研究
Literature review on the well-being of community-dwelling older adults engaged in their community
Matsuda Yaka
Baba Ayako
Sugawara Ikuko
Son Bo-Kyung
Iijima Katsuya
PP. 163 - 172
地域と学校の協働の動向と実践的課題 : 学校運営協議会の設置による協働に注目して
Trends and Practical Issues in Collaboration between Communities and Schools: Focusing on School Management Councils and Community Schools
Yoshida Nariakira
Takizawa Jun
Matsuda Yaka
Ando Kazuhisa
Kawamoto Yoshitaro
Fujiwara Yuka
Aso Masako
Takeshima Chiaki
Sawada Momoka
Tawara Ryutaro
Fujii Saeka
PP. 173 - 182
シュプランガー教育学再評価の中の精神科学的教育学 : 理解することの教育思想
Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik in the Rediscovery of Educational Theory by Eduard Spranger: Education that understands
Miyamoto Yuichi
PP. 183 - 192
Z. Deng のカリキュラム論における知識とディシプリンの関係の再構築
Reconstructive Study of the Relationship between Knowledge and Discipline in Deng’s Curriculum Study
Liu Xing
Miyamoto Yuichi
PP. 193 - 202
台湾の公民教科書における「新住民」の描かれ方 : 「多元文化」に着目して
“Newcomers” Portrayed in Civics Textbooks in Taiwan Society: “Multiculturalism” in Taiwan
Ishii Kanako
PP. 203 - 211
ブリティッシュコロンビア州における少数言語による教育保障 : 立法議会における議論に着目して
The guarantee of minority language education in British Columbia: The debate in the Legislative Assembly
Uchida Keisuke
PP. 212 - 221
ICT教育とその指導に対する教師の評価 : コロナ禍のオンライン授業を中心に
Teachers’ evaluation of ICT education and instruction: The COVID-19 disaster in online classes
Sasaki Ryuhei
PP. 222 - 231
Factors influencing the employment intentions of undergraduates at local Chinese universities
Cheng Qianqian
PP. 232 - 241
シャドーイング遂行を促進する最適な事前課題 : 事前課題の感覚モダリティと試行数に焦点を当てて
What is the Most Effective Pre-task to Facilitate Shadowing Performance?: Focus on sensory modality of pre-task and repetition trials
Irie Risako
Zhang Hefeng
Tang Ran
Matsumi Norio
PP. 242 - 250
中国人上級日本語学習者のガーデンパス文の聴解処理 : 作動記憶容量と文脈の有無を操作した実験的検討
Listening comprehension of garden-path sentences by advanced Chinese learners of Japanese: An experimental study on working memory capacity and the presence of context
Ezoe Mikoto
Wan Shuli
Liao Wen
Nagata Ryota
PP. 251 - 258
Inhibitory Function in the Processes of Consecutive Interpreting between Chinese and Japanese
Song Qichao
Matsumi Norio
PP. 259 - 267
Multiple Alternative Indicators for Gauging School Effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa
Taniguchi Kyoko
PP. 268 - 274
A Preliminary Study on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction in Thailand
Maki Takayoshi
Takeuchi Yukiko
Sakata Nozomi
PP. 275 - 279
東部アフリカの教師教育者の応募要件 : マラウイとザンビアの比較
Prerequisites for Teacher Educators in East Africa: A Comparative Study of Malawi and Zambia
Maki Takayoshi
Shimoda Asami
Tsukawaki Ryota
PP. 280 - 286
Graduate students’ study time and learning outcomes
Miyoshi Noboru
PP. 287 - 296
1900年代~1910年代カリフォルニア州における保護観察制度の展開 : 都市公立学校との関係に着目して
The development of the probation system in California from the 1900s to the 1910s: Cooperation with urban public schools
Omori Mariko
PP. 297 - 306
Impact of socio-cultural environment on global citizenship scale: The case of Chinese university students
Sichen Meng
PP. 307 - 316
中国語を母語とする日本語学習者における「並列節のテ」の誤用に関する考察 : 過剰使用と不使用を中心に
Misuse of the te form in parallel clauses by Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese: Non-use and over-use
Liao Lin
PP. 317 - 325
子どもの社会参加を促進するのは何か : 日本の学校教育における実証研究レビュー
What Does Impacts on Civic Engagement?: A Review of Empirical Research in Japanese School Education
Oguri Yuki
Murakami Haruto
Kawaguchi Hiromi
Owaki Kazushi
Kitayama Yuka
Furuta Yuichi
PP. 326 - 335
歴史的エンパシーの向上のための歴史授業の要件に関する事例研究 : 韓国A高校の科目「東アジア史」での「歴史新聞作り」の場合
Analysis and consideration of performance test by historical empathy stage: In the case of “History newspaper making" in the subject “East Asian history" at Korean A high school
Kim Doyeon
PP. 336 - 345
中学校家庭科における自己調整を促す調理実習授業の事例研究 : 小集団での学習過程に着目して
Examination of Cooking Classes Using Self-Regulated Learning in Home Economics of Junior High School: From the Process of Group Learning
Kuwahara Chie
PP. 346 - 355
小学校4年生の体育授業におけるフラッグフットボールの状況判断の発揮場面に関する事例研究 : 学習グループの児童の発話に着目して
A scenario that demonstrates decision-making about flag football in a 4th-grade physical education class: Children’s utterances
Sakata Kohei
PP. 356 - 365
A Learning Framework Based on the Structure of Qualities and Abilities in Junior High School Technology Education
Tsutsumi Kento
PP. 366 - 375
A Research on Social Studies Teachers’ Teaching Theory: Reconstruction of a Lesson Reflection Model
Kono Daiki
PP. 376 - 385
小学校音楽科教科書における教科固有の知識・技能の視点に基づいた創作活動の検討 : 昭和36年と令和2年に出版された教科書の比較をとおして
Creating music based on music-specific knowledge and skills (MSKS) in elementary schools: Comparing textbooks published in 1961 and 2020
Kumagai Ai
PP. 386 - 395
パターナリズムとケアの倫理の相互補完の可能性 : 自律の尊重を巡る議論を手掛かりに
The possible complementarity of paternalism and the ethics of care: “Respect for autonomy”
Sakamoto Tatsuya
PP. 396 - 404
Content of Educational Practice Buddhist Kindergarten as Seen in the Childcare Diary in the Taisho Period
Miyoshi Aiko
PP. 405 - 413
小児病棟における認定資格を有しない保育士の専門性の認識に関する検討 : 認定資格保持者と非保持者の比較を通して
The recognition of non-certifi ed nursery teachers’ expertise in a pediatric ward: Certified vs. non-certified holders
Irie Keita
PP. 414 - 420
漢字系列再生課題において中国語母語話者は音韻と形態のどちらの情報を利用しやすいか : 日本語母語話者との比較
Which Information - Phonological or Orthographic - is Likely to Be Used by Native Chinese Speakers in a Kanji Recall Task?: A Comparison with Native Japanese Speakers
Ma Da
PP. 421 - 428
役割遊びと他の遊びで見られる自己調整機能の比較 : 保育者評定を通した検討
Role-Play vs. Other Types of Play in Self-Regulation: Teacher-Ratings
Fuji Shohei
PP. 429 - 437
Relationship between the self-prioritization effect and interoceptive sensibility
Honda Tatsuru
PP. 438 - 446
Issue 2
( 2021-12-23 )
PP. -
就職活動に取り組む青年のひきこもり特性とキャリア選択 : 生徒・進路指導への示唆
Hikikomori Traits and Career Choices Among Youth Engaging in a Job Search: Implications for student counseling and career guidance
Hihara Shogo
Iwasa Yasuhiro
Sugimura Kazumi
PP. 1 - 8
教師の職業的アイデンティティ形成に及ぼすキャリアレジリエンスの働き : ストレッサーに着目して
The Role of Career Resilience in the Process of Teachers’ Vocational Identity Formation: When Facing Stressors
Kodama Makiko
PP. 9 - 18
《勅語奉答》と唱歌教育 : 雑誌記事を中心に
The Ritual Chant Chokugo-hōtō in Music Education in Japan from Mid-Meiji to World War Ⅱ: Evidence from Magazine Articles
Gondo Atsuko
Shimada Yumi
Arimoto Maki
PP. 19 - 28
Support for the Problems of Siblings of People with Disabilities based on Their Developmental Characteristics
Murakami Rie
Toga Haruka
PP. 29 - 35
Development of Teaching Material on Taxonomy and Phylogeny Using Cupressaceae Conifers
Tomikawa Ko
Kurabayashi Atsushi
Shimamura Masaki
PP. 36 - 42
A Study on the Changes in the Learning Contents of High School Information Studies
Yata Chikahiko
Mukaida Norihiro
PP. 43 - 50
「イギリス歴史教育」は日本の学界でいかに論じられてきたか : 「教育借用」を分析枠組みとして見た研究動向の特質と課題
How Has “History Education in the United Kingdom” Been Discussed in Japan?: Conclusions from Japanese history education research
玉井 慎也
PP. 51 - 60
北野経王堂一切経(北野社一切経)の底本(三) : 高麗再雕版・思渓版以外の底本(2)
The Original Text of the Buddhist Canon from Kitanokyōōdō hall (北野経王堂一切経) (3): About the Not Main Original Text (2)
Sasaki Isamu
PP. 61 - 70
文学作品の「読みの理解」に関する基礎的研究 : 学習評価のねらいと課題を中心に
A Basic Study on “Reading Comprehension” of Literary Works: Concerning the aims and tasks of learning assessment
Kimura Honoka
Yamamoto Takaharu
PP. 71 - 77
輿水実「基本的教材」の検討 : 価値目標との関連に着目して
Study of “Standard Teaching Materials” by Minoru Koshimizu: Focusing on the relationship with value goals
Minao Tasuku
Yamamoto Takaharu
PP. 78 - 86
英語教育における物語の扱い方 : 中学校新学習指導要領に沿って
Ways of Dealing with Stories in an EFL Classroom: According to the new Course of Study for junior high schools
Ono Akira
PP. 87 - 94
パラリンピック教育が高校生の身体障害者に対するイメージに及ぼす効果の検討 : パラアスリートの映像教材を用いた体育授業を事例として
A Case Study on the Effect of Videos of Para-Athletes Shown during a Physical Education Class on High School Students’ Perception of People with Physical Disabilities
Matsumoto Yusuke
Saito Kazuhiko
Fujishima Ren
Shiraishi Tomoya
PP. 95 - 104
Child-Rearing Support by the Elderly in Local Governments in Hiroshima Prefecture: Current Status and Expectations
Imakawa Shinji
PP. 105 - 114
広島大学人間生活系コースにおける家庭科教員養成カリキュラムの検討 : 人間発達概論の構想と成果および家庭科内容構成の展望
Examination of the Home Economics Teacher Training Curriculum in the Human Life Sciences Education Faculty at Hiroshima University: Introduction to Human Development and Prospects for Home Economics Content Composition
Murakami Kaori
Suzuki Akiko
Imakawa Shinji
Hirata Michinori
Matubara Kiminori
Tominaga Mihoko
Takata Hiroshi
Kajiyama Yoko
Kanasaki Yu
PP. 115 - 123
広島大学人間生活系コースにおける家庭科教員養成カリキュラムの検討 : 多様な家政学専門家の意見に照らした課題と展望
Suggestions to Improve the Home Economics Teacher Training Curriculum: A Collation of Expert Opinion
Suzuki Akiko
Hirata Michinori
Kudo Yukiko
Oka Yoko
Shouho Masae
Sato Yukari
Murakami Kaori
Matubara Kiminori
Takata Hiroshi
Kajiyama Yoko
Kanasaki Yu
PP. 124 - 133
University “Health Café” for the Community-Dwelling Elderly: Effect of Continuous Health Interventions on Motivation and Consciousness of Life
Tominaga Mihoko
Tobina Takuro
Uemura (Iwami) Momoe
Yuasa Masahiro
Nagayama Chihiro
Tatematsu Maiko
PP. 134 - 142
明治前期における運筆による基礎画力の育成構想 : 幸野楳嶺の教育理念
The Concept of Developing Basic Drawing Skills through Brushwork Practices in the Early Meiji Period: Educational Principles of Kono Bairei
Tatara Takiko
PP. 143 - 151
音楽科教員養成課程における教科専門科目のあり方に関する一考察 : 学生の意識に着目して
A Study of Specialized Subjects in the Music Teaching Training Curriculum: Student Teachers’ Consciousness
Oonouchi Ai
PP. 152 - 158
Teachers’ Attitudes to the End of the Teacher License Renewal System
Yamada Hiroyuki
PP. 159 - 166
総合的な学習 / 探究の時間では何が学ばれているのか : 学生調査にみる指導の課題と可能性
What is ‘Being Learned’ in The Period for Integrated Studies?: Problems and possibilities for teaching derived from a student survey
Ogawa Mitsuhiro
Yamada Hiroyuki
Sasaki Ryuhei
PP. 167 - 174
Characteristics and Challenges of Lesson Study and Lesson Analysis of Learning Group Formation (Gakushu Shudan Zukuri)
Yoshida Nariakira
Matsuda Mitsuru
Miyamoto Yuichi
Ando Kazuhisa
Fujiwara Yuka
Ming Yue
PP. 175 - 184
A Methodological Reflection on Historical Approaches to Didaktik
Miyamoto Yuichi
PP. 185 - 194
新制大学における「厚生補導関係条項」に関する再検討 : 日本私立大学協会の審議過程に着目して
The Incorporation of “Articles Concerning Welfare and Guidance” into the New University System: An Analysis of the Discussion Process of the Association of Private Universities of Japan
Cho Shinichi
PP. 195 - 202
イエナ・プランの学校改革過程に関する一考察 : 1924-1950年のイエナ・プランの展開に焦点をあてて
A Study of the Jena-Plan’s School Reform Process: Focusing on Development of the Jena-Plan in 1924-1950
Ando Kazuhisa
PP. 203 - 211
わが国の戦後教育学におけるワロンの発達論の受容に関する研究 : 堀尾輝久を中心として
A study on the Acceptance of Henri Wallon’s Theory in the Post-War Pedagogy: Focusing on the works of Teruhisa Horio
Imbe Kazuto
Nanakida Atsushi
PP. 212 - 221
中国における地方大学生の大学院進学志向の規定要因 : 社会移動と地域貢献機能のジレンマ
Analysis of the Factors Influencing Undergraduates’ Intentions to Undertake Postgraduate Study in Local Chinese Universities: Social Mobility and Community Contribution Factors
Cheng Qianqian
PP. 222 - 231
「まあ」の意味と機能 : 出現条件から考える
The Meaning and Function of “Ma”: Focusing on its appearance condition
Yanagisawa Hiroya
Hyou Bungen
PP. 232 - 241
聴覚障害のある労働者の職場でのコミュニケーション : 人間関係の視点から
Communication in the Workplace for Workers with Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Focusing on interpersonal relationships
Nakayama Akiko
Maruta Kentaro
Nishina Yoko
PP. 242 - 249
中国語を母語とする上級日本語学習者のリピーティング遂行成績に影響を与える要因 : 作動記憶容量と試行数の観点から
Factors Influencing Repeating Performance for Advanced Chinese Learners of Japanese: Working memory capacity and repetition trials
Li Jiayang
Shao Yuncai
Tang Ran
Ohkuma Moe
Matsumi Norio
PP. 250 - 259
新型コロナウィルスによる緊急事態宣言下における保護者の子どもへの家庭学習支援 : 国際比較調査の結果から
Parental Engagement in Children’s Home-Schooling during COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the Cross-national-research
Taniguchi Kyoko
PP. 260 - 267
東南アジアの教師教育者に求められる条件 : タイ・カンボジア・ベトナムの公募文書の比較研究
Prerequisites for Teacher Educators in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam
Maki Takayoshi
Hirata Yoshitsugu
Okahana Kiichiro
PP. 268 - 276
タイにおけるへき地教員養成の展開 : 「公正な教育のための基金」による事業を中心に
Development of Rural Teacher Education in Thailand: Focusing on the Project run by the Equitable Education Fund
Maki Takayoshi
Shimoda Asami
PP. 277 - 283
A Play-based Curriculum Introduced in Myanmar's Kindergartens: An Analysis of Classroom Practices, Teachers' Understanding, and Challenges
Wai Tin Nu Nu
Miwa Chiaki
PP. 284 - 293
接続助詞「と」の非条件的用法に関する誤用研究 : 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者を対象に
Error Analysis of the Unconditional Usage of the Conjunctive Particle “-to”: Focusing on Native Chinese Learners
Du Hongyang
PP. 294 - 301
探究的な学びを支援する小学校社会科地域学習用デジタルコンテンツの開発と活用(3) : 広域交流型オンライン社会科地域学習の構想
Development and Application of Digital Content for Elementary Social Studies using Inquiry-Based Learning: An Online Learning Plan for Local Study to Encourage Wide Area Communication of Elementary School Students in the Context of Municipal Mergers
Osaka Yu
Kusahara Kazuhiro
Unoki Keita
Oguri Yuki
Tamai Shinya
Moriya Fujihiko
Iwasa Yoshiya
Takushima Hirotaka
Morozumi Ryohei
Aoki Rie
Iwasaki Yasuhiro
Shode Nanase
Seya Atsuyuki
Tatara Yusuke
Momohara Kento
PP. 302 - 310
日本語教科書におけるトコロダ文の扱い : 話し手と主格の関係に着目して
Tokoro-da Sentences in Japanese Textbooks: The Relationship between the Speaker and the Nominative case
Chosa Hideki
Koguchi Yukiko
PP. 311 - 320
「高齢者の生きがい感」の視点から見た「孫育て応援講座」に関する一考察 : H 県 S 町の事例を通して
Evaluation of a “Grandchild Raising Support Course”: Providing Meaning of Life for the Elderly
Yang Dan
PP. 321 - 328
「解離」を踏まえた「ごんぎつね」実践 : 上原輝男の教育思想を援用して
Practice of “Gongitsune” Based on “Dissociation”: Using Teruo Uehara’s educational philosophy as a guide
Kawakami Yuta
PP. 329 - 337
「ことばへの気づき」を促す国語科実践の枠組みの検討 : 教材『ポレポレ』を用いた大学生への実験授業を通して
An Examination of a Framework for Japanese Language Practice to Approach “Awareness of Language”: Through an experimental class for university students using “Pole pole”
Maruta Kentaro
PP. 338 - 345
コミュニケーションに纏わるペシミズムの克服 : 中野重治・渡辺一夫「往復書簡」を手がかりとして
Overcoming the Pessimism Associated with Communication: Using Nakano Shigeharu and Watanabe Kazuo’s “Reciprocal Letter” as a guide
Yamada Miyuki
PP. 346 - 354
理科学習の転移における文脈と気づき : 中学生を対象とした量的評価
Context and Awareness in the Transfer of Science Learning: A Quantitative Assessment of Junior High School Students
Horita Koki
PP. 355 - 364
中学生からみた社会参加と学校カリキュラムの関係性 : 混合研究調査に基づいて
Impacts of the Civic Engagement School Curriculum on Junior High School Students: A Mixed-Method Approach
Oguri Yuki
PP. 365 - 374
持続可能な社会の担い手としての価値観変容をめざす社会科学習 : 素朴概念の転換を取り入れた学習方略
Transforming Naive Thoughts to the Concept of Leadership in a Sustainable Society: A Social Studies Learning Strategy
Kouno Shinya
PP. 375 - 384
地理教育の市民性教育化 : 市民社会の価値追究と評価主体の学習者への移行をとおして
Reconstructing Geography Education for Citizenship Education: The Pursuit of Values in Civil Society and Assessment as Learning
Takushima Hirotaka
PP. 385 - 394
多文化化の進展した社会におけるナショナル・アイデンティティ形成を図る教育 : オーストラリアのシティズンシップ教育教材 “Discovering Democracy Units” を手がかりに
Education for the Formation of National Identity in a Multicultural Society: Through an Analysis of the Australian Citizenship Education Material “Discovering Democracy Units”
Morozumi Ryohei
PP. 395 - 404
命令表現に後接する終助詞とその音調 : 愛媛県松山市方言の青年層の場合
Sentence-Final Particles Suffixed to Imperative Expressions and Their Tones: The case of young people’s Ehime Matsuyama dialect
Kubo Hiromasa
PP. 405 - 414
部落解放運動をめぐる「ニーズ解釈の政治」 : 一九七〇年代を中心に
The Politics of Need Interpreting on the Buraku Liberation Movement: Focusing on the 1970s
Gotoda Izumi
PP. 415 - 424
アニメーション産業における制作体制と作品内容との関係 : 手塚治虫のアニメーション観を中心として
The Relationship between the Production System and the Content of Works in the Animation Industry: A case study of Osamu Tezuka
Ichifuji Hirotaka
PP. 425 - 434
中国人上級日本語学習者の講義聴解に及ぼす聴解前教示の効果 : 内容理解教示と説明産出教示の比較
Effects of Pre-Instruction on the Lecture Listening Comprehension of Chinese Advanced Level Learners of Japanese: Comparison of Instructions for Content Comprehension and Explanation Production
Ito Kayoko
PP. 435 - 444
意見調整の開始部における「よね」の連鎖構築 : 日本語母語話者と中国人上級日本語学習者を対象に
Research on the Sequence-structure of yone in the Opening Section of Opinion Adjustment: A Comparison of Native Speakers and Learners of Japanese
Wang Shining
PP. 445 - 453
同一社会文化を背景とする バイリンガルの説得のストラテジー : キルギス語とロシア語の意見文のトピックに着目して
Persuasion Strategies of Bilinguals from the Same Sociocultural Background: Focusing on the Topic of Opinion Essays in Kyrgyz and Russian
Saijo Yuto
PP. 454 - 463
中国の高等教育機関における非母語話者日本語教師の成長課題 : 省察内容に着目して
Professional Development Challenges to Non-native Japanese Language Teachers in Chinese Higher Education Institutions: Focusing on Teachers’ Reflection Contents
Cheng Lile
PP. 464 - 473
トムヤンティ『メナムの残照』におけるジャポニズム : 「先進国男性 - オリエント女性」の構図をめぐって
Japonism in Thommayanti’s Sunset at Chaophraya: Focusing on the Composition of ‘Man from Developed Country - Woman from the Orient’
Boonserm Sirada
PP. 474 - 483
作動記憶容量が日本語文のリピーティング時における意味処理と音韻保持に及ぼす影響 : 構音抑制課題を用いた実験的検討
Effect of Working Memory Capacity on Semantic Processing and Phonological Retention during Repetition of Japanese Sentences: An Experimental Test Using Articulatory Suppression
Mao Xuanxiu
PP. 484 - 493
中国人上級学習者における日本語文のリピーティング遂行時の意味処理と音韻保持の様相 : 作動記憶容量とリピーティングの開始時点を操作した実験的検討
Aspects of Semantic Processing and Phonological Retention during Repetition of Japanese Sentences in Advanced Chinese Learners: An Experimental Analysis through Working Memory Capacity and the Starting Time of Repetition
Mao Xuanxiu
Matsumi Norio
PP. 494 - 502
中国人上級日本語学習者の文章聴解時における図表情報の処理 : 作動記憶容量と呈示タイミングを操作した実験的検討
Visual Information Processing in L2 Listening Comprehension: An Experimental Study Examining Working Memory Capacity and Timing of Audiovisual Presentations
Lin Yun
Tang Ran
Shao Yuncai
PP. 503 - 511
Study on the Actual Conditions of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Middle School Physical Education Teachers in Anhui Province, China
Zhao Yuehui
PP. 512 - 518
音楽教育におけるケイパビリティ・アプローチの可能性 : 自由の保障と拡張,社会正義の観点から
Possibilities of the Capability Approach in Music Education: Guarantees and Expansion of Freedom, and Social Justice
Ferran Galicia Josep
PP. 519 - 528
広島における平和教育の特徴と課題 : 教職員組合が作成する平和教育教材資料を中心にして
Education for peace in Hiroshima: Particularities and difficulties: an analysis of materials for peace education created by the teachers’ union
Ogawa Hideo
PP. 529 - 538
モンゴル国における教員研修制度の運用実態 : 基本研修を中心に
In-service Teacher Training System in Mongolia: Focus on basic training
Dagiimaa Bat Erdene
PP. 539 - 548
Literature Review of English-Medium Instruction at Higher Education
Horiuchi Kiyomi
PP. 549 - 558
子どもと保育者が「うたう」ようになる過程の構造 : 乳児保育における子どもの他者関係の構築に向けて
An analysis of the Process by which Infants and Caregivers engage in “Singing”: Toward Building Infant’s Relationships with Others in Infant Care
Motooka Mihoko
PP. 559 - 568
中国の地方民営高等教育における応用人材育成の自立発展性 : 人材育成モデルの導入にあたっての改革プロセス
The Self-Sustaining Development of Applied Human Resource Development in China’s Local Private Higher Education Institutions: Reform processes in the introduction of human resource development models
Cao Lei
PP. 569 - 579
イスラエル・パレスチナ共通歴史教材 : 複眼的叙述の分析
Analysis of Multiple Narratives in Israeli-Palestinian Common Historical Material
Hida Mayaka
PP. 580 - 591
Issue 1
( 2020-12-25 )
PP. -
感性教育論の展開(4) : 技能
A Development of the Theory of Aesthetic Education (4): Skill
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 1 - 10
授業の力量形成に関するライフヒストリー研究(その4) : C氏の体育授業を中心に
A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Part 4: Focusing on teaching in physical education of an elementary school teacher C
Kihara Seiichiro
Osedo Kazuki
Nakanishi Hiroshi
PP. 11 - 20
Developing an Intercultural Eye for Art: The University of Chicago’s Laboratory Schools and Hiroshima University’s Affiliated High School 2019 collaborative action research
Nakamura Kazuyo
Inoue Wataru
Alicea Gina
Morinaga Shunroku
PP. 21 - 30
Research Prospects for Controlling the Quiet Standing Posture: Discussion for the Creation of New Research Findings for People with Cerebral Palsy
Funabashi Atsuhiko
PP. 31 - 39
「論争問題学習」はどのように論じられてきたか : 社会科教育学の関連論文の検討を基にして
How Has Japanese Social Studies Perceived about “Learning about Controversial Issues”?: Literature review on the Japanese articles
Kawaguchi Hiromi
Okumura Naoki
Tamai Shinya
PP. 40 - 49
本人訴訟体験からの法律学修(2) : 政府機関サイト公表データの情報公開請求
Legal Learning through the Experience of an Administrative Appeal in Person: The Actual Case Study of the Procedure to Disclose such Data as Having Once Been Announced at the Governmental Site of the Local Agency
Hata Hiroto
PP. 50 - 59
教育学研究者と教育実践者をつなぐ「場」としての学会の役割と意味 : 社会科教育関連の学会に注目して
Academic Society as a ‘place’ to Connect Educational Researchers and Practitioners: In the case of academic society relate to social studies education
Kubo Haruna
Aomoto Kazuki
Shinoda Hirofumi
Kawaguchi Hiromi
PP. 60 - 68
北野経王堂一切経(北野社一切経)の底本(二) : 高麗再雕版・思渓版以外の底本(1)
The Original Text of the Buddhist Canon from Kitanokyōōdō hall (北野経王堂一切経)(2): About the not main original text(1)
Sasaki Isamu
PP. 69 - 77
Some Considerations on the Features of Effective Literature Curriculum for Developing Reading Abilities
Ono Hibiki
Yamamoto Takaharu
PP. 78 - 85
国語科教育における学習評価に関する一考察 : 「指導と評価の一体化」を中心に
A Few Comments on Assessment in Japanese Language Education: Focus on the “integration of teaching and evaluation”
Kimura Honoka
Yamamoto Takaharu
PP. 86 - 94
高等学校国語科における評論文読解の難しさに関する研究 : 読解に関する調査結果をとおして
Difficulties in Reading Critical Essays in Japanese Language High School Classes
Tojo Chika
Mase Shigeo
PP. 95 - 104
School-Based Lesson Studies Inspired by “Tojisha-kenkyu”
Kashiba Mitsuko
Yanase Yosuke
PP. 105 - 114
中国における大規模スポーツ施設の経営現状に関する研究 : 経営管理モデルのあり方に着目して
A Research on the Operation Situation of China’s Large-Sized Stadiums: Focusing on the operation and management model
Wang Yuanzhen
Okihara Ken
Ma Da
Wang Jiwen
PP. 115 - 121
近現代における中国の健康文化の変遷 : 健康文化の継承と発展を考える
Transition of Chinese Health Culture in Modern Times: Consider succession and development of health culture
Ma Da
Okihara Ken
Wang Yuanzhen
PP. 122 - 127
中学校体育における「駆け引き型長距離走」が生徒の態度に及ぼす効果の検討 : 長距離走を苦手とする生徒に着目して
The Effect of “Tactics-type Long-distance Races” on Students’ Attitudes toward Long-distance Races in Junior High School Physical Education Classes: Focusing on the Students Who Are Not Good at Long-Distance Races
Matsumoto Yusuke
Saito Kazuhiko
Shiraishi Tomoya
PP. 128 - 135
広島大学人間生活系コースにおける家庭科教員養成カリキュラムの検討 : 衣・食・住生活概論の構想と成果
Examination of Home Economics Teacher Training Curriculum in Human Life Sciences Education of Hiroshima University: Concepts and results of introduction to clothing, dietary, and living life
Suzuki Akiko
Kanasaki Yu
Murakami Kaori
Tominaga Mihoko
Matsubara Kiminori
Takata Hiroshi
Imakawa Shinji
Kajiyama Yoko
Hirata Michinori
PP. 136 - 145
小学校音楽科における「音楽的な見方・考え方」育成に向けて : イタリアの小学校音楽科教科書Musical-mente を参考に
Development and Nurturing of Musical Perspectives and Ways of Thinking: Based on Musical-mente, the Music Textbook Used in Elementary Schools in Italy
Oonouchi Ai
PP. 146 - 155
Categorizing Qualitative Insights from an Itemized Inventory of Interest in Study Abroad
Walter Brett R.
Kabir Russell S.
PP. 156 - 163
Development of Quality Education in Chinese Senior High Schools
Ogawa Yoshikazu
Onodera Kaori
Ishii Kanako
PP. 164 - 173
Resident Autonomy and Social Education in Apartment Buildings Areas in the High-Growth Period
Hisai Eisuke
PP. 174 - 183
Wie Soll die Eigentümlichkeit der “Study of Educational Methods” Gelehrt Werden?
Yoshida Nariakira
PP. 184 - 193
ドイツにおける教授学研究の展開 : 規範的モデルから実証的アプローチ
Zur Entwicklung und Aktuellen Situation der Allgemeinen Didaktik in Deutschland : Didaktische Modelle und Empirische Ansätze
Matsuda Mitsuru
PP. 194 - 203
The Position and Role of Group Work in Jena-Plan
Ando Kazuhisa
PP. 204 - 212
The Possibilities and Challenges of Multi-vocal Visual Ethnography as a Research Methodology
Omichi Kaori
Kato Nozomi
Quan Hehong
Nakatsubo Fuminori
PP. 213 - 220
中国人上級日本語学習者の文章読解における質問作成の効果 : 自己質問作成と他者質問作成の比較による実験的検討
The Effect of Making Questions Reading Comprehension on Chinese Advanced Learners of Japanese Language: An experimental study comparing self-questioning and questioning for others
Ohkuma Moe
Matsumi Norio
PP. 221 - 229
説明予期が中国人上級日本語学習者の文章の理解と記憶に及ぼす影響 : 文章の難易度を操作した実験的検討
Effect of Teaching Expectancy on Essay Comprehension and Memorizing of an Advanced Class of Chinese Students Learning Japanese: An experimental test manipulating difficulty
Zhang Hefeng
Matsumi Norio
PP. 230 - 236
Long-Term Effects of Preprimary Education on Cognitive Development: Evidence from PISA-D Participating Countries
Taniguchi Kyoko
PP. 237 - 245
タイにおける「研究に基礎を置く」教員養成の制度的基盤 : 実践研究を中心に
Institutional Foundation of Research-based Teacher Education in Thailand: Focusing on practitioner research
Maki Takayoshi
PP. 246 - 255
タイにおける「公正な教育のための基金」による格差是正措置に関する予備的検討 : 福祉としての教育の観点から
Equitable Education Fund for Resolving Education Disparities in Thailand: Preliminary examination from education as welfare perspective
Maki Takayoshi
Omori Mariko
PP. 256 - 265
COVID-19感染拡大に伴い帰国した青年海外協力隊員の実情 : 体育科教育の普及に携わる隊員に対するインタビュー調査より
Exploratory Study on the Conditions of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Returning to Japan Following the Spread of COVID-19: Through Interviews for Volunteers in the Field of Physical Education
Shiraishi Tomoya
Saito Kazuhiko
Yamahira Yoshimi
Shimomiya Shuto
PP. 266 - 274
多様な価値を包摂するA/r/tographyの試み : Narrative by three pictures project in Hiroshimaを通して
A/r/tography Attempted to Include Diverse Values: Through “Narrative by three pictures project in Hiroshima”
Ikeda Satoshi
Morimoto Ken
Mosavarzadeh Marzieh
Arai Kaori
Aida Domu
Namai Ryoji
PP. 275 - 284
北海道の公立小学校におけるアイヌに関する学習の現状と課題 : 「他者性」の観点からの社会科副読本分析
Current Situation and Perspective of Ainu Studies at the Public Elementary Schools in Hokkaido: Analysis of social studies supplementary readers from the point of view of otherness
Shimazu Reiko
Maruyama Yasushi
PP. 285 - 294
英米圏カリキュラム研究におけるBildungの位置と変容 : カリキュラム研究に対するドイツ教授学の発信の中で
Disposition and Rhetorical Change of Bildung in the Internationalizing Curriculum Studies: Revision of Bildung as a pedagogical concept that overcomes the moribund state of curriculum studies
Miyamoto Yuichi
PP. 295 - 304
子どもの発達と学びの連続性を共通理解するために : 保幼小合同研修プログラムについての一考察
Understanding the Continuity of Children’s Development and Learning: A consideration of the joint training program for early childhood and elementary educators
Komatsu Waka
PP. 305 - 313
社会的構成主義としてのデューイ学習論の再検討 : 言語の観点から
A Reconsideration of Dewey’s Learning Theory as Social Constructivism: From the Viewpoint of Language
Sutani Yayoi
PP. 314 - 323
協同学習における学習者間の共同注意に関する実践的研究 : 追跡的共同注意行動と調節的発話の生起に着目して
A Practical Study on Joint Attention among Learners in Cooperative Learning: Focusing on the occurrence of follow-up joint attention behavior and adjusted utterances
Sumida Hiroko
PP. 324 - 332
大学受験のとらえ方のタイプによるキャリア選択自己効力感の差異 : 教員養成系大学と非教員養成系大学に所属する大学生を対象として
Differences in Career Decision Self-Efficacy by the Type of Personal Perceptions of University Entrance Examinations: Students in a teacher versus non-teacher education university
Horii Junpei
PP. 333 - 342
Longitudinal Study of Post-war Omura Hama Composition Education
Kataoka Minoru
PP. 343 - 352
文学の授業における「文学体験」の成立過程 : 「白いぼうし」の3こままんがをかかせる実践の分析を通して
The Process of Establishing a “Literary Experience” in a Literature Class: Through an analysis of the practice of writing a three-frame manga of “White hat”
Takahashi Mayu
PP. 353 - 362
小学校体育科の器械運動領域の内容編成に関する一考察 : 翻転技群の運動に着目して
Study on the Scope and Sequence of Activities of Apparatus Gymnastics in Elementary School Physical Education: Focusing on the movements of the tumble technique group
Nakanishi Hiroshi
PP. 363 - 372
我が国における盲ろう者の就労に関する現状と展望 : 国内外における就労事例からの検討
Present Situation and Perspectives Regarding Employment of People with Deafblindness in Japan: From working cases in Japan and overseas
Kawahara Asako
Hayashida Masashi
PP. 373 - 380
Issues and Practices of Career Guidance for Students Who Have Developmental Disorders at Special Schools
Kawamura Sawako
Funabashi Atsuhiko
Hayashida Masashi
PP. 381 - 390
ESDの視点を入れた社会科の授業開発に関する研究 : 「社会的な見方・考え方」の考察を通して
A Study of Developing a Social Studies Lesson from a Perspective of Education for Sustainable Development: Considering Views and Approaches Based on Social Studies
Ikeshita Makoto
PP. 391 - 400
「歴史的意義」の再構築を促す中学校歴史単元の開発・実践 : 単元「教科書の太字をどのような規準で決めるべきか」の場合
Development and Practice of a Junior High School History Unit to Promote the Reconstruction of “Historical Significance”: The case of the unit “What criteria should be used to decide the boldface in textbooks?”
Oguri Yuki
Tamai Shinya
Takamatsu Shohei
Kusahara Kazuhiro
PP. 401 - 410
市民性教育としての社会科学習評価論の動向と課題 : 地理学習を何のためにどのように評価するのか
Trends and Issues in Social Studies Assessment Theory as Citizenship Education: How to Assess Geography Education and for What Purpose?
Takushima Hirotaka
PP. 411 - 419
歴史的意義の判断は環境による影響をどの程度受けるのか : 日本人学校を対象とした事例研究
To What Extent are Judgments of Historical Significance Affected by the Environment?: A Case Study of an Overseas Japanese School
Tatara Yusuke
PP. 420 - 429
社会科カリキュラム・教科書開発のための国際教育協力研修 : カンボジアにおける研修参加者の自己決定学習に着目して
International Educational Cooperation for Social Studies Curriculum and Textbook Developers: Focusing on Self-Directed Learning of Trainees in Cambodia
Moriya Fujihiko
PP. 430 - 439
中学校歴史教科書に内在する「貢献する外国人」像の可視化 : 批判的談話分析を通して
Visualizing the Images of "Foreigners-as-Contributors" in Japanese Junior High School History Textbooks: A critical discourse analysis
Morozumi Ryohei
Masaki Shoya
Sun Yuke
PP. 440 - 449
話し合いにおける児童の意見受容の実態 : 小学校2年生の絵本を用いた話し合いを手がかりに
Actual Status of Students' Opinion Acceptance in Discussion: Based on a discussion developed by second graders of elementary school using a picture book
Akeo Kasumi
PP. 450 - 459
戦後初期の大村はま話しことば学習指導に関する一考察 : 教育図書発行『國語中学校』の無署名教材を中心に
A Consideration of Hama Omura’s Listening and Speaking Learning Instructions in Early Post-war: Focusing on the unsigned teaching materials of educational book published “Japanese Language Junior High School”
Igi Hiroshi
PP. 460 - 469
識字運動と『部落解放文学賞』 : 部落解放文学賞入選作の分析を中心に
Literacy Movement and Buraku Liberation Literary Award: Focusing on the analysis of selected works for the Buraku Liberation Literature Award
Gotoda Izumi
PP. 470 - 479
詩を教材とした日本語教育 : インドネシア,ダルマ・プルサダ大学での実践を例にして
Utilizing Poetry for Japanese Language Education: Reviewing my teaching practice at Darma Persada University in Indonesia
Tai Naoaki
PP. 480 - 487
Functions of Moves/Steps and Patterns Containing the First Keyword in the Introduction Sections: A corpus study of experimental medical research articles based on move analysis
Ishii Tatsuya
PP. 488 - 496
Ontology Development of Emails Containing Speech Act of Request
Umeki Riko
PP. 497 - 504
中国人日本語学習者における中日逐次通訳の記憶メカニズム : 構音抑制課題を用いた実験的検討
Memory Mechanism of Chinese-to-Japanese Consecutive Interpretation in Chinese Learners of Japanese: An Experimental Test Using Articulatory Suppression
Wang Jinzhi
PP. 505 - 513
Spacing Effect in Free Recall and Oral Production of Japanese Conversational Sentences by Chinese Learners of Japanese
Chang Xiao
PP. 514 - 522
Verification of Relative Superiority of Phonological and Semantic Information When Advanced Japanese Learners Repeat Japanese Sentences
Mao Xuanxiu
Zhang Hefeng
Li Jingyi
Saito Akira
PP. 523 - 530
日本語学習における動機づけ尺度の開発 : インドネシア人大学生を対象に
Development of Motivational Scale in Japanese Language Learning: Focusing on Indonesian University Students
Yamashita Junko
PP. 531 - 539
日本語学習者の聴解におけるチャンキングに及ぼす発話速度の影響 : クリック音検出課題と意味一致性判断課題を用いた実験的検討
Effects of Speech Rate on Chunking in Japanese Learners’ Listening Comprehension: An Experimental Approach Using Click Sound Detection and Semantic Coincidence Judgement Tasks
Li Jingyi
PP. 540 - 548
第二言語としての日本語の文章聴解における視空間作動記憶の働き : 空間的タッピング課題を用いた実験的検討
Visuo-spatial Working Memory and Processing of Auditorily Presented Articles by Chinese Learners of Japanese Language: An Experimental Analysis Using Spatial Tapping Task
Lin Yun
PP. 549 - 557
リズム系ダンス指導の研修内容に関する事例的検討 : ダンス未経験の教員の悩み事を手がかりに
A Case Study of In-Service Training Content of Rhythmic Dance Instruction: Focusing on teaching anxiety and concern of a teacher with no experience in dance
Iseki Ayaka
PP. 558 - 567
高等専門学校における創造性を育成する体育授業の実践研究 : 教科の特色を生かして
Empirical Research of Physical Education Lesson to Foster Creativity in Technical Colleges: Taking advantage of the characteristics of the subject
Shibayama Kei
PP. 568 - 577
カンボジアにおける初等教員養成校の学生を対象とした体育授業観の形成過程に関する事例研究 : 被教育体験期と初等教員養成カリキュラムに着目して
A Case Study of the Formation Process of Views of Teaching in Physical Education among Students at a Teacher Training College in Cambodia: Focus on educational experiences and curriculum for provincial teacher training college
Yamahira Yoshimi
PP. 578 - 587
地域から支える家庭と子どもの生活技能教育プログラムの構想 : 親と子の「背守り」刺繍体験講座の実践から
Conception of Life Skills Education Program for Children and Family Life Supported by Community: Through the practice of "SEMORI" embroidery experience course for parents and children
Kajiyama Yoko
Nakamura Takako
Wei Xiaomin
Takeyoshi Akihito
Shoho Masae
Murakami Kaori
Suzuki Akiko
PP. 588 - 597
日中の小学校教師による授業の相互評価の分析 : 「ボタン付け」の授業事例をもとに
Mutual Evaluation of Lessons by Japanese and Chinese Elementary School Teachers: Based on the “Sewing on a Button” class
Wei Xiaomin
PP. 598 - 606
中国ピアノ作品を用いたピアノ教育による中国伝統音楽の伝承 : ピアノ指導者に対するインタビュー調査から
Transmission of Traditional Chinese Music through Piano Education Using Chinese Piano Works: From an interview with a piano instructor
Wang Sheng
PP. 607 - 616
ソルフェージュ教育において<複合的>な音楽構造を捉えることの意義 : Jeanne Bambergerの認知の理論に基づいて
The Significance of Compound Musical Structures in Solfège Education: Based on Jeanne Bamberger's Cognitive Theory
Okada Yoko
PP. 617 - 626
Non-Formal Adult Education for Sustainability: A Preliminary Survey of the Research Literature
Abdellatif Khalaf Mohamed
PP. 627 - 636
進路分化からみる中国の「三本大学生」の意識 : 遼寧省を事例として
Students’ Career Differentiation in ‘San-Ben University’ of China: A case study in Liaoning province
Wu Tong
PP. 637 - 646
How Do Japanese Teachers Evaluate Teacher License Renewal System
Zhou Zheng
PP. 647 - 655
Widespread of Lesson Study in Rural China
Chen Yu
PP. 656 - 665
Female Teachers’ Awareness of Education and Research Activities in Chinese Non-Research University
付 宇倩
PP. 666 - 674
Relation Between Self-reported Reality-monitoring Error Experience and Temporal Fluctuation of Resting-state EEG
Kashihara Shiho
PP. 675 - 683
Training Effect on Attentional Blink in the Simultaneous Presentation of Two RSVP Streams in Left and Right Visual Fields
Kobayashi Takamasa
PP. 684 - 690
認知療法における認知変容に伴うクライエントの反応観察チェックリストの作成 : 「腑に落ちる理解」に着目して
Development of the Checklist for Observing Client Responses to Cognitive Change in Cognitive Therap: Focusing on “sense making”
Shigematsu Jun
PP. 691 - 698
The Three-way Correlation of Test Anxiety, Tendency to Disclose Difficult Experiences and Emotional Regulation Strategies
Noritake Yoshihide
PP. 699 - 705
ネガティブ気分が無意図的想起の感情価に与える影響 : 想起数と気分改善効果に着目して
Influence of Negative Mood on Emotional Valence of Involuntary Memory: The Number of Involuntary Memories and Mood Repair Effect
Hashimoto Junya
PP. 706 - 712
中学生は地理教材の文章と地図をどのように見ているのか : 眼球運動測定による検討
How Junior High School Students Look at the Texts and Maps in Geography Textbooks: An eye tracking study
Fukuya Izumi
PP. 713 - 720
Literature Review and Issues Concerning Integration of International Faculty at Japanese Universities
Chen Lilan
PP. 721 - 730
私立大学の環境適応に関する実証的研究 : 規模の経済性と取引費用の関係に着目して
Empirical Research on Environmental Adaptations of Japanese Private Universities: Focusing on the Relationship between Economies of Scale and Transaction Costs
Maeda Kazuyuki
PP. 731 - 740
キャリア教育の効果に関する実証的分析 : 傾向スコア分析を用いて
Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Career Education: Adapting the Propensity Score Analysis
Miyata Hirokazu
PP. 741 - 749