広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 4 号
2023-12-22 発行

海外日本語教育における授業文化に関する研究の動向と展望 : 学習観,教師観,授業観の観点から

Review of Research on Classroom Culture and Values in Japanese Language Teaching Abroad: Focus on the beliefs about learning, teachers, and classes
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This study reviews research on classroom culture and values in Japanese language teaching abroad, with a focus on beliefs about learning, teachers, and classes, and examines future challenges based on these results. Research on classroom culture and values in Japanese language teaching has been conducted from various perspectives. The study first summarizes research on classroom culture based on learners’ and teachers’ conscious and unconscious beliefs and convictions regarding Japanese language learning methods and effects from the perspectives of learners and teachers (beliefs about learning). The study then discusses research that has analyzed the characteristics of ideal Japanese language teachers and their behavioral aspects from the viewpoints of learners and teachers (beliefs about teachers). Finally, the study presents an overview of findings on conceptions of ideal Japanese classes from the viewpoints of learners and teachers (beliefs about classes). This review of literature in the area provides avenues for future research on Japanese language teaching and indicates the challenges that remain.
classroom culture
study beliefs
behaviors of Japanese language teachers
good lesson
Copyright © 2023 人間社会科学研究科
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