広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究
2 号
2021-12-23 発行
ISSN : 2436-0333
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
PP. -
Hikikomori Traits and Career Choices Among Youth Engaging in a Job Search: Implications for student counseling and career guidance
PP. 1 - 8
The Role of Career Resilience in the Process of Teachers’ Vocational Identity Formation: When Facing Stressors
PP. 9 - 18
The Ritual Chant Chokugo-hōtō in Music Education in Japan from Mid-Meiji to World War Ⅱ: Evidence from Magazine Articles
権藤 敦子 嶋田 由美 有本 真紀
PP. 19 - 28
Support for the Problems of Siblings of People with Disabilities based on Their Developmental Characteristics
村上 理絵 栂 遙香
PP. 29 - 35
Development of Teaching Material on Taxonomy and Phylogeny Using Cupressaceae Conifers
PP. 36 - 42
A Study on the Changes in the Learning Contents of High School Information Studies
谷田 親彦 向田 識弘
PP. 43 - 50
How Has “History Education in the United Kingdom” Been Discussed in Japan?: Conclusions from Japanese history education research
玉井 慎也
PP. 51 - 60
The Original Text of the Buddhist Canon from Kitanokyōōdō hall (北野経王堂一切経) (3): About the Not Main Original Text (2)
PP. 61 - 70
A Basic Study on “Reading Comprehension” of Literary Works: Concerning the aims and tasks of learning assessment
木村 穂乃香 山元 隆春
PP. 71 - 77
Study of “Standard Teaching Materials” by Minoru Koshimizu: Focusing on the relationship with value goals
皆尾 賛 山元 隆春
PP. 78 - 86
Ways of Dealing with Stories in an EFL Classroom: According to the new Course of Study for junior high schools
PP. 87 - 94
A Case Study on the Effect of Videos of Para-Athletes Shown during a Physical Education Class on High School Students’ Perception of People with Physical Disabilities
松本 佑介 齊藤 一彦 藤島 廉 白石 智也
PP. 95 - 104
Child-Rearing Support by the Elderly in Local Governments in Hiroshima Prefecture: Current Status and Expectations
PP. 105 - 114
Examination of the Home Economics Teacher Training Curriculum in the Human Life Sciences Education Faculty at Hiroshima University: Introduction to Human Development and Prospects for Home Economics Content Composition
PP. 115 - 123
Suggestions to Improve the Home Economics Teacher Training Curriculum: A Collation of Expert Opinion
鈴木 明子 平田 道憲 工藤 由貴子 岡 陽子 正保 正惠 佐藤 ゆかり 村上 かおり 松原 主典 髙田 宏 梶山 曜子 金崎 悠
PP. 124 - 133
University “Health Café” for the Community-Dwelling Elderly: Effect of Continuous Health Interventions on Motivation and Consciousness of Life
冨永 美穂子 飛奈 卓郎 植村 (石見) 百江 湯浅 正洋 永山 千尋 立松 麻衣子
PP. 134 - 142
The Concept of Developing Basic Drawing Skills through Brushwork Practices in the Early Meiji Period: Educational Principles of Kono Bairei
PP. 143 - 151
A Study of Specialized Subjects in the Music Teaching Training Curriculum: Student Teachers’ Consciousness
PP. 152 - 158
Teachers’ Attitudes to the End of the Teacher License Renewal System
PP. 159 - 166
What is ‘Being Learned’  in The Period for Integrated Studies?: Problems and possibilities for teaching derived from a student survey
尾川 満宏 山田 浩之 佐々木 龍平
PP. 167 - 174
A Methodological Reflection on Historical Approaches to Didaktik
PP. 185 - 194
The Incorporation of “Articles Concerning Welfare and Guidance” into the New University System: An Analysis of the Discussion Process of the Association of Private Universities of Japan
PP. 195 - 202
A Study of the Jena-Plan’s School Reform Process: Focusing on Development of the Jena-Plan in 1924-1950
安藤 和久
PP. 203 - 211
A study on the Acceptance of Henri Wallon’s Theory in the Post-War Pedagogy: Focusing on the works of Teruhisa Horio 
井辺 和杜 七木田 敦
PP. 212 - 221
Analysis of the Factors Influencing Undergraduates’ Intentions to Undertake Postgraduate Study in Local Chinese Universities: Social Mobility and Community Contribution Factors
成 倩倩
PP. 222 - 231
The Meaning and Function of “Ma”: Focusing on its appearance condition
柳澤 浩哉 馮 文彦
PP. 232 - 241
Communication in the Workplace for Workers with Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Focusing on interpersonal relationships
PP. 242 - 249
Factors Influencing Repeating Performance for Advanced Chinese Learners of Japanese: Working memory capacity and repetition trials
李 佳洋 邵 雲彩 唐 然 大隈 萌恵 松見 法男
PP. 250 - 259
Parental Engagement in Children’s Home-Schooling during COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the Cross-national-research
PP. 260 - 267
Prerequisites for Teacher Educators in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam
牧 貴愛 平田 仁胤 岡花 祈一郎
PP. 268 - 276
Development of Rural Teacher Education in Thailand: Focusing on the Project run by the Equitable Education Fund
牧 貴愛 下田 旭美
PP. 277 - 283
Error Analysis of the Unconditional Usage of the Conjunctive Particle “-to”: Focusing on Native Chinese Learners
杜 紅陽
PP. 294 - 301
Development and Application of Digital Content for Elementary Social Studies using Inquiry-Based Learning: An Online Learning Plan for Local Study to Encourage Wide Area Communication of Elementary School Students in the Context of Municipal Mergers
大坂 遊 草原 和博 宇ノ木 啓太 小栗 優貴 玉井 慎也 守谷 富士彦 岩佐 佳哉 宅島 大尭 両角 遼平 靑木 理恵 岩﨑 泰博 正出 七瀬 瀬谷 敦之 鈩 悠介 桃原 研斗
PP. 302 - 310
Tokoro-da Sentences in Japanese Textbooks: The Relationship between the Speaker and the Nominative case
帖佐 幸樹 小口 悠紀子
PP. 311 - 320
Evaluation of a “Grandchild Raising Support Course”: Providing Meaning of Life for the Elderly
楊 丹
PP. 321 - 328
Practice of “Gongitsune” Based on “Dissociation”: Using Teruo Uehara’s educational philosophy as a guide
河上 裕太
PP. 329 - 337
An Examination of a Framework for Japanese Language Practice to Approach “Awareness of Language”: Through an experimental class for university students using “Pole pole”
丸田 健太郎
PP. 338 - 345
Overcoming the Pessimism Associated with Communication: Using Nakano Shigeharu and Watanabe Kazuo’s “Reciprocal Letter” as a guide
山田 深雪
PP. 346 - 354
Context and Awareness in the Transfer of Science Learning: A Quantitative Assessment of Junior High School Students
堀田 晃毅
PP. 355 - 364
Impacts of the Civic Engagement School Curriculum on Junior High School Students: A Mixed-Method Approach
小栗 優貴
PP. 365 - 374
Transforming Naive Thoughts to the Concept of Leadership in a Sustainable Society: A Social Studies Learning Strategy
河野 晋也
PP. 375 - 384
Reconstructing Geography Education for Citizenship Education: The Pursuit of Values in Civil Society and Assessment as Learning
宅島 大尭
PP. 385 - 394
Education for the Formation of National Identity in a Multicultural Society: Through an Analysis of the Australian Citizenship Education Material “Discovering Democracy Units”
両角 遼平
PP. 395 - 404
Sentence-Final Particles Suffixed to Imperative Expressions and Their Tones: The case of young people’s Ehime Matsuyama dialect
久保 博雅
PP. 405 - 414
The Politics of Need Interpreting on the Buraku Liberation Movement: Focusing on the 1970s
後藤田 和
PP. 415 - 424
The Relationship between the Production System and the Content of Works in the Animation Industry: A case study of Osamu Tezuka
一藤 浩隆
PP. 425 - 434
Effects of Pre-Instruction on the Lecture Listening Comprehension of Chinese Advanced Level Learners of Japanese: Comparison of Instructions for Content Comprehension and Explanation Production
伊藤 賀与子
PP. 435 - 444
Research on the Sequence-structure of yone in the Opening Section of Opinion Adjustment: A Comparison of Native Speakers and Learners of Japanese
王 詩凝
PP. 445 - 453
Persuasion Strategies of Bilinguals from the Same Sociocultural Background: Focusing on the Topic of Opinion Essays in Kyrgyz and Russian
西條 結人
PP. 454 - 463
Professional Development Challenges to Non-native Japanese Language Teachers in Chinese Higher Education Institutions: Focusing on Teachers’ Reflection Contents
成 利楽
PP. 464 - 473
Japonism in Thommayanti’s Sunset at Chaophraya: Focusing on the Composition of ‘Man from Developed Country - Woman from the Orient’
ブンサーム スィラダー
PP. 474 - 483
Effect of Working Memory Capacity on Semantic Processing and Phonological Retention during Repetition of Japanese Sentences: An Experimental Test Using Articulatory Suppression
毛 炫琇
PP. 484 - 493
Aspects of Semantic Processing and Phonological Retention during Repetition of Japanese Sentences in Advanced Chinese Learners: An Experimental Analysis through Working Memory Capacity and the Starting Time of Repetition
毛 炫琇 松見 法男
PP. 494 - 502
Visual Information Processing in L2 Listening Comprehension: An Experimental Study Examining Working Memory Capacity and Timing of Audiovisual Presentations
林 韻 唐 然 邵 雲彩
PP. 503 - 511
Study on the Actual Conditions of Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Middle School Physical Education Teachers in Anhui Province, China
趙 月輝
PP. 512 - 518
Possibilities of the Capability Approach in Music Education: Guarantees and Expansion of Freedom, and Social Justice
フェラン・ガリシア ジュゼプ
PP. 519 - 528
Education for peace in Hiroshima: Particularities and difficulties: an analysis of materials for peace education created by the teachers’ union
小川 英夫
PP. 529 - 538
In-service Teacher Training System in Mongolia: Focus on basic training
ダギーマー バトエルデネ
PP. 539 - 548
Literature Review of English-Medium Instruction at Higher Education
堀内 喜代美
PP. 549 - 558
An analysis of the Process by which Infants and Caregivers engage in “Singing”: Toward Building Infant’s Relationships with Others in Infant Care
本岡 美保子
PP. 559 - 568
The Self-Sustaining Development of Applied Human Resource Development in China’s Local Private Higher Education Institutions: Reform processes in the introduction of human resource development models
曹 蕾
PP. 569 - 579
Analysis of Multiple Narratives in Israeli-Palestinian Common Historical Material
飛田 麻也香
PP. 580 - 591