“Ma” is a word that often appears in Japanese conversation, but it is difficult to clarify its meaning and function. We have collected 259 “ma” examples from natural Japanese conversation, but the meaning or function of most of them cannot be described. Therefore, we thought that it was impossible to directly grasp the meaning and function of “ma”, that the only way to understand “ma” is to clarify the conditions that can exist in a conversation. And we expected the condition as follows: “ma” can appear when a speaker feels superiority. We verified the effectiveness of this hypothesis on the condition from two directions. One direction is effectiveness for usage, we showed that the hypothesis can explain the various usage of “ma”. The other is quantitative verification using examples of natural conversation. Based on these considerations, this paper draws the following conclusion. (A) “Ma” is the word that has no meaning and only the appearance condition. (B) Feeling superiority is the condition for the appearance of “ma”.