広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究
1 号
2020-12-25 発行
ISSN : 2436-0333
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
PP. -
A Development of the Theory of Aesthetic Education (4): Skill
PP. 1 - 10
A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Part 4: Focusing on teaching in physical education of an elementary school teacher C
PP. 11 - 20
How Has Japanese Social Studies Perceived about “Learning about Controversial Issues”?: Literature review on the Japanese articles
川口 広美 奥村 尚 玉井 慎也
PP. 40 - 49
Legal Learning through the Experience of an Administrative Appeal in Person: The Actual Case Study of the Procedure to Disclose such Data as Having Once Been Announced at the Governmental Site of the Local Agency
PP. 50 - 59
Academic Society as a ‘place’ to Connect Educational Researchers and Practitioners: In the case of academic society relate to social studies education
久保 美奈 青本 和樹 篠田 裕文 川口 広美
PP. 60 - 68
The Original Text of the Buddhist Canon from Kitanokyōōdō hall (北野経王堂一切経)(2): About the not main original text(1)
PP. 69 - 77
Some Considerations on the Features of Effective Literature Curriculum for Developing Reading Abilities
大野 響 山元 隆春
PP. 78 - 85
A Few Comments on Assessment in Japanese Language Education: Focus on the “integration of teaching and evaluation”
木村 穂乃香 山元 隆春
PP. 86 - 94
Difficulties in Reading Critical Essays in Japanese Language High School Classes
登城 千加 間瀬 茂夫
PP. 95 - 104
School-Based Lesson Studies Inspired by “Tojisha-kenkyu”
PP. 105 - 114
A Research on the Operation Situation of China’s Large-Sized Stadiums: Focusing on the operation and management model
王 元貞 沖原 謙 馬 達 王 紀文
PP. 115 - 121
Transition of Chinese Health Culture in Modern Times: Consider succession and development of health culture
馬 達 沖原 謙 王 元貞
PP. 122 - 127
The Effect of “Tactics-type Long-distance Races” on Students’ Attitudes toward Long-distance Races in Junior High School Physical Education Classes: Focusing on the Students Who Are Not Good at Long-Distance Races
松本 佑介 齊藤 一彦 白石 智也
PP. 128 - 135
Examination of Home Economics Teacher Training Curriculum in Human Life Sciences Education of Hiroshima University: Concepts and results of introduction to clothing, dietary, and living life
PP. 136 - 145
Development and Nurturing of Musical Perspectives and Ways of Thinking: Based on Musical-mente, the Music Textbook Used in Elementary Schools in Italy
PP. 146 - 155
Development of Quality Education in Chinese Senior High Schools
小川 佳万 小野寺 香 石井 佳奈子
PP. 164 - 173
Resident Autonomy and Social Education in Apartment Buildings Areas in the High-Growth Period
PP. 174 - 183
Wie Soll die Eigentümlichkeit der “Study of Educational Methods” Gelehrt Werden?
PP. 184 - 193
Zur Entwicklung und Aktuellen Situation der Allgemeinen Didaktik in Deutschland : Didaktische Modelle und Empirische Ansätze
PP. 194 - 203
The Position and Role of Group Work in Jena-Plan
安藤 和久
PP. 204 - 212
The Possibilities and Challenges of Multi-vocal Visual Ethnography as a Research Methodology
大道 香織 加藤 望 権 赫虹 中坪 史典
PP. 213 - 220
The Effect of Making Questions Reading Comprehension on Chinese Advanced Learners of Japanese Language: An experimental study comparing self-questioning and questioning for others
大隈 萌恵 松見 法男
PP. 221 - 229
Effect of Teaching Expectancy on Essay Comprehension and Memorizing of an Advanced Class of Chinese Students Learning Japanese: An experimental test manipulating difficulty
張 鶴鳳 松見 法男
PP. 230 - 236
Institutional Foundation of Research-based Teacher Education in Thailand: Focusing on practitioner research
PP. 246 - 255
Equitable Education Fund for Resolving Education Disparities in Thailand: Preliminary examination from education as welfare perspective
PP. 256 - 265
Exploratory Study on the Conditions of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Returning to Japan Following the Spread of COVID-19: Through Interviews for Volunteers in the Field of Physical Education
白石 智也 齊藤 一彦 山平 芳美 下宮 秀斗
PP. 266 - 274
A/r/tography Attempted to Include Diverse Values: Through “Narrative by three pictures project in Hiroshima”
池田 吏志 森本 謙 モサバルザデ マルジエ 新井 馨 会田 憧夢 生井 亮司
PP. 275 - 284
Current Situation and Perspective of Ainu Studies at the Public Elementary Schools in Hokkaido: Analysis of social studies supplementary readers from the point of view of otherness
PP. 285 - 294
Disposition and Rhetorical Change of Bildung in the Internationalizing Curriculum Studies: Revision of Bildung as a pedagogical concept that overcomes the moribund state of curriculum studies
宮本 勇一
PP. 295 - 304
Understanding the Continuity of Children’s Development and Learning: A consideration of the joint training program for early childhood and elementary educators
小松 和佳
PP. 305 - 313
A Reconsideration of Dewey’s Learning Theory as Social Constructivism: From the Viewpoint of Language
須谷 弥生
PP. 314 - 323
A Practical Study on Joint Attention among Learners in Cooperative Learning: Focusing on the occurrence of follow-up joint attention behavior and adjusted utterances
住田 裕子
PP. 324 - 332
Differences in Career Decision Self-Efficacy by the Type of Personal Perceptions of University Entrance Examinations: Students in a teacher versus non-teacher education university
堀井 順平
PP. 333 - 342
Longitudinal Study of Post-war Omura Hama Composition Education
片岡 実
PP. 343 - 352
The Process of Establishing a “Literary Experience” in a Literature Class: Through an analysis of the practice of writing a three-frame manga of “White hat”
髙橋 茉由
PP. 353 - 362
Study on the Scope and Sequence of Activities of Apparatus Gymnastics in Elementary School Physical Education: Focusing on the movements of the tumble technique group
PP. 363 - 372
Present Situation and Perspectives Regarding Employment of People with Deafblindness in Japan: From working cases in Japan and overseas
河原 麻子 林田 真志
PP. 373 - 380
Issues and Practices of Career Guidance for Students Who Have Developmental Disorders at Special Schools
河村 佐和子 船橋 篤彦 林田 真志
PP. 381 - 390
A Study of Developing a Social Studies Lesson from a Perspective of Education for Sustainable Development: Considering Views and Approaches Based on Social Studies
池下 誠
PP. 391 - 400
Development and Practice of a Junior High School History Unit to Promote the Reconstruction of “Historical Significance”: The case of the unit “What criteria should be used to decide the boldface in textbooks?”
小栗 優貴 玉井 慎也 高松 尚平 草原 和博
PP. 401 - 410
Trends and Issues in Social Studies Assessment Theory as Citizenship Education: How to Assess Geography Education and for What Purpose?
宅島 大尭
PP. 411 - 419
To What Extent are Judgments of Historical Significance Affected by the Environment?: A Case Study of an Overseas Japanese School
鈩 悠介
PP. 420 - 429
International Educational Cooperation for Social Studies Curriculum and Textbook Developers: Focusing on Self-Directed Learning of Trainees in Cambodia
守谷 富士彦
PP. 430 - 439
Visualizing the Images of "Foreigners-as-Contributors" in Japanese Junior High School History Textbooks: A critical discourse analysis
両角 遼平 真崎 将弥 孫 玉珂
PP. 440 - 449
Actual Status of Students' Opinion Acceptance in Discussion: Based on a discussion developed by second graders of elementary school using a picture book
明尾 香澄
PP. 450 - 459
A Consideration of Hama Omura’s Listening and Speaking Learning Instructions in Early Post-war: Focusing on the unsigned teaching materials of educational book published “Japanese Language Junior High School”
伊木 洋
PP. 460 - 469
Literacy Movement and Buraku Liberation Literary Award: Focusing on the analysis of selected works for the Buraku Liberation Literature Award
後藤田 和
PP. 470 - 479
Utilizing Poetry for Japanese Language Education: Reviewing my teaching practice at Darma Persada University in Indonesia
田井 真聡
PP. 480 - 487
Ontology Development of Emails Containing Speech Act of Request
梅木 璃子
PP. 497 - 504
Memory Mechanism of Chinese-to-Japanese Consecutive Interpretation in Chinese Learners of Japanese: An Experimental Test Using Articulatory Suppression
王 金芝
PP. 505 - 513
Spacing Effect in Free Recall and Oral Production of Japanese Conversational Sentences by Chinese Learners of Japanese
常 笑
PP. 514 - 522
Verification of Relative Superiority of Phonological and Semantic Information When Advanced Japanese Learners Repeat Japanese Sentences
毛 炫琇 張 鶴鳳 李 静宜 齋藤 晶
PP. 523 - 530
Development of Motivational Scale in Japanese Language Learning: Focusing on Indonesian University Students
山下 順子
PP. 531 - 539
Effects of Speech Rate on Chunking in Japanese Learners’ Listening Comprehension: An Experimental Approach Using Click Sound Detection and Semantic Coincidence Judgement Tasks
李 静宜
PP. 540 - 548
Visuo-spatial Working Memory and Processing of Auditorily Presented Articles by Chinese Learners of Japanese Language: An Experimental Analysis Using Spatial Tapping Task
林 韻
PP. 549 - 557
A Case Study of In-Service Training Content of Rhythmic Dance Instruction: Focusing on teaching anxiety and concern of a teacher with no experience in dance
生関 文翔
PP. 558 - 567
Empirical Research of Physical Education Lesson to Foster Creativity in Technical Colleges: Taking advantage of the characteristics of the subject
柴山 慧
PP. 568 - 577
A Case Study of the Formation Process of Views of Teaching in Physical Education among Students at a Teacher Training College in Cambodia: Focus on educational experiences and curriculum for provincial teacher training college
山平 芳美
PP. 578 - 587
Conception of Life Skills Education Program for Children and Family Life Supported by Community: Through the practice of "SEMORI" embroidery experience course for parents and children
梶山 曜子 中村 誉子 魏 暁敏 竹吉 昭人 正保 正惠 村上 かおり 鈴木 明子
PP. 588 - 597
Mutual Evaluation of Lessons by Japanese and Chinese Elementary School Teachers: Based on the “Sewing on a Button” class
魏 暁敏
PP. 598 - 606
Transmission of Traditional Chinese Music through Piano Education Using Chinese Piano Works: From an interview with a piano instructor
王 盛
PP. 607 - 616
The Significance of Compound Musical Structures in Solfège Education: Based on Jeanne Bamberger's Cognitive Theory
岡田 陽子
PP. 617 - 626
Students’ Career Differentiation in ‘San-Ben University’ of China: A case study in Liaoning province
呉 彤
PP. 637 - 646
How Do Japanese Teachers Evaluate Teacher License Renewal System
周 正
PP. 647 - 655
Widespread of Lesson Study in Rural China
陳 雨
PP. 656 - 665
Female Teachers’ Awareness of Education and Research Activities in Chinese Non-Research University
付 宇倩
PP. 666 - 674
Relation Between Self-reported Reality-monitoring Error Experience and Temporal Fluctuation of Resting-state EEG
柏原 志保
PP. 675 - 683
Training Effect on Attentional Blink in the Simultaneous Presentation of Two RSVP Streams in Left and Right Visual Fields
小林 隆昌
PP. 684 - 690
Development of the Checklist for Observing Client Responses to Cognitive Change in Cognitive Therap: Focusing on “sense making”
重松 潤
PP. 691 - 698
The Three-way Correlation of Test Anxiety, Tendency to Disclose Difficult Experiences and Emotional Regulation Strategies
則武 良英
PP. 699 - 705
Influence of Negative Mood on Emotional Valence of Involuntary Memory: The Number of Involuntary Memories and Mood Repair Effect
PP. 706 - 712
How Junior High School Students Look at the Texts and Maps in Geography Textbooks: An eye tracking study
福屋 いずみ
PP. 713 - 720
Literature Review and Issues Concerning Integration of International Faculty at Japanese Universities
陳 麗蘭
PP. 721 - 730
Empirical Research on Environmental Adaptations of Japanese Private Universities: Focusing on the Relationship between Economies of Scale and Transaction Costs
前田 一之
PP. 731 - 740
Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Career Education: Adapting the Propensity Score Analysis
宮田 弘一
PP. 741 - 749