広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 1 号
2020-12-25 発行

キャリア教育の効果に関する実証的分析 : 傾向スコア分析を用いて

Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Career Education: Adapting the Propensity Score Analysis
宮田 弘一
1.41 MB
This paper aims to examine the effects of career education in line with the introduction purposes of career education implemented by the surveyed universities. The purpose of introducing career education by the surveyed university X was students’ skill development, enabling them to work in companies and the like. Therefore, the research questions were as follows: 1) What kind of career education is effective for skill development? 2) What kind of career education is effective for students to get a job offer? For the analysis, hypothetically significant variables were selected by a conventional regression model and then examined using the propensity score analysis. The results of the analysis were as follows: 1) The “job interview preparation course” was effective for skill development, and 2) Regarding job offers“, internship” and“ written test course” were effective.
the effects of career education
the propensity score analysis
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