Kansei or the aesthetic is defined as one’s individual ability to acquire the valueand quality of matters in our discussion in the theory of aesthetic education. Everybody has kansei that becomes perceivable through the person’s expression as act. Ginou or skill is needed for expression. Skill is the topic of this paper. The drift of considerations is as follows: 1) A terminology of “skill", 2) A comparison between skill and technique or gijutsu, and a reference to the research of bodily knowing and waza. 3) A consideration of the relationship between “understanding" and “being able to do" and 4) A reflection on educational practices in elementary schools. It is pointed out that “skill" is an internalization of “technique" in a person and accompanied by bodily knowing that is a co-occurrence of the body and the language with a coexistence of the comprehensive bodily sensation and the comprehensive symbols. The actual state of kansei is this bodily knowing. Skill will be regarded as a concrete strategy for educational practices.