広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 1 号
2020-12-25 発行

授業の力量形成に関するライフヒストリー研究(その4) : C氏の体育授業を中心に

A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Part 4: Focusing on teaching in physical education of an elementary school teacher C
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This study aims to clarify the experiences that helped Elementary School Teacher C hold his belief of teaching in physical education as an elementary school teacher for 19 years. The following points summarizes the findings. First, after starting on the new post of an elementary school physical education specialist at K University Attached Elementary School in April 1998, Mr. C formed a view on physical education that the aim of physical education was the acquisition of exercise skill, not the competitive advantage which the acquisition of exercise skill provided. At the same time, Mr. C, following his views on physical education teaching, devised teaching materials and guided his students to achieve the targets he set for them. Second, Mr. C was affected by exercise instruction and the views of Mr. Motohiro Yamauchi on pupil, which transformed his views on physical education. Mr. C started providing students time for basic movement as warm-up exercise and gave them chances to push themselves. This transformation resulted with him noticing that the role of the classroom teacher included understanding the sensitive side of students and thinking of ways to observe and understand the exercise by classroom children through an understanding of exercise by his own children, in addition to the interchange through lesson study with Mr. Motohiro Yamauchi.
Life History
An Elementary School Teacher
Professional Development of Teaching in Physical Education
Belief of Teachers
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