広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 1 号
2020-12-25 発行

日中の小学校教師による授業の相互評価の分析 : 「ボタン付け」の授業事例をもとに

Mutual Evaluation of Lessons by Japanese and Chinese Elementary School Teachers: Based on the “Sewing on a Button” class
魏 暁敏
3.19 MB
Teachers at Dacheng Elementary School, one of the advanced elementary schools for home economics education in China, are hoping for more effective class improvement along with the acquisition of subject theory and expertise. However, no lesson study has been conducted that compares the contents of home economics classes internationally or captures the details of the lesson reviews of the teachers in order to improve the lesson. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the characteristics of teaching in Japan and China through the analysis of teachers’ self-evaluation and mutual evaluation of the “sewing on a button” classes conducted in elementary schools in the two countries. We also invite suggestions on lesson studies in Chinese home economics education and how to discuss lessons in Japanese lesson studies. As a result, teachers from both countries showed various support/empathy points and differences in their reviews. In addition, from the sympathetic description of teaching techniques, teaching plans, and how to ask and instruct, it can be inferred that teachers of both countries recognized each other’s teaching ability regardless of there expertise in home economics. On the other hand, differences were observed in their methods of teaching a class, intention to use and selection of teaching materials, and methods of learning evaluation.
Lesson Study
Japan-China Comparative Study
Elementary School
Sewing on a Button
Peer Evaluation by Teacher
Copyright (c) 2020 人間社会科学研究科