広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究

ISSN : 2436-0333
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
PP. -
PP. 1 - 9
A Study on the 'Teacher as an Active Participant' Who Creates Differences in Practice: A Comparison of Literature Education Practices with the Same Goals and Plans
雷 民瀲 丸田 健太郎 松本 仁志
PP. 10 - 19
Analysis of Social Interactions Using the Episodic Recording Method in a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
境 悠太朗 朝岡 寛史
PP. 20 - 27
Students’ Misconceptions about Changes in Gravel Diameter in Dry Riverbed Sediments: Survey results for the Seno-gawa river
PP. 28 - 35
Reconsidering the Meaning of Education in Museums Exhibiting Difficult Histories: Focusing on the Problems of Museums in Japan That Discovered by the Analysis based on Commemorative Museum Pedagogy
金 鍾成 迫 有香 劉 旭 大岡 慎治 後藤 伊吹 露口 幸将 溝口 雄介 和田 尚士
PP. 36 - 45
A Study of Changes in the Layout of Temples in Early Modern Castle Towns: A Case Study of Kanazawa Castle Town
原田 歩
PP. 46 - 53
Geographic Space in Children's Literature: A case study of the "The borrowers" series
劉 暁一
PP. 54 - 61
The Necessity of Confirming Original Text When Creating and Using the “Database of Historical Sino-Japanese Readings”
PP. 62 - 70
An Examination of “Exploratory Consensus Building” in Elementary School Japanese-Language Classes with Discussion-Based Learning: Based on straus’ theory of organizations
廣口 知世 間瀬 茂夫
PP. 71 - 79
Research on Motor Skills Instruction for Young Children and Students with Developmental Coordination Disorder: An Analysis Based on Domestic Literature Review
PP. 90 - 98
A Study on University Students' Learning Perspectives on Track and Field Classes: Focusing on past exercise and sports experiences
常浦 光希 阿部 直紀 松本 佑介 齊藤 一彦
PP. 99 - 104
Comparison of Synesthetic Mental Images of the Five Basic Tastes and Their Solutions Among University Students
冨永 美穂子 山本 真由子
PP. 105 - 110
An Approach to Improve Dietary Education Using Evidence-based Eating Habit Assessment Index
原田 真里那 柴田 紗知 海切 弘子 冨永 美穂子 松原 主典
PP. 111 - 119
Research on the Views of Technology and Technology Education in the “Technology and Home Economics” of Junior High School: From a Survey of Teachers of Technology and Home Economics
宮川 駿 鈴木 明子
PP. 120 - 128
A Study on Task Setting of Opera Production as Project-Based Learning: From the Results of a Student Survey Through Multiple Practices
PP. 129 - 138
Trends in Multicultural Childcare Research in Academic Journal Articles
小川 佳万 朴 聖希
PP. 139 - 147
SCAT as a Qualitative Data Analysis Method to Examining the Practical Knowledges of Early Childhood Teachers
中坪 史典 加藤 望 肥田 武 内田 千春
PP. 148 - 156
Graduates Talk about Vocational Education at High School in Japan: School-Work Connection/ Disconnection in the Early Careers of Graduates of Technical High Schools
PP. 157 - 164
The Role and Challenges of Teaching History of Education Based on the Science Council of Japan's Reference Standards for Education
PP. 165 - 174
Bewertungsreform basierend auf dem Jena-Plan: Objektiver Bericht und Subjektiver Bericht im Universitätsschule Jena
PP. 184 - 193
Teachers' Evaluation of "Family-School Connections" in China
朱 新雅
PP. 194 - 203
Educational Meaning of ‘Negative Liberty’ in Berlin’s Thought: Focusing on continuity and development with philosophical arguments
髙須 明根
PP. 204 - 212
University Initiatives to Achieve the SDGs: Focusing on a review of previous studies
談 之兮
PP. 213 - 221
A Study on the Availability and Assignment of Kindergarten Teachers in Shanghai: Focusing on the guarantee of early childhood education for children of non-local permanent residents
馬 承昭
PP. 222 - 231
Max van Manen’s Methodology of Hermeneutic Phenomenology and its Development As the Science of Examples: Focusing on Doing phenomenology
藤原 由佳
PP. 232 - 241
How are the Three Foreign Children Adapting to Life at Public Kindergarten A?: An Analysis of Field Notes Based on Ueno's Qualitative Analysis
李 睿苗 石井 佳奈子 朴 聖希 小川 佳万 中坪 史典 小野寺 香
PP. 242 - 250
Why Did He Study Japanese under the Civil War: Narrative from a syrian japanese learner
中山 亜紀子 妹尾 玲奈
PP. 261 - 270
PP. 271 - 278
Persuasion Strategies Among Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers in the Multilingual Society of Kyrgyzstan: Focusing on ethos and topos in written statements of opinion in Kyrgyz and Russian
PP. 299 - 308
Aspects of Children in Arts and Crafts Classes: Focusing on Touch and Words: Toward the Development of Appreciation Classes Where Children Can Expand Their Perspectives and Perceptions
PP. 319 - 328
Research Trends in Autoethnography in Japan
田島 美帆 中坪 史典
PP. 329 - 336