広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 5 号
2024-12-20 発行

実践の差異を産み出す「当事者としての教師」に関する考察 : 同一目標・同一計画で行った文学教育実践の比較

A Study on the 'Teacher as an Active Participant' Who Creates Differences in Practice: A Comparison of Literature Education Practices with the Same Goals and Plans
雷 民瀲
丸田 健太郎
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The purpose of this study is to compare the practices of "Teachers as Participants" who were conducted with the same goal and plan, and to clarify the factors of "eventfulness" produced by "Teachers as Participants" and its educational significance. In the individual narratives of the "teacher as a participant," we can see the coexistence of multiple selves within the self, without integration. The extracted children's responses also expressed their internal plurality and conflicts. This study clarified the causes of the different practices by comparing practices conducted with the same goals and the same plan using the elementary school Japanese language literature material "Onita no boshi". As a result, it was clarified that it is effective to stimulate the learners by exposing them to the "eventfulness" of the "teacher as a party" and to connect the passage to the access to the "multiple selves" of the learners. On the other hand, in this practice, not only did the "teacher as party" influence the literature classroom, but it also suggests that the "teacher as party" himself may have his own inner self shaken by the literary work.
Literature Education
Multiple Selves
Teacher as Party
Copyright © 2024 人間社会科学研究科
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