広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 2 号
2021-12-23 発行

中国人上級日本語学習者の講義聴解に及ぼす聴解前教示の効果 : 内容理解教示と説明産出教示の比較

Effects of Pre-Instruction on the Lecture Listening Comprehension of Chinese Advanced Level Learners of Japanese: Comparison of Instructions for Content Comprehension and Explanation Production
伊藤 賀与子
2.8 MB
This study examined the effect of explanation to others in Japanese, a second language, during a listening comprehension lecture for Chinese advanced learners of Japanese. The factors were the purpose of listening and the listening ability in listening comprehension test. Task performance, after listening to a lecture, was used to measure the degree of comprehension representation formation. As a result, it was found that after receiving explanation to others in a second language, learners with low listening comprehension could construct text-based representations to the same extent as learners with high listening comprehension. Additionally, there was no difference in the degree of representation formation irrespective of listening comprehension capacity. These results suggest that explanation to others, irrespective of the listening comprehension capacity, facilitates the construction of situation model.
lecture listening comprehension
explanation production
Chinese learners of Japanese
Copyright (c) 2021 人間社会科学研究科