広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 4 号
2023-12-22 発行

普濟寺版「五部大乗経」は「覆宋版」か(二) : 本文と漢字字体からの検討

Was Original Text of Fusaiji Edition(普済寺版) the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経) Printed Based on the South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経)?(2): Comparing text and kanji glyphs
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The Five Mahayana Sutras( Hoke-kyo( 法華経), Kegon-kyo( 華厳経), Nehan-kyo(涅槃経), Daijik-kyo(大集経), Daibon hannya-kyo(大品般若経)) were printed at Musashi country in Nanbokucho period. Those were called Fusai-ji edition(普済寺版).
The purpose of this paper is to check whether Fusai-ji edition is based on South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon.
The next was understood by consideration of this thesis.
1. The Fusai-ji edition is not directly based on the South Song dynasty edition.
2. The main source of the Fusaiji edition is the Kasuga edition.
3. The Fusai-ji edition has its own items.
This paper revealed that the Fusai-ji edition(普済寺版)was an attempt to print a new The Five Mahayana Sutras. This purpose of publishing the Fusai-ji edition became the force that attracted donations from many people.
the text of Fusaiji edition
the South song dynasty edition of the buddhist canon
the text of Kasuga edition
the five volumes of Mahayana Sutras
Copyright © 2023 人間社会科学研究科
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