Was Original Text of Fusaiji Edition(普済寺版) the Five Volumes of Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経) Printed Based on the South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経)?(2): Comparing text and kanji glyphs
The Five Mahayana Sutras( Hoke-kyo( 法華経), Kegon-kyo( 華厳経), Nehan-kyo(涅槃経), Daijik-kyo(大集経), Daibon hannya-kyo(大品般若経)) were printed at Musashi country in Nanbokucho period. Those were called Fusai-ji edition(普済寺版). The purpose of this paper is to check whether Fusai-ji edition is based on South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon. The next was understood by consideration of this thesis. 1. The Fusai-ji edition is not directly based on the South Song dynasty edition. 2. The main source of the Fusaiji edition is the Kasuga edition. 3. The Fusai-ji edition has its own items. This paper revealed that the Fusai-ji edition(普済寺版)was an attempt to print a new The Five Mahayana Sutras. This purpose of publishing the Fusai-ji edition became the force that attracted donations from many people.
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the text of Fusaiji edition
the South song dynasty edition of the buddhist canon