広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 4 号
2023-12-22 発行

中国における下層出身の中学生の重点高校への進学過程 : 家庭と学校生活の影響に着目して

The Process of Entering Key Senior High Schools for Lower Class Students in China: Focus on the influence of family factors and school life
包 婉蓉
927 KB
This paper will examine a process of junior high school students from the lower social strata in China entering key senior high schools, especially the influence of family factors and school life. Firstly, from the influence of family factors, the motivation to study among the students arose from the hard work of their parents and their desire to move up the social ladder. Because of fewer out-of-school educational resources, those students were willing to trust schooling and, to follow school policies. In addition, since their parents were not directly involved in their children’s education and career choices, such students had to create their own opportunities. Secondly, from the influence of school life, junior high school students from the lower social strata formed the ability, habit, competitive consciousness, and school adaptability to pass examinations. Thirdly, we clarified that those students faced many problems due to the lack of middle class culture after entering key senior high schools.
process of entering key senior high schools
family factors
school life
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