広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 4 号
2023-12-22 発行

初任保健体育科教諭が抱える保健授業についての悩み事に関する質的研究 : コロナ禍による影響を踏まえて

A Qualitative Study of Novice Health and Physical Education Teachers' Concerns about Health Classes in Light of the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic
松本 佑介
白石 智也
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the actual concerns about health classes harbored by novice health and physical education teachers by using a qualitative research method. The participants were four health and physical education teachers who had just commenced working as such. A semi-structured interview survey was conducted with them, and SCAT was used as the analytical method. The results of this study revealed the following three points. (1) Novice health and physical education teachers faced challenges to stimulate students' interest, and to set the central theme of the class by an introduction apposite for "proactive learning" in class. (2) Novice health and physical education teachers experienced problems with "interactive learning" in health classes, especially during the coronavirus pandemic, and dialogue between students and between students and teachers suffered. (3) Novice health and physical education teachers had problems with the introduction of the class, the setting of the central theme of the class, and an environment that enabled students to acquire knowledge, as in "authentic learning," in the health classes.
novice teacher
health classes
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