広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科紀要. 教育学研究 4 号
2023-12-22 発行


The Effects of Study Program on Students’ Interest in History and Use of Question Generation Strategy.
浦野 伸弘
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In the current course of study in Japan, which require proactive learning, increasing and maintaining high quality of interest is an important issue. To increase the quality of interest, it is important to make students feel positive emotions such as “studying is fun,” and to make them recognize values such as “the content of study is useful for solving everyday life and phenomena,” which has been called “relevance to daily life value”. Although it is important to cultivate students’ relevance to daily life value in social studies, research on it has been conducted mainly only in natural science. In addition, there are problems in research on it, such as a lack of effective ways to encourage students to generate questions by themselves. In this study, we examined whether or not the improvement and maintenance of relevance to daily life value can be achieved by relating the content of social studies (history) to everyday life and presenting a question generation strategy as a way to encourage learners to take proactive action. In this study, a four-day program on history in social studies was conducted for eight sixth-grade elementary school students. Through the program, we attempted to increase the relevance to daily life value by presenting questions that relate the content of study to daily life, such as“ What is the origin of the name of country “日本” (Japan in Japanese)?” ? As a result, the relevance to daily life value increased after the lecture, and this increase was maintained one month later. On the other hand, only half of the children used the question generation strategy after the program. Further study is need in future to examine in detail the impact of the question generation strategy on the daily relevant value and to generalize the results.
Proactive learning
relevance to daily life value
question generation
historical learning
Copyright © 2023 人間社会科学研究科
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