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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Issue 68
( 2019-12-20 )
Issue 67
( 2018-12-21 )
Issue 66
( 2017-12-22 )
Issue 65
( 2016-12-22 )
Issue 64
( 2015-12-18 )
Issue 63
( 2014-12-19 )
Issue 62
( 2013-12-20 )
Issue 61
( 2012-12-21 )
Issue 60
( 2011-12-22 )
Issue 59
( 2010-12-24 )
Issue 58
( 2009-12-25 )
Issue 57
( 2008-12-26 )
Issue 56
( 2007-12-28 )
Issue 55
( 2007-03-28 )
Issue 54
( 2006-03-28 )
Issue 53
( 2005-03-28 )
Issue 52
( 2004-03-28 )
Issue 51
( 2003-03-28 )
Issue 50
( 2002-02-28 )
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 1, Learning and curriculum development
Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Issue 68
( 2019-12-20 )
Koyama Masataka
PP. -
小・中・高等学校におけるキャリア教育の啓発的経験の効果 : 大学生を対象とした調査
Effects of Exploratory Experiences during Career Education in Elementary, Junior high, and Senior high schools: A survey of university students
Kodama Makiko
PP. 1 - 10
感性教育論の展開(3) : 表現
A Development of the Theory of Aesthetic Education (3): Expression
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 11 - 20
保育カンファレンスにおける保育者の専門性向上に関する研究 : 保育者同士の言葉の相互共有に着目して
Improvement of Kindergarten Teachers’ Expertise in Early Childhood Education through Conferences: Focus on Exchanging Ideas with Colleagues
Komatsu Waka
PP. 21 - 30
シュタイナー教育にみる教育実践の新たな展開可能性 : 身体と言語の視点から
What We Can Learn from the Practice of Steiner Education: Focusing on the Body and the Language in Education
Bae Jiyun
Sutani Yayoi
PP. 31 - 40
Differences in Perceptions of University Entrance Examinations by Personal Attributes and Degree of Effort during University Entrance Examinations
Horii Junpei
PP. 41 - 48
Relationship between School Music Education and Folk Music Culture (Part 2)
Gondo Atsuko
PP. 49 - 56
小学校音楽科のプログラミング授業における〈ティンカリング〉の位置付けの検討 : コンピュータ・ソフトウェアを用いた音楽づくり活動に焦点を当てて
“Tinkering” with Programming Education in Music Classes at Elementary Schools: Music-Making Activities Using Computer Software
Nagayama Hiroshi
PP. 57 - 65
他者理解に困難のある幼児に対するビデオ教材を利用した指導の効果の検討 : 感情の言語化と他者視点の促進に焦点を当てて
Using Video Teaching Materials to Promote the Verbalization of Emotions and the Acquisition of Other People’s Perspectives in a Young Child with Behavioral Difficulties
Murakami Rie
Takahashi Ayaka
PP. 67 - 72
Issues and Suggestions for Practice on Employment Assistance to Link Individuals with Developmental Disorders with Companies
Kawamura Sawako
PP. 73 - 82
Intercultural Communication in English Communication Courses
Walter Brett R.
Babalola Micky A.
PP. 83 - 90
Teachers and Ethics: Developing religious self-awareness
Delakorda Kawashima Tinka
PP. 91 - 97
Assessing Student Interest and Prior Knowledge in Global Education
Babalola Micky A.
Walter Brett R.
PP. 99 - 104
世界観認識の混在から分離へ : 文学研究と文学教育の交差研究の徹底化のために
Coexistence and Separation of Worldview: The Thoroughness of the Cross-study between Literature Study and Literature Education Study
Li Yonghua
PP. 114 - 105
Issue 67
( 2018-12-21 )
Koyama Masataka
PP. -
動機づけが自己調整学習方略を媒介して主体的な学習態度に及ぼす影響 : 内発的動機づけと同一化的動機づけに着目して
The Influence of Intrinsic and Identified Motivation on Active Class Attitude: Self-regulated learning strategies as mediators
Kodama Makiko
Nakaoka Kimiko
PP. 1 - 8
感性教育論の展開(1) : 言葉の教育を考える
A Development of the Theory of Aesthetic Education (1): Thinking of the Education of Language
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 9 - 18
Validation of Early Childhood Education and Care Based on the Competence Necessary for Transition from Kindergartens to Elementary School and Involvement of Caregivers
Ikeda Akiko
PP. 19 - 27
Meliorism in Somaesthetics and Education
Bae Jiyun
PP. 29 - 38
The Relationship between Perceptions of University Entrance Examination and Self-Efficacy in University Students
Horii Junpei
PP. 39 - 46
他者説明の理解促進効果を高める支援方法 : 第二言語を使用する話者の場合
Helping Speakers to Gain a Deeper Understanding After Explanation when Speaking a Second Language
Yang Jianing
PP. 47 - 55
性役割期待が大学生の自己呈示に及ぼす影響 : ジェンダー・パーソナリティ特性に着目して
Influence of Gender-Role Expectations on University Students’ Self-Presentation: Focus on gender-personality characteristics
Yoshioka Mariko
PP. 57 - 64
Relationship between Elementary School Music Education and Folk Music Culture
Gondo Atsuko
PP. 65 - 72
Art Education for Peace: John Dewey’s view of intercultural experience after his visit to Japan in 1919
Nakamura Kazuyo
PP. 73 - 81
教員養成課程における 「教科に関する専門的事項(音楽)」に関する一考察
A Study on the Specialized Contents Related to the Subject (Music) in Elementary School Teacher Training
Nagayama Hiroshi
Terauchi Daisuke
Gondo Atsuko
PP. 83 - 90
知的障害および発達障害に対する大学生のイメージおよび意識の変化 : 教育学部生を対象とした授業のアンケート分析から
University Students’ Knowledge about Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities: A Questionnaire Analysis of Faculty of Education Students
Murakami Rie
Wakamatsu Akihiko
Ujima Kazuhito
Hayashida Masashi
Tanimoto Tadaaki
Yoshitoshi Munehisa
PP. 91 - 97
Issue 66
( 2017-12-22 )
Koyama Masataka
PP. -
算数の学習につまずきのある児童に対する学習支援 : 文章題解決力と自己効力感の向上
Learning Support for School Children with Math Diffi culties: How to improve the ability to solve math word problems and self-efficacy
Oka Naoki
Ibaki Yuki
PP. 1 - 7
広島大学教育学部フレンドシップ事業における目標を意識した継続的な活動による児童の変容 : 主体性,対人関係形成,動機づけの側面から
The Change of Children through the Continuous Activities with Goals in the Friendship Program at Hiroshima University: Focusing on Self-Direction, Friendship-making Skills, and Motivation
Kodama Makiko
Yamauchi Noritsugu
Yonezawa Takashi
PP. 9 - 16
A Critical Reflection on the Concept of Art and an Innovation of Art Education
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 17 - 24
A Case Study on the Effect of a Fathering Support Lecture on Attendee Fathers
Zhao Shuo
PP. 25 - 33
A Study on Home Education Support for School-age Children and their Families
Fujii Hitomi
PP. 35 - 42
Reflection Matrix to Analyze Changes in the Speech Protocol of an Experienced Elementary School Teacher
Yasumori Tomohiko
PP. 43 - 51
中国における環境教育の現状と課題 : 特に高等教育に焦点を合わせて
The Present State and Issues of Environmental Education in China: A focus on higher education
Liu Yijing
PP. 53 - 62
表現活動のための学習材《ステージ》を用いた授業の開発 : 小学校における2つの授業実践の振り返りをとおして
Developing Lesson Plans to Encourage Self Expression Using “Stage” Teaching Materials: An Examination of Two Elementary School Lessons
Terauchi Daisuke
Hode Yoriyuki
PP. 63 - 70
Assistance for Learning Keyboard Instruments in the Elementary School Teacher Training Program
Nagayama Hiroshi
Terauchi Daisuke
Gondo Atsuko
Tanaka Kazuki
PP. 71 - 78
A Study on the Awareness and Attitude of University Students in the Faculty of Education on Prenatal Diagnosis
Wakamatsu Akihiko
Shimotake Arisa
PP. 79 - 85
In-home Learning Support for Preschooler Suffering from Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Funabashi Atsuhiko
PP. 87 - 93
DeSeCoのキー・コンピテンシー“Reflectivity” の考察 : “Defining and Selecting Key Competencies” におけるKeganのScolarly Commentsを中心に
Consideration of DeSeCo’s Key Competency “Reflectivity”: Kegan’s scolarly comments in “Defining and Selecting Key Competencies”
Hondo Aoi
PP. 95 - 101
Developing a Global Curriculum: Student Interest in Global Education
Walter Brett R.
PP. 103 - 111
Issue 65
( 2016-12-22 )
Koyama Masataka
PP. -
Modality Effects on Sentence Memory and Understanding
Oka Naoki
Tanaka Yuka
PP. 1 - 5
学生の主体的な学びを促す体験的教員養成プログラムの在り方に関する一考察 : 広島大学教育学部フレンドシップ事業を事例にして
Experiential Pre-service Teacher-Training Program to Promote Students’ Independent Learning : Case Study of the Hiroshima University Friendship Project
Yonezawa Takashi
Miyoshi Takafumi
Hayashi Takashi
PP. 7 - 14
Teacher Education as a High-quality Learning Environment
Nakai Yuka
Yonezawa Takashi
Biseth Heidi
PP. 15 - 24
院内学級担当教員の支援ニーズに関する一考察 : 病気療養児の心理的支援を中心に
Hospital Classroom Teachers Provide Psychological Support for Children Undergoing Medical Treatment
Nagae Ayako
PP. 25 - 34
教師は暴力的存在である : 体罰の淵源を見据えて
The Teacher is the Violent Existence : Looking at the origin of the corporal punishment
Matsuda Taiki
PP. 35 - 41
A Discussion on the Singing Dialogue Tsangmo : Bridging Culture Between Bhutan and Japan, from the Past to the Future
Gondo Atsuko
Ino Yoshihiro
Kato Tomiko
Kunzang Dorji
Pema Wangdi
Tshewang Tashi
Tshering Dema
Ngawang Namgyel
PP. 43 - 52
Documents and Records of Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (Ⅻ)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 53 - 62
溶解現象の描画に見られる児童の粒子概念に関する調査研究 : 日本とフィンランドとの比較を通して
Children’s Concepts of Particles in the Phenomena of Dissolution : A Comparison between Japan and Finland
Shiba Kazumi
Hamada Yuriko
PP. 63 - 72
「民話」教材と国語教科書を巡る問題の検討 : 「民話」の性質に着目して
Analysis of Issues Concerning Folktale Materials and National Language Textbook : Focusing on properties about “folktales”
Kurokawa Mami
PP. 73 - 82
C. Wallace “Critical Reading” 理論の研究
Understanding C. Wallace’s Critical Reading
Sawaguchi Tetsuya
PP. 83 - 92
「その子なりの論理」を活かした児童理解の方法の開発 : 論理療法を援用した分析
Development of the Method for Understanding Children Based on “the Logic in Individual Child” : Analysis of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Haruki Yu
PP. 93 - 102
配慮が必要な児童をインクルーシブする学級活動の実践 : 学級という「小社会」を創造する資質・能力の育成
Classroom Activities to Include Children Who Need Special Consideration : Improving quality and ability to create classes that function as “the small society”
Wakamatsu Akihiko
Mizuno Haruka
Kage Naoko
PP. 103 - 111
Exploring EAP Self-Efficacy Ratings of an Academic Faculty at a Major Japanese Research University
Sponseller Aaron C.
PP. 113 - 121
Differentiating Mathematics Instruction
Walter Brett
PP. 123 - 127
Issue 64
( 2015-12-18 )
Miyatani Makoto
PP. -
初任者の資質能力形成に関する一考察 : 初任者・2年目教員・6年目教員・指導教員の比較を通して
A Study on Novice Teachers’ Development of Practical Qualities and Competencies : Through comparison between novices, 2nd years, 6th years, and mentors
Yonezawa Takashi
Inoue Wataru
Suzuki Yumiko
Kodama Makiko
Nakai Yuka
Kubo Kenji
Miyaki Hideo
Kousaka Kentarou
PP. 1 - 10
広島県における「『親の力』をまなびあう学習プログラム」に関する一考察 : 父親教育教材「お父さんの子育てトーク!」(教材25番)を中心に
A Study on Learning Programs regarding Parenting Skills in Hiroshima : Focus on Teaching Materials for the Education of Fathers <Fathers’ Talk of Child-rearing> (Teaching Material No.25)
Zhao Shuo
PP. 11 - 18
戦後理科教育改革関係資料の研究(XI) : 理科研究北海道地方委員会発行の科学学習書を中心に
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (XI) : Focusing on the science study books published by Hokkaido District Committee on Science Curriculum
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 19 - 28
A Literature Review and Agenda regarding Communication for Children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities
Ikeda Satoshi
PP. 29 - 38
A Study on the Inclusion of Pronunciation Instruction in the Foreign Language Classroom
Walter Brett
PP. 39 - 46
日韓教科書教材に関する比較研究 : 民話「三年峠」に着目して
A Comparative Study on Textbooks at Elementary Schools in Korea and Japan : Focusing on the folktale "The Three Years Hill"
Kurokawa Mami
PP. 47 - 56
国語科におけるクリティカル・リーディングについての考察 : C. Wallace の理論を中心に
Critical Reading in Japanese Language Learning : The application of theory formulated by C. Wallace
Sawaguchi Tetsuya
PP. 57 - 66
小学校における「その子なりの論理」についての一考察 : 論理療法における irrational belief による分析
A Study of “the logic in the child’s own way” at the Elementary School : Analysis by “irrational belief” of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy)
Haruki Yu
PP. 67 - 76
Examination of Specialty Storage in Education of Children for Diseases in Pre-service Teacher Training
Funabashi Atsuhiko
PP. 77 - 83
The Experience of Learning Support for School Children Affect on Understanding of Children’s Mathematical Difficulties
Oka Naoki
Nagata Yuiko
PP. 85 - 90
Issue 63
( 2014-12-19 )
教員養成課程の学部生の教職志望に及ぼす自己効力感の影響 : 就職活動に関する自己効力感と仕事内容に関する自己効力感に着目して
Influences of Two Types of Self-Efficacy on the Teaching Aspirations of Teachers-in-Training : Job-hunting self-efficacy and job self-efficacy
Kodama Makiko
Hirao Tomoko
PP. 1 - 8
授業過程における教師の視線行動と反省的思考に関する研究 : 熟練教師と初任教師の比較を通して
An Examination of the Teachers’ Gaze and Self Reflection during Classroom Instruction : Comparison of a veteran teacher and a novice teacher
Arima Michihisa
PP. 9 - 17
Development of a Support Tool for Teachers Proficiency in Elementary School Science
Kanazawa Midori
PP. 19 - 28
Development of a Program to Shift One’s Viewpoint in Ambiguous Situation
Toda Mari
PP. 29 - 37
進路面談の指導力向上をめざす相談課による初任者支援 : 高校教育相談での新たな教師支援活動の提案
The Support for a Novice Teacher to Improve Career Guidance by the Counseling Department : A Proposal of New Support Activities for Teachers in Educational Counseling at High School
Morimoto Atsushi
PP. 39 - 48
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (X)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 49 - 58
A Review of and Agendas regarding QOL Assessment for Children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities
Ikeda Satoshi
PP. 59 - 66
説明的文章の授業における「論理的認識力」育成の研究 : 「論理」と「意味内容」との相互補完的な実践を通して
Research on the Development of "Logical Cognition Ability" in Reading Informational Text : Focusing on the Mutually Complementary Relationship between "Logic" and "Meaning and Content" in Practice
Aoyama Yukinori
PP. 67 - 75
初等教師教育における実践課題の検討 : 「情動の共有」による教師の力量と同僚性の形成
Examination of the Practice Problem in the Elementary Teacher Education : Competence of teachers and formation of collegiality by “sharing of emotions”
Inada Yaho
PP. 77 - 85
Retelling of Stories Read and Space of Argument
Sasahara Masaki
PP. 87 - 96
論理的な文章を解釈するための教材分析の提案 : 筆者の思考過程と目的に着目して
Proposal of a Method of Teaching Material Analysis for Interpreting Logical Text in High School Japanese Classes : Focusing on the thinking process and the purpose of the author
Shinozaki Yusuke
PP. 97 - 104
Needs and Possibilities of Rewritten Texts from Japanese School Textbooks : In teaching of the Japanese-language to schoolchildren from non-Japanese backgrounds
Senoo Tomoaki
PP. 105 - 113
Keganの構造発達理論からみる学校教育の役割 : 不適切な養育を受けた学習者への国語教育に焦点をあてて
The Role of School Education to Think from the Structure of Developmental Theory of Kegan : Focus on the national language education for learners who received maltreatment
Hondo Aoi
PP. 115 - 124
インクルーシブ教育システムの構築にむけた交流及び共同学習の課題と展望 : 今後の共同学習のあり方を中心に
Challenges and Prospects of Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning Towards the Construction of Inclusive Education System : Focusing on eff ective methods of collaborative learning in the future
Kawai Norimune
Nosaki Hitomi
PP. 125 - 134
Issue 62
( 2013-12-20 )
小学生を対象としたコンパクトな対立解消プログラムの効果 : 自己効力感と学校適応感の観点から
The Effects of Peer Mediation Program Compact on Elementary Students : From the point of view of self-efficacy and school adjustment
Aoki Tazuko
Yamasaki Ayaka
Kimura Masanobu
Miyake Motoko
PP. 1 - 7
米国で視察し た品格教育(Character Education)の実際(3) : セントルイスの場合
School Inspections about Character Education at St. Louis in the USA
Aoki Tazuko
Kawai Norimune
Yamada Tsuyoshi
Miyazaki Hiroshi
Atarashi Shigeyuki
PP. 9 - 18
Cualidades y Habilidades Profesionales Requeridas para los Maestros con el Enfoque del Mejoramiento de la Capacidad Docente
Suzuki Yumiko
Yonezawa Takashi
Kodama Makiko
Inoue Wataru
Kubo Kenji
Asakura Atsushi
Itou Keiko
Nakamura Kazuyo
Matsumoto Hitoshi
PP. 19 - 28
The Patient's Voice in P sychoanalysis, Narrative Medicine and Patient-based Research : What is the clinical impact of patient-based research?
Legrand Dorothee
PP. 29 - 38
わが国における教員評価研究の課題と展望 : 目標管理におけるソーシャル・サポートの機能に着目して
The Challenges and Perspective about the Studies of Teacher Evaluation in Japan : In view of the functions of social support in management by objectives
Suwa Hidehiro
PP. 39 - 46
Frameworks of Japanese Modern Educational Thoughts from the Viewpoint of "Body Education"
Zhi Xiangdong
PP. 47 - 54
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (IX)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 55 - 64
初等教育における音楽学習過程の検討 : ブータンの民俗音楽をてがかりに
A Study on Learning Process of Music in Elementary Schools : Referring to Bhutanese Folk Music
Gondo Atsuko
PP. 65 - 72
Devise of Alternate Tuning for Guitar which can Play both Major and Minor Triads by Only Barre Fingering and its Practical Use
Terauchi Daisuke
PP. 73 - 79
外国語活動の指導に求められる英語運用能力向上のための試み : 英語スピーチ練習の可能性
An Attempt to Foster Future Elementary Teachers' English Proficiency Required to Teach Foreign Language Activities:Investigating the Potential of Speech Practice
Matsumiya Nagako
PP. 81 - 88
教師教育におけるリフレクション概念の検討 : 体育科教育の研究を中心に
A Study on the Concept of Reflection in Teacher Education : Focusing on the pedagogy of physical education
Kubo Kenji
Kihara Seiichiro
PP. 89 - 98
Strand概念の導入による読解カリキュラム改善の可能性 : 要点・要旨把握指導に焦点をあてて
The Possibility that Improve Reading Curriculum by Innovating the Concept of Strand Focus on Grasp the Point and the Summary
Aoyama Yukinori
PP. 99 - 107
人間関係を育む学級経営と国語科授業づくり : 「情動的実践」をめざして
Class Management and Creation of Japanese Language Class which Develop Human Relationship : Toward emotional practice
Inada Yaho
PP. 109 - 116
「語り直す力」を育てる文学教育 : 「語り」から「語り直し」へ
Literature Education that Nurtures Retelling Skills : From telling to retelling
Sasahara Masaki
PP. 117 - 126
述語中心文法の可能性 : 新しい教育文法への試み
Japanese Predicate-oriented Grammar : A Consideration of the Descriptions of the Japanese Language
Senoo Tomoaki
PP. 127 - 136
自己調整学習と説明的文章の授業 : 青木幹勇の実践を手がかりにして
Self-regulated Learning and to Teach Expository Texts Examined with Mikiyu Aoki's theory and practice used as a clue
Nakamura Toru
PP. 137 - 145
児童の読書力形成に果たす読書日記の役割 : 小学校3年生における読書日記の交流とその分析を中心に
Role of Reading Diary that Play to Force the Formation of Reading Children : The center over to the exchange and analysis of reading diary in third grade elementary school over
Hoso Keiko
PP. 147 - 156
生涯発達と国語教育 : Kegan, R. の理論とかかわらせて
Life-span Development and Language Education : Incorporated in the Theory of Kegan, R.
Hondo Aoi
PP. 157 - 162
自閉症生徒の現場実習におけるTTAP インフォーマルアセスメントの活用方法に関する研究
Research on Method of using Informal Assessment of TTAP in Practical Training of Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Wakamatsu Akihiko
Tamabayashi Kazuhiro
PP. 163 - 169
Educational Support for Acquisition of the Appropriate Problem Solving Strategy
Oka Naoki
Manabe Asuka
PP. 171 - 179
Issue 61
( 2012-12-21 )
学校全体で取り組む品格教育の成果について : 2年目校と3年目校の直接的効果の比較
The Measurement of Direct Effects of Character Education in Whole Schools Approach. : The comparison between the second year schools and the third year schools
Aoki Tazuko
Takahashi Tomoko
Shiba Eri
PP. 1 - 8
児童生徒への質問紙作成に関する注意点 : しなやかさ尺度の評定カテゴリー数からの検討
Some Remarks on Construction of Survey Questionnaire for Children and Youth : in The Case of Character Strengths Scales Called Shinayakasa.
Aoki Tazuko
Imura Tomoya
PP. 9 - 14
フレンドシップ事業の参加が教員養成学部生の自己認知および教職認知に及ぼす影響 : 教職にかかわる自己効力感と,教職に必要な能力に関する認知の変化に着目して
Effects of Participation in Friendship Program at Hiroshima University on Change of Students' Self Efficacy and Cognition of Abilities Needed for Teachers
Kodama Makiko
PP. 15 - 24
Online Conceptual Artefacts and Their Acceptance Among Adult Users
Nistor Nicolae
PP. 25 - 33
オーストリアの親教育Elternbildungに関する一考察 : シュタイアーマルク州の事例より
Parental Education in Austria : Elternbildung in Styria
Ashida Chie
PP. 35 - 40
鍼灸医療における面接技術の評価法の開発 : 面接技術の講義評価を手がかりとして
Research and Development of Evaluation Method for Interview Skills in Acupuncture-and-Moxibustion Medical Treatment : Analysis based on lecture evaluation of interview skills
Kaneda Daigo
PP. 41 - 47
わが国の近代教育制度における「学力」概念の登場と展開 : 特に「学制」公布から昭和戦時下教育期まで
The Appearance and the Development of “Gakuryoku" Concept in Modern Japanese Educational System : From the proclamation of “gakusei" or a ministrial ordinance regarding education system(1872) up until under the wartime in Showa period
Bessho Hideo
PP. 49 - 58
A Case Study on a Student's Behavior Transformation and Learning in Creative Dance Class
Murakami Kyoko
PP. 59 - 67
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (VIII)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 69 - 78
A Review of and Agendas regarding Formative Activities for Children with Severe-Multiple Disabilities
Ikeda Satoshi
PP. 87 - 96
Music Expression of the Website “Your secret pleasure of music"
Terauchi Daisuke
PP. 97 - 105
Issues on the Children's Anxiety toward Foreign Language Activities and the Ways to Support the Anxious Learners
Matsumiya Nagako
PP. 107 - 114
カナダ・オンタリオ州のReading Curriculumの構造の研究 : Strandsに焦点をあてて
Research for the Structure of Reading Curriculum in Ontario, Canada : Focus “strand"
Aoyama Yukinori
PP. 115 - 122
Re-thinking about “Ichidoku-Sogo" Method as a Method of Teaching Logical Thinking Focusing on Thinking Process of Learners
Kousaka Kentarou
PP. 123 - 130
「コミュニケーション的行為の理論」を援用した評論教材の研究 : 「水の東西」を例に
Research of Essay as Teaching Material by “The Theory of Communicative Action" : Take “Mizu no Tozai" for example
Shinozaki Yusuke
PP. 131 - 139
教員養成における省察の視点のメタ認知に関する研究 : 小学校理科の模擬授業を事例として
Metacognition on Perspectives of Reflection in Pre-service Teacher Education : A Case Study on Trial Teaching of Elementary Science
Sugiyama Masatoshi
PP. 141 - 150
Possibility of Teaching That Takes into Account Learners' Inherent Willingness to Become Good
Nakamura Toru
PP. 151 - 160
Creating of the Video Teaching Materials for Social Skills Training of Students with Developmental Disorders
Wakamatsu Akihiko
Sakaguchi Akimasa
PP. 161 - 167
ダウン症児の構音指導に関する事例研究 : /s/・/dz/ の改善に向けて
Conducting Articulation and Phonological Therapy for a Student with Down Syndrome : Focusing on the Improvement of /s/ and /dz/ Phonemes
Kawai Norimune
Matsutani Norie
PP. 169 - 178
特別支援学校(知的障害)教員の専門性獲得に関する調査研究 : 特別支援学校教諭免許状保有状況に関する調査から
A Survey of Teachers' Professional Development in Special Education : The Status of Licensure of Special Education Teachers
Kawai Norimune
Fujii Asuka
PP. 179 - 187
The Trends and Problems in Studies on Special Needs Education Coordinators at Regular Schools in Japan
Miyaki Hideo
Kifune Noriyuki
PP. 189 - 198
Effect of Utilizing Nursing Process Chart in Nursing Process Practical Training
Aoki Hisae
PP. 199 - 204
ピア・サポート実践が小学生の学校適応感へ及ぼす影響 : 包括的生徒指導・教育相談の観点から
The Effects of Peer Support Program on Children's School Adjustment A Study from the Point of View of Comprehensive School Guidance and Counseling Program
Edahiro Kazunori
Nakamura Takashi
Tamayama Mizue
Kurihara Shinji
PP. 205 - 211
The Changes in Feeling of Being Supported, Skills, and Skills in Their Classes of Victimized Relationship-Improved Group
Nakamura Takashi
Edahiro Kazunori
Sugimoto Natsuki
Kurihara Shinji
PP. 213 - 218
Issue 60
( 2011-12-22 )
Der Respekt vor dem Anderen als aktuelles Thema im deutschen Ethikunterricht : Praktische Beispiele und kritische Betrachtungen
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 1 - 10
Was ist das „Fremde", Fräulein Prinzessin Kaguya? : Denkerziehung im Grundschulalter mit dem klassischen Bilderbuch
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 11 - 19
新しい概念としての教育保障 : 問題提起と展望
Education Security as a New Concept : A proposal and prospects
Higuchi Satoshi
Denman Brian
PP. 21 - 29
The Classification on the Basis of Emotions that Elicit in the Called Nicknames
Nonaka Youichirou
Inoue Wataru
PP. 31 - 36
家庭と連携した小学校家庭科授業の枠組み : 「支援ツール」を用いた栄養教育
Teaching-Learning Model Concept in the Home Economics Education in Elementary School with Collaboration between School and Families : Nutrition education using support tools
Ito Keiko
Takagi Tomoko
PP. 37 - 44
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (VII)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 45 - 54
アンサンブル作品《ことばの遊びII》の学習材としての意義 : 即興表現と演奏行為に着目して
Educational Relevance of Using the Composition "Word Play II" as Learning Material : With a focus on improvisational expression and performing activities
Terauchi Daisuke
PP. 63 - 71
小学校教師が現職研修に求める機能に関する事例研究 : 体育科の校外研修の参加者に対するインタビューを手がかりに
A Case Study on the Function That Primary School Teachers Ask In-service Training : Based on the interview to participants in the training of physical education outside school
Murai Jun
Kihara Seiichiro
Matsuda Yasusada
Iwata Shotaro
Kubo Kenji
Tokunaga Ryuji
Hayashi Toshio
Fujimoto Shoko
Kadomoto Hitoshi
Nan Lin
Osedo Kazuki
PP. 73 - 80
Activity Theory as a Methodology of the Study of Learning Group on the Physical Education
Kadomoto Hitoshi
PP. 81 - 90
An Examination of Instructional Strategies for Forming Students' Ability to Choice Foods in Elementary School
Nakamura Kikue
PP. 91 - 100
説明的文章における発話媒介行為としての理解 : 構成員的理解の必要性
The Understanding as Perlocutionary Acts in Teaching Expository Texts : The need of "understanding as a membership of the society"
Nakamura Toru
PP. 101 - 108
小学校における障害理解教育の在り方に関する研究 : 通常学級における障害告知の実態把握調査を通して
The Shape of the Activities of Disability Education at Elementary Schools : A survey on the current status of notifi cation of disabilities at regular classrooms
Kawai Norimune
Fukayama Shohei
PP. 109 - 117
特別支援学校(知的障害)高等部進路指導担当教員に求められる知識・スキル : 高等部進路指導担当教員への調査から
The Survey of the Knowledge and Skills Required for Transition Teachers in High School Divisions of Special Needs Education with Intellectual Disabilities : Based on the opinions of transition teachers in high school divisions of special needs education with intellectual disabilities
Fujii Asuka
Ochiai Toshiro
PP. 119 - 126
特別支援学校(知的障害)高等部進路指導担当教員に求められる知識・スキル : 障害者就業・生活支援センター職員への調査から
The Survey of the Knowledge and Skills Required for Transition Specialists in High School Divisions of Special Schools for Students with Intellectual Disabilities : Based on the opinions of stuffs of employment and life support centers for individual with disabilities
Fujii Asuka
PP. 127 - 133
A Study of Transformation of the Beginning Teacher's Thinking in Physical Education Lessons of Elementary Schools
Kubo Kenji
Kihara Seiichiro
Murai Jun
Fujimoto Shoko
Osedo Kazuki
PP. 135 - 142
Issue 59
( 2010-12-24 )
Bildungstheoretische Betrachtung zum Verständnis der Historie : Die Relevanz von Nietzsches genealogischer Methode
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 1 - 10
Was ist Zeit, Herr Tarô URASHIMA? : Denkerziehung mit dem klassischen Bilderbuch
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 11 - 19
授業研究の新しい方向性 : 反省的実践家によるアクション・リサーチと映像活用
An Innovative Direction of the Research on Class Teaching : Action Research by Reflective Practitioner and Utilization of Visuals
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 21 - 30
指導を聞かない児童・生徒への教師の「対処法」について : テキストマイニングの手法を用いた学校種別, 教師経験別分析
What Kind of Strategies do Teachers Use to Manage for Hard Handling Students? : Analyzing on the diff erences among careers of teachers and schools with text mining method
Aoki Tazuko
Ogawa Kyoko
PP. 31 - 40
多様な対象に向けられるナーチュランスに関する研究 : 親準備期と親期に着目して
A Study on Nurturance toward Various Objects : Focusing on mothers and young women before motherhood
Ashida Chie
PP. 41 - 50
A Study on the Narrative Theory on Bruner
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 51 - 57
教育における身体知の研究 : 金子明友の身体知の構造分析論と運動学習・運動教育の問題
Research on the Bodily Knowledge in Education : Kaneko Akitomo's Structure Analysis of Bodily Knowledge and the Problems of Movement Learning and Movement Teaching
Wang Shuiquan
PP. 59 - 67
児童期からの適応感を測定できる生活充実感尺度の開発 : 適応感研究の相互比較を可能にする尺度をめざして
An Examinations of Reliability and Validity of a Comprehensive Emotional Well-being Scale from Childhood to Adolescent : Aiming for Comparison Studies between Researchers
Takahashi Tomoko
Aoki Tazuko
PP. 69 - 77
An Examination of the Dimensional Structure of Posture Stimulations in Instructional Situation
Nonaka Youichirou
Numa Kousuke
Inoue Wataru
PP. 79 - 87
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (VI)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 89 - 98
The State of Anxiety Felt by Elementary School Pupils during Foreign Language Activities
Matsumiya Nagako
PP. 107 - 114
小学校体育授業における運動技能の自己評価に関する事例的研究 : 教師による評価と児童の自己評価に着目して
A Case Study on the Self-assessment of the Motor Skill in the Elementary School Physical Education Class : Focusing on the Assessment by the Teacher and the Self-assessment by the Pupil
Osedo Kazuki
PP. 115 - 124
A Basic Study on the Development of a Computer-based Program Teaching People with Autistic Disorders to Read Emotions from Vocal Expressions (1)
Wakamatsu Akihiko
Kakutani Rie
PP. 125 - 131
韓国の個別化教育計画と日本の個別の指導計画に関する比較研究 : 「障がい者制度改革推進会議」の内容に着目して
Comparative Study on South Korean Individualized Education Program and Japanese Individualized Instruction Program : Focusing on the discussion in "the Advisory Committee to Promote the Reform of Administrative Systems for Persons with Disabilities"
Cui Mingfu
PP. 133 - 139
A Study of Contents What Special Needs Education Coordinators Support Regular Class Teachers
Miyaki Hideo
Kifune Noriyuki
PP. 141 - 150
未知の語の学習について : プライミング・パラダイムを用いた検討
On Learning of Unknown Words: An Investigation Using Priming Paradigm
Oka Naoki
Kiriki Kenshi
Nakamura Ryo
Sato Yoko
PP. 151 - 156
生徒指導主事を対象とした研修プログラムの開発的研究(1) : 広島市の生徒指導主事研修プログラムの事例から
Developmental Research on A Teacher Training for School Counseling and Guidance Teachers I : Through a training program for school counseling and guidance teachers in Hiroshima city
Nagae Ayako
Kurihara Shinji
Nakamura Takashi
Ishii Shinji
Yonezawa Takashi
PP. 157 - 166
生徒指導主事を対象とした研修プログラムの開発的研究(2) : 生徒指導主事の自己評価と学校長評価の関係から
Developmental Research on A Teacher Training for School Counseling and Guidance Teachers II : A relationship between evaluations by a teacher him/herself and by the school principal
Kurihara Shinji
Nagae Ayako
Nakamura Takashi
Ishii Shinji
Yonezawa Takashi
PP. 167 - 174
Issue 58
( 2009-12-25 )
Tanahashi Kenji
PP. -
Caring in der Erziehung zum Denken : Eine Entwicklungsstudie über das innovative Lernen
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 1 - 10
Lernen für das künftige Berufsleben (II) : Die Unterrichtspraxis „Entrepreneurship“ in der japanischen Mittelschule
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
Pilz Matthias
Frey Urs
PP. 11 - 18
児童のゲーム使用時間と感情, 仲間集団との関連 : 自宅近くの仲間の多さを考慮した日中比較
The Relation between Playing Time of Games and Emotions, in Fifth Grade Students : Comparing with the children in China including the factor of friends to play with together after school
Aoki Tazuko
Gong Xiaoyun
Nakamura Sou
PP. 19 - 23
教師にとっての「扱いにくい子ども」の特徴について : 自由記述のテキストマイニングを通して
What is "Handling Difficulty Students" for School Teachers? : Throughout interpretation of text questionnaires by text mining
Aoki Tazuko
Ogawa Kyoko
PP. 25 - 32
幼児の早期教育に関する一考察 : 幼児教育におけるブルーナー理論の位置を中心に
A Study on the Early Education of the Infant : Focus on the position of Bruner's theory in early childhood education
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 33 - 38
Effectiveness of Using a Portable Video Game for Promoting Healthy Dietary Behavior among College Students
Shiba Eri
PP. 39 - 46
Psychoeducational Support for a School Child with Math Problems
Takahashi Tomoko
Oka Naoki
PP. 47 - 55
授業実践場面におけるダイナミック・アセスメントの効果に関する研究 : 小学校第6学年「水溶液の性質」における知識再生力, 知識表現力の育成について
A Study on Dynamic Assessment to Improve Knowledge Recall and Knowledge Construction : The repetition guidance to improve the knowledge recall and knowledge construction of sixth grade elementary school pupils in the topic "The properties of aqueous solutions"
Teramoto Takahiro
PP. 57 - 64
Development of Peace Image Scale
Nonaka Youichirou
Ashida Chie
Ishii Shinji
PP. 65 - 71
自己調整能力の発達に関する大学生の自己認知 : 幼児期から青年期後期までの自己主張・自己抑制的行動の自己評定から
University Students' Self-cognition about their Developmental Changes in Self-regulation : Self-evaluation of self-assertion and self-inhibition from infancy to youth
Maruyama-Yamamoto Aiko
PP. 73 - 80
The Possibility on the Methods of Coordination between School and Families in Nutrition Education of the Homemaking in Elementary School
Ito Keiko
Nakashima Shoko
PP. 81 - 88
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (V)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 89 - 98
F. W. パーカーの美術教育論とその実践的展開に関する研究
A Study on Art Education Theory of F. W. Parker and the Practical Development
Nakamura Kazuyo
PP. 107 - 114
児童の相互作用を促す理科学習の開発に関する研究 : 「フリータイム」の導入による効果を中心に
Development of the Students' Interaction in the Science Class : Focusing on the effect of "Free time"
Sanda Koji
PP. 115 - 123
小学校教員養成における運動指導の力量形成に関する研究 : 逆上がりの観察内容の変化を通して
A Study on Improvement of Physical Education Classes for Professional Development in the Primary Teacher Training Course : Focusing on movement observation about the forward upward circling
Murai Jun
PP. 125 - 133
台湾の教員養成教育における文学教育の考察 : 指導案の考察を通して
A Study of Taiwan's Literature Education in a Teacher Education Course : Focus on lesson plans
Yu Liangyin
PP. 135 - 142
Multiple Curriculums Corresponding to Individual Educational Needs in Special Schools for Children with Postural-Motor Disordres
Kifune Noriyuki
PP. 143 - 149
全国学力調査点字問題に関する一考察 : 点字問題作成の配慮
Thoughts on the Braille Problems in National Scholarship Surveys : Considerations in the preparation of braille problems
Mutaguchi Tatsumi
PP. 151 - 158
The Relationship between Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students' Japanese Sign Language and Japanese Language Proficiency
Iurascu Mariela A.
PP. 159 - 168
Presentation Methods of Example Sentences in Learning of Unknown Words
Oka Naoki
Kiriki Kenshi
Iha Nozomi
PP. 169 - 173
Issue 57
( 2008-12-26 )
Sakakoshi Masaki
PP. -
Lernen für das künftige Berufsleben : Die Vermittlung von Selbst- und Sozialkompetenz in der Schule
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
Pilz Matthias
Frey Urs
PP. 1 - 6
„Inochi" : Sterben und Weitergabe des Lebens : Replikation der Unterrichtspraxis von Toshiaki Ôse an deutschen Grundschulkindern
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 7 - 15
異文化理解と教育 : オーストラリアにおける事例観察と問題の展望
Cross-Cultural Understanding and Education : Case Observations in Australia and an Outlook on the Problems
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 17 - 26
The Effects of Parenting Attitudes over Social Skills and the Sense of Well-being in Middle School Students
Aoki Tazuko
Taniguchi Kouichi
Takeshima Asuka
Toda Mayumi
PP. 27 - 33
A Study on the Formulation Process of Bruner's Concept of "Scaffolding"
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 35 - 42
The Impact on Pupils' Altruistic Attitudes : a Comparison of the Effects of Direct Activity and Indirect Interventions.
Miyasato Tomoe
PP. 43 - 50
The Challenge and Perspective about the Studies of Teaching Practice in Japan
Yonezawa Takashi
PP. 51 - 58
The Significance of Teachers' Verbal Support for "As if" Drawings by Children
Wakayama Ikuyo
PP. 59 - 67
教員養成段階で行う体育の模擬授業の効果に関する事例研究 : テスト映像を視聴した学生が気づいた体育授業の要素
A Case Study on the Effectiveness of the Trial Teaching in Physical Education for the Initial Teacher Training : The elements that students find out through watching the film of teaching in physical education
Kihara Seiichiro
Hino Katuhiro
Yonemura Kohei
Tokunaga Ryuji
Matuda Keizi
Iwata Shotaro
PP. 69 - 76
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (IV)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 77 - 86
小学校教員養成における体育科目の授業改善に関する研究 : 後方支持回転に着目して
A Study of Improvement of Physical Education Classes in the Primary Teacher Training Course : Focusing on the hip circle backward
Murai Jun
Kihara Seiichiro
Matsuda Yasusada
PP. 97 - 105
How Individuals should be in Communication Learning
Taniguchi Naotaka
PP. 107 - 114
ことばの学びとしてのクィア : 国語教育におけるクィア・スタディーズの可能性
Queer as Learning of Literature : Possibility of Queer Studies in Japanese language education
Nagata Mayo
PP. 115 - 122
The Human Education by Miekichi Suzuki through Guidance of "Tsudurikata" in the "Akaitori" Magazine
Izumo Toshie
PP. 123 - 130
特別支援学校のセンター的機能 : ネットワークの形成
The Functions of Local Special Education Center of Special Schools : Organization of networks
Kifune Noriyuki
Goto Hiroshi
Ohira Dan
Ishizaka Ikuyo
Ohta Tomio
Notomi Keiko
PP. 131 - 136
中国古代における障害者福祉思想の形成とその特徴に関する一研究 : 律令による障害者規定までの古代福祉思想をめぐって
The Formation and Characteristics of Welfare Philosophy in Ancient China : Ancient welfare philosophy until the times with laws for persons with disabilities
Xiao Fang
PP. 137 - 143
社会性と情動の学習(SEL)の必要性と課題 : 日本の学校教育における感情学習プログラムの開発・導入に向けて
The Needs and Challenges for Introduction of Social and Emotional Learning into Japanese School Education
Yamada Yohei
PP. 145 - 154
Theories, Facts, Assessments, and Treatments of Stuttering : How are theories and facts of stuttering consistent with our practice?
Kawai Norimune
PP. 155 - 164
Issue 56
( 2007-12-28 )
Methoden der Selbstüberprüfung des moralischen Lernens : Beispiele aus der kinderphilosophischen Praxis
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 1 - 9
D.カミイにおける偏見反省力の育成 : 多文化社会の学習方略の学習開発学的研究
Die Förderung von Reflexionskompetenz gegen das Vorurteil bei Daniela G. Camhy : Der Entwicklungsversuch einer Lernstrategie in der interkulturellen Sozietät
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 11 - 20
両親の養育態度, 生活体験が小学生の社会的スキル, 生活充実感に及ぼす影響
The Influence of Parenting Attitudes and Everyday Activities over Social Skills and the Sense of Well-being in Elementary School Students.
Aoki Tazuko
Takashima Asuka
Toda Mayumi
Taniguchi Kouichi
PP. 21 - 28
1960年代米国における学問中心カリキュラム開発に関する一考察 : 音楽家に焦点をあてて
A Study of Trend in 1960's about Development of Discipline-Centered-Curriculum in U.S.A : Focus on the music
Imai Yasuharu
PP. 29 - 37
The Relationship among Drive foe Thinness, Self Evaluation and Self Acceptance on Undergraduate Females
Tazaki Shinji
PP. 39 - 47
子どもの「社会的慣習」概念の発達に関する研究 : 「状況依存性」に着目して
Study on Development of Children's "social conventiona" Concept : Focus on "contextualizm"
Morikawa Atsuko
PP. 49 - 58
日本における体育哲学の学的形成に関する研究 : 1920年代の數川與五郎の「体育哲学」を中心に
A Study on the Formation of the Philosophy of Physical Education in Japan : Kazukawa Yogorou's "Philosophy of Physical Education" in 1920s
Takata Tetsushi
PP. 59 - 66
学部生から見た教育実習の意義に関する一考察 : 数量的分析及び質的分析を通して
Examining the Meaning of Teaching Practice by Undergraduates : Through the Quantitative Research and the Qualitative Research
Yonezawa Takashi
PP. 67 - 76
教育実習生の実習前後の授業・教師・子どもイメージの変容 : 実習生のレジリエンスに注目して
Change in the Image of Teaching, Teacher, and Children Expressed in Trainee Teacher before and aftaer Teaching Practice : The role of resilience
Mishima Tomotaka
PP. 77 - 83
A Case study on the Significance of the Trial Teaching in Physical Education for the Initial Teacher Training
Kihara Seiichiro
Murai Jun
Sakata Kohei
Matsuda Yasusada
PP. 85 - 91
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (III)
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 93 - 102
A Study on the Development of Children's Probability Concept in Elementary Education Stage
Matsuura Taketo
Ueda Atsumi
PP. 111 - 118
A Consideration about the Framework for" Classroom Humor" Research
Aoto Hiroyuki
PP. 119 - 128
峰地光重「生産教育」に関する考察 : 「生活」認識の観点から
A Study on Mitsushige Mineji's Productive Teaching Practice : From the viewpoint of recognition of "life"
Izumo Toshie
PP. 129 - 136
A Study of the Feelings about "Self" in Course of Study of Japanese
Nagata Mayo
PP. 137 - 144
コミュニケーション学習のための演劇 : 対話劇教材の検討
Drama for Communication Learning : An analysis of the drama teaching material
Taniguchi Naotaka
PP. 145 - 151
Issue 55
( 2007-03-28 )
Das Problem des Fortschrittsdenkens in der modernen Pädagogik : Am Beispiel der reformpädagogischen Bewegung
Takara Dobashi
PP. 1 - 8
Theoretische Überlegungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Lernen und Spiel : Graphische Versuche deutscher Studenten zu der Debatte japanischer Erzieher
Takara Dobashi
Eva Marsal
PP. 9 - 17
日常的会話場面における発話者に対する共感度と批判的思考の関係 : 会話文を用いての検討
Relationship between sympathy and critical thinking in the daily conversation : Investigation applied the text of conversation
Okibayashi Yohei
PP. 19 - 24
Aspects of Philosophical Dialogue with Children
Karel L. van der Leeuw
PP. 25 - 34
Trends and problems pertaining to determinants of assertive behavior
Takahashi Hitoshi
PP. 35 - 43
The trends and issues about drive for thinness and eating behavior
Tazaki Shinji
PP. 45 - 52
A Study on the development of contextualism in Dictinction between Social-Conventional Concepts and Moral Concepts
Morikawa Atsuko
Suzuki Yumiko
PP. 53 - 59
アメリカのカリフォルニア州における科学カリキュラムの現代的動向 : 直接教授と探究活動とのバランスを重視した科学カリキュラム
Current Trend of Science Curriculum in California of the United States of America : Focusing on Science Curriculum Balanced Direct Teaching with Investigative Activity
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 61 - 70
アルバート C. バーンズの美術教育論に関する研究 : 「転移する価値(transferred values)」と知覚認識(perception)の教育
A Study on Art Education Theory of Albert C. Barnes : Transferred Values and Education of Perception
Nakamura Kazuyo
PP. 81 - 90
Making of checklists to reflect teacher's demand in the handbook as the source of the Special Support Education
Terada Yoko
PP. 91 - 98
Issue 54
( 2006-03-28 )
Philosophieren mit Kindern in der Grundschule. Die Erläuterung des theoretischen Ansatzes von Ekkehard Martens
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 1 - 9
„Der Homo Ludens" : eine geeignete Kinderbildannahme für den Ethikunterricht
Dobashi Takara
Marsal Eva
PP. 11 - 18
子どものための英語教育 : シュタイナー教育における実践からの示唆
English Education for Children : Practical Suggestions from Waldorf Education
Higuchi Satoshi
Jaffke Christoph
Adachi Nozomu
PP. 19 - 28
読解方略の変化が批判的読解に及ぼす効果 : データマイニングによる検討
The Effect of the Changes of Reading Strategies Applied to Critical Reading. An Investigation Applied Data-Mining
Okibayashi Yohe
PP. 49 - 55
児童における「社会的慣習」判断の基準に関する一考察 : 道徳授業における「社会的慣習」判断の基準の分析から
Research on the criteria of social-conventional judgement of children : An anaysis of the criteria of social-conventional judgement of children in moral classes of elementary school
Suzuki Yumiko
Morikawa Atsuko
PP. 65 - 71
「わかる」の位相 : 説明的文章の読みの場合
What 'understanding of the text' means. -On learning of reading the expository texts-
Morita Nobuyoshi
PP. 105 - 114
A Fundamental Research on Reconstruction of Shosha Education
Matsumoto Hitoshi
PP. 115 - 122
ジョン・デューイの芸術教育論の形成に関する研究 : アルバート C.バーンズとの書簡を中心に
A Study on the Development of John Dewey's Theory of Aesthetic Education -Based on the Content Analysis of Correspondence Between Dewey and Barnes-
Nakamura Kazuyo
PP. 123 - 132
点字教科書編集資料に見る我が国の点字教科書30年の歩み : 小学部国語科を中心に
Thirty years of Braille textbooks in Japan, seen in Braille textbook editing materials with a focus on the Japanese language copurse in elementary school
Mutaguchi Tatsumi
PP. 133 - 140
A study on the educational counseling system for the children under the age of three in the Japanese schools for the deaf
Tanimoto Tadaaki
Ogawa Hiroshi
PP. 141 - 149
Issue 53
( 2005-03-28 )
Eine Entwicklungsstudie : Spiele als Lernstrategie des Ethikunterrichts
Dobashi Takara
Hunke Karin
Marsal Eva
PP. 1 - 9
児童と哲学する : その授業実践の教育方法論的考察
Philosophieren mil Kindern : Eine didaktische Betrachtung iiber die Unterrichtspraxis
Dobashi Takara
PP. 11 - 19
M.ウェーバーの教育社会学(XVI) : 大学教師論との関連を中心として
M.Webers Soziologie der Erziehung : Eine Auslegung in Bezug auf sein Idealbild des akademischen Lehrers
Nishine Kazuo
PP. 21 - 30
長田新におけるペスタロッチー理解 : 1920年代から1930年代までの時期を中心に
The understanding of Pestalozzi in Arata Osada : Focusing on 1920's -1930's
Suzuki Yumiko
PP. 31 - 38
Die Praxis des Geographie-Unterrichtes an der Waldorfschule als Beitrag zur Reform des Lehrplanes der öffentlichen japanischen Schulen
Schmutz Hans Ulrich
Yano Hiroyuki
PP. 39 - 48
Classification of help-seeking behaviors based on the restrain factors
Nosaki Hidemasa
Ishii Shinji
PP. 49 - 54
学習者のリアリティを喚起する「人間関係」という視座 : メディア・リテラシー教育の新たな展開に向けて
The reality of the learner awakened by the viewpoint of "human relations" : directing to the new development of media literacy education
Harada Daisuke
PP. 55 - 64
Evaluation of Japanese School Counseling Program : Qualitative Case Study in a Japanese Junior High School
Evaluation of Japanese School Counseling Program : Qualitative Case Study in a Japanese Junior High School
Zaffuto Steven Randolph
PP. 65 - 72
説明的文章教育の改善 : 単元創造の方法
Improvement of Expository Texts Teaching : On a Method of Developing Units
Morita Nobuyoshi
PP. 73 - 82
Developing Abilities of Reading Argumentative Texts Critically at the Senior High School
Morita Nobuyoshi
Kuzuhara Masako
PP. 83 - 92
米国における美的教育カリキュラム開発の史的研究I : 美的知覚プロジェクト(the Aesthetic Eye Project)を中心に
A Historical Study of the Curriculum Development of Aesthetic Education in the US : Critical Analysis on the Theory and Practice of Aesthetic Eye Project( 1975-1976)
Nakamura Kazuyo
PP. 93 - 102
きょうだいの自閉性障害の概念発達に関する研究 : その他の障害との比較を通して
The Study of sibling's conceptual development on autistic disorder : In the comparison with the conceptual developments on other disorders
Yanagisawa Akiko
PP. 103 - 109
Issue 52
( 2004-03-28 )
The relationships among students' self-regulated learning, information literacy and readiness for IT society
Mori Toshiaki
Shimizu Masuharu
Ishida Megumu
Tominaga Mihoko
PP. 1 - 8
教育家の老年像(その1) : コメンスキーの高齢期学び論
Das Bild vom Greisenalter im Klassiker der Padagogik, Erster Teil : J. A. Komensky uber das Lernen des hohen Alters
Dobashi Takara
PP. 9 - 18
J. H. Campe 教育思想における理性と信仰 : 児童・青少年文学を手がかりとして
Reason and Faith in the educational thought of Joachim Heinrich Campe : Forcusing on his Juvenile Literature
Yamauchi Noritsugu
PP. 19 - 26
学術論文読解における批判的思考の役割 : 学習指導法の探索
The role of critical thinking in reading on articles : Detection for the method on teaching theory
Okibayashi Yohei
PP. 27 - 34
The trend and prospects of study about eating behavior and self-control
Katou Yoshiko
PP. 35 - 44
Music and emotion / mood
Koga Hiroyuki
PP. 45 - 52
Learning Strategies for Self-regulated Learning
Mori Yoko
PP. 53 - 58
情報通信技術を介した協調学習支援システムの問題点と今後の課題 : 生徒ひとりひとりに焦点を当てたシステム開発に向けて
Problem and New Approach of CSCL (Computer Supported for Collaborative Learning) Systems : Focusing on Individual Learners
Yoshioka Atsuko
PP. 59 - 64
就学前集団保育から小学校への移行における適応に関する発達心理学的研究 : 研究の視点と課題
A Developmental Psychological Study on Adjustment in the Transition from Preschool to Elementary School : Aspects and Approach to Research
Kobayashi Sayoko
PP. 65 - 71
A review of studies on determinants of academic help-seeking
Nosaki Hidemasa
PP. 73 - 82
Effects of messages on evaluation of interpersonal sentiment and interpersonal impression by CMC
Okamoto Kaori
PP. 83 - 88
Evaluation by Driving School Instructors on the Program of the Driver's License for Renewal Course for the Elderly
Fujikawa Mieko
PP. 89 - 96
戦後理科教育改革関係資料の研究(II) : 教育課程文庫所収の『基礎科学教育叢書』について
A study of documents and records concerning science education reform in postwar Japan (II) : Focusing on the Basic Science Education Series in the Textbook and Curriculum Library
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 97 - 106
「思い出のうた」形成過程の分析 : 教育学部生と音楽学部生の比較
An analysis of the formation process of a "memorable song" : A comparative study of students of the department of education and music major students
Nomura Koji
Koga Hiroyuki
PP. 107 - 114
説明的文章指導論の史的研究 IX : 『小学校学習指導要領』の考察を中心に
A Historical Study of the Theories and Practices of Expository Text Teaching IX : On the Elementary School Courses of Study of Japanese Language
Morita Nobuyoshi
PP. 115 - 124
高等学校国語科における主題単元の実践 V : 国語科主題単元(カリキュラム)から見た総合的な学習の課題
Practicing the Thematic Units in the Senior High School Japanese Classroom V : Examining the Problems in "Comprehensive Learning" from the point of view of Building Thematic Units in Japanese Language
Morita Nobuyoshi
Kuzuhara Masako
PP. 125 - 134
生活科における「学校」に関する一考察 : 「学校」に関する内容の変遷と「気付き」の問題
A Study on "School" as Contents of Life Environment Studies : The Issue of Awareness and Transition of "School" as the Contents
Asakura Atsushi
PP. 135 - 143
H. S. ブロウディの美的教育論に関する一考察
A study of H. S. Broudy's theory of aesthetic education
Nakamura Kazuyo
PP. 145 - 153
Issue 51
( 2003-03-28 )
Relationships between Students' Self-Educational Ability in Their College Age and Personal Teaching Theory (PTT) in their High School Age
Mori Toshiaki
Shimizu Masaharu
Ishida Megumu
Tominaga Mihoko
PP. 1 - 8
学習論として見た「身体感性論」の意義と可能性 : R.Shustermanの所論をめぐって
A Significance and Capability of ""Somaesthetics"" from the Viewpoint of Learning Theory : A Commentarv on R. Shusterman's Article
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 9 - 15
Somaesthetics and Education
Shusterman Richard
PP. 17 - 24
密度概念の発達に関する研究 : 動向と課題
How understanding of density develops: The trend and prospects of study
Nagase Miho
PP. 25 - 33
児童の作文評価をめぐる諸問題 : 観点別到達度評価に関わる史的・測定論的考察
Problems in the evaluation of children's compositions in Japanese schools : Historical and theoretical considerations of criterion-referenced evaluation
Kajii Yoshiaki
PP. 35 - 44
A Study on B. M. Parker, the Author of 'the Basic Science Education Series' in the Textbook and Curriculum Library
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 45 - 54
Practicing the Thematic Units in the Senior High School Japanese Classroom IV
Morita Nobuyoshi
Kuzuhara Masako
PP. 55 - 64
A comparison of the handling way of problem posing between the forth national textbook for elementary school mathematics and the teacher's guide book written by Shimizu Zingo
Ueda Atsumi
PP. 65 - 72
Curriculum Development at the Seijo Elementary School and Teaching of Physical Education from the Taisho Era to the early years of the Showa Era
Kihara Seiichiro
PP. 73 - 82
書写技能の運用能力育成に関する実践的研究 : 技能運用への意識化に向けた取り組みを中心に
Practical research on training of capability which employs calligraphy skill
Matsumoto Hitoshi
Taniguchi Kunihiko
PP. 83 - 89
A Basic Study on Recognition of Facial Expressions in People with Autistic Disorder II
Wakamatsu Akihiko
PP. 91 - 96
高齢運転者の運転行動と運転志向に関する研究の動向と課題 : 安全教育の視点から
Current Trends and Problems in Driving Behavior and its Volition of Elderly Drivers : from Viewpoint of Safety Education
Fujikawa Mieko
PP. 97 - 105
電子メディアを媒介した対人コミュニケーションに関する研究 : その理論と動向
Theories and development of computer-mediated communication research: A review
Okamoto kaori
PP. 107 - 115
幼児の心の理論に関する研究の動向と展望 : 社会的相互作用との関連を取り上げた研究に着目して
Research on preschoolers' theory of mind : Focus on relationship of the theory of mind and social interactions
Morino Miwo
PP. 117 - 124
Issue 50
( 2002-02-28 )
大学生の自己教育力に影響する要因は何か : 学習目標, 原因帰属, セルフエフィカシー, および暗黙の知能観の影響
What Factors Do Affect Students' Self-Educational Abilities? : Effects of Learning Goals, Causal Attribution, Self-Efficacy, and the Implicit Theory of Intelligence
Mori Toshiaki
Ishida Megumu
Shimizu Masuharu
Tominaga Mihoko
PP. 1 - 8
Esquisse for the Theory of Aesthetic or Kansei Education
Higuchi Satoshi
PP. 9 - 15
Importance of Word Recognition in Listening Comprehension of English as a Foreign Language
Yamaguchi Tomoko
PP. 17 - 24
Contributions of Cognitive Psychology to the Future of E-Learning
Aibert Dietrich
Mori Toshiaki
PP. 25 - 34
How does writing contribute to learning from text?
Itoh Masako
PP. 35 - 44
教員と大学生は児童の生活文をどのように評価するのか? : 評価項目の学年の識別性による検討
Determining the Criteria that Can Predict Children's Writing Ability : An Examination of Teachers' and Students' Evaluation of Children's Compositions
Kajii Yoshiaki
PP. 45 - 54
STSアプローチによる高等学校「理科総合A」のカリキュラム開発 : 単元「資源の利用と自然環境」を中心として
Curriculum Development for High School "Integrated Science A" : Through STS Approach Lessons of Unit on a Use of Natural Resources and Natural Environment
Kayano Akihide
PP. 55 - 64
A Study on Women's Learning for their Empowerment
Kuzuhara Ikuko
PP. 65 - 72
Development of drawing and spatial cognition in young children
Taguchi Masanori
PP. 73 - 82
An Examination of the Metacognitive Processes in the Internet Information Retrieval
Yoshioka Atsuko
PP. 83 - 90
戦後理科教育改革関係資料の研究(I) : 科学教育のためのCIE映画について
A study of documents and records concerning science education reform in postwar Japan (I) : Focusing on the CIE films of science education
Shiba Kazumi
PP. 91 - 100
説明的文章指導論の史的研究 VIII : 西郷竹彦氏の理論を中心に
A Historical Study of the Theories and Practices of Expository Text Teaching VIII : On The Teaching of "Logic and Rhetoric of Writers" by T. Saigo
Morita Nobuyoshi
PP. 101 - 110
高等学校国語科における主題単元の実践 III
Practicing the Thematic Units in the Senior High School Japanese Classroom III
Morita Nobuyoshi
Kuzuhara Masako
PP. 111 - 120
A study of Shimizu's research about arithmetic problems posed by children
Ueda Atsumi
PP. 121 - 128
理科授業の構想にかかわる教師志望学生の知識 : 「もののかさと温度」に関する単元構成を事例として
Prospective Teachers' Knowledge in Planning of Science Teaching : A Case Study on Planning the Unit about "the Volume and the Temperature of Matters"
Yamasaki Takahito
PP. 129 - 137
A study on the educational activities using computer network in the high-school department of deaf school in Japan
Tanimoto Tadaaki
Zaitsu Seiichi
PP. 139 - 146
Japanese EFL Learners' Cognitive Processing of English Regular and Irregular Words
Nakamura Tomoko
PP. 147 - 156
Competence and Performance in English Learning : With a Focus on the Difference between Japanese Learners and Native Speakers
Matsuoka Hironobu
PP. 157 - 164