広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 53 号
2005-03-28 発行

米国における美的教育カリキュラム開発の史的研究I : 美的知覚プロジェクト(the Aesthetic Eye Project)を中心に

A Historical Study of the Curriculum Development of Aesthetic Education in the US : Critical Analysis on the Theory and Practice of Aesthetic Eye Project( 1975-1976)
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The purpose of this study is to examine critically how H.S. Broudy's theory of aesthetic education was put into practice in the Aesthetic Eye Project (1975-1976). This study reveals both the successful and unsuccessful parts of the Project. As the successful parts, it overcomes several shortcomings of DBAE curriculum by taking account of the following concepts. They are (1) relation of aesthetic education to the living, (2) use of the child's viewpoint for the development of classroom activities, (3) use of various kinds of arts, (4) integration of aesthetic education into other study areas, and (5) nourishment of the teacher's practical knowledge. This study also points out that although the Project made possible the curriculum development of aesthetic education, "the aesthetic image," central to Broudy's theory, was unsuccessfully taught in the practice.
H.S. Broudy
argumentative text
teaching process
critical reading
senior high school
Japanese language