広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域
50 号
2002-02-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5546
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
What Factors Do Affect Students' Self-Educational Abilities? : Effects of Learning Goals, Causal Attribution, Self-Efficacy, and the Implicit Theory of Intelligence
森 敏昭 石田 潤 清水 益治 冨永 美穂子
PP. 1 - 8
Esquisse for the Theory of Aesthetic or Kansei Education
PP. 9 - 15
How does writing contribute to learning from text?
伊東 昌子
PP. 35 - 44
Determining the Criteria that Can Predict Children's Writing Ability : An Examination of Teachers' and Students' Evaluation of Children's Compositions
梶井 芳明
PP. 45 - 54
Curriculum Development for High School "Integrated Science A" : Through STS Approach Lessons of Unit on a Use of Natural Resources and Natural Environment
栢野 彰秀
PP. 55 - 64
A Study on Women's Learning for their Empowerment
葛原 生子
PP. 65 - 72
Development of drawing and spatial cognition in young children
田口 雅徳
PP. 73 - 82
An Examination of the Metacognitive Processes in the Internet Information Retrieval
吉岡 敦子
PP. 83 - 90
A study of documents and records concerning science education reform in postwar Japan (I) : Focusing on the CIE films of science education
PP. 91 - 100
A Historical Study of the Theories and Practices of Expository Text Teaching VIII : On The Teaching of "Logic and Rhetoric of Writers" by T. Saigo
森田 信義
PP. 101 - 110
Practicing the Thematic Units in the Senior High School Japanese Classroom III
森田 信義 葛原 昌子
PP. 111 - 120
A study of Shimizu's research about arithmetic problems posed by children
PP. 121 - 128
Prospective Teachers' Knowledge in Planning of Science Teaching : A Case Study on Planning the Unit about "the Volume and the Temperature of Matters"
PP. 129 - 137
A study on the educational activities using computer network in the high-school department of deaf school in Japan
谷本 忠明 財津 誠一
PP. 139 - 146