広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域
66 号
2017-12-22 発行
ISSN : 1346-5546
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
Learning Support for School Children with Math Diffi culties: How to improve the ability to solve math word problems and self-efficacy
岡 直樹 井場木 友貴
PP. 1 - 7
The Change of Children through the Continuous Activities with Goals in the Friendship Program at Hiroshima University: Focusing on Self-Direction, Friendship-making Skills, and Motivation
PP. 9 - 16
A Case Study on the Effect of a Fathering Support Lecture on Attendee Fathers
趙 碩
PP. 25 - 33
A Study on Home Education Support for School-age Children and their Families
藤井 瞳
PP. 35 - 42
Reflection Matrix to Analyze Changes in the Speech Protocol of an Experienced Elementary School Teacher
保森 智彦
PP. 43 - 51
The Present State and Issues of Environmental Education in China: A focus on higher education
刘 禕婧
PP. 53 - 62
Developing Lesson Plans to Encourage Self Expression Using “Stage” Teaching Materials: An Examination of Two Elementary School Lessons
寺内 大輔 甫出 頼之
PP. 63 - 70
Assistance for Learning Keyboard Instruments in the Elementary School Teacher Training Program
PP. 71 - 78
A Study on the Awareness and Attitude of University Students in the Faculty of Education on Prenatal Diagnosis
若松 昭彦 下竹 亜里沙
PP. 79 - 85
Consideration of DeSeCo’s Key Competency “Reflectivity”: Kegan’s scolarly comments in “Defining and Selecting Key Competencies”
PP. 95 - 101