広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 66 号
2017-12-22 発行


Assistance for Learning Keyboard Instruments in the Elementary School Teacher Training Program
田中 香月
754 KB
The focus of this research is learning support for those students in elementary school teacher training programs learning to play the keyboard. In teacher training, the piano is regarded as an essential element in the curriculum for elementary education. Applicants for teaching positions are often required to sing while playing the piano or organ, or to play the accompaniment to songs that are compulsory content in elementary schools. However, there are various abilities required for instruction in music classes, and the skills required to play the keyboard in teaching are different from those for casual players. A report by the Central Council for Education (2015) suggests that the content of each subject should be acquired together with the teaching methods in the curriculum of teacher training courses. Therefore, we will examine the scenarios in which a teacher’s skill in playing the keyboard is required, discuss possible obstacles, and suggest some options to improve their learning processes. In addition, we delve into ICT and electronic devices for students who have difficulty practicing by themselves. These measures could allow students to utilize the keyboard as an instructional tool. In acquiring abilities for music instruction with various tools, students should also become conscious of their learning processes so that they can then independently improve their skill level.
learning of keyboard instruments
elementary school teacher training