広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 66 号
2017-12-22 発行

Developing a Global Curriculum: Student Interest in Global Education

613 KB
With globalization of universities being a major concern in Japan, many universities are designing new programs and courses with a focus on global education. The goals of these programs, however, do not always align with the goals of the students at the universities, leading to a lack of student interest in the course content. This has led toward a need for designers of these global curriculum and courses to think of ways to increase student interest in these programs, thus helping to align student goals with those of the program (Spera & Wentzel, 2003). This paper will share data from a course in one such program, which utilized participant-developed questions to engage student interest in the course content. These questions are shared and suggestions for future research are given.
Global Education
Course Development
Student Interest
Student-Centered Learning