広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域
62 号
2013-12-20 発行
ISSN : 1346-5546
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
The Effects of Peer Mediation Program Compact on Elementary Students : From the point of view of self-efficacy and school adjustment
青木 多寿子 山﨑 彩加 木村 正信 三宅 幹子
PP. 1 - 7
School Inspections about Character Education at St. Louis in the USA
青木 多寿子 川合 紀宗 山田 剛史 宮崎 宏志 新 茂之
PP. 9 - 18
The Challenges and Perspective about the Studies of Teacher Evaluation in Japan : In view of the functions of social support in management by objectives
諏訪 英広
PP. 39 - 46
Frameworks of Japanese Modern Educational Thoughts from the Viewpoint of "Body Education"
郅 向東
PP. 47 - 54
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (IX)
PP. 55 - 64
A Study on Learning Process of Music in Elementary Schools : Referring to Bhutanese Folk Music
PP. 65 - 72
Devise of Alternate Tuning for Guitar which can Play both Major and Minor Triads by Only Barre Fingering and its Practical Use
PP. 73 - 79
An Attempt to Foster Future Elementary Teachers' English Proficiency Required to Teach Foreign Language Activities:Investigating the Potential of Speech Practice
PP. 81 - 88
A Study on the Concept of Reflection in Teacher Education : Focusing on the pedagogy of physical education
久保 研二 木原 成一郎
PP. 89 - 98
The Possibility that Improve Reading Curriculum by Innovating the Concept of Strand Focus on Grasp the Point and the Summary
PP. 99 - 107
Class Management and Creation of Japanese Language Class which Develop Human Relationship : Toward emotional practice
稲田 八穂
PP. 109 - 116
Literature Education that Nurtures Retelling Skills : From telling to retelling
佐々原 正樹
PP. 117 - 126
Japanese Predicate-oriented Grammar : A Consideration of the Descriptions of the Japanese Language
妹尾 知昭
PP. 127 - 136
Self-regulated Learning and to Teach Expository Texts Examined with Mikiyu Aoki's theory and practice used as a clue
中村 暢
PP. 137 - 145
Role of Reading Diary that Play to Force the Formation of Reading Children : The center over to the exchange and analysis of reading diary in third grade elementary school over
PP. 147 - 156
Life-span Development and Language Education : Incorporated in the Theory of Kegan, R.
PP. 157 - 162
Research on Method of using Informal Assessment of TTAP in Practical Training of Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder
若松 昭彦 玉林 和紘
PP. 163 - 169
Educational Support for Acquisition of the Appropriate Problem Solving Strategy
岡 直樹 真鍋 明日香
PP. 171 - 179