広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域
54 号
2006-03-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5546
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
English Education for Children : Practical Suggestions from Waldorf Education
樋口 聡 ヤフケ クリストフ 足立 望
PP. 19 - 28
The Effect of the Changes of Reading Strategies Applied to Critical Reading. An Investigation Applied Data-Mining
沖林 洋平
PP. 49 - 55
Research on the criteria of social-conventional judgement of children : An anaysis of the criteria of social-conventional judgement of children in moral classes of elementary school
鈴木 由美子 森川 敦子
PP. 65 - 71
What 'understanding of the text' means. -On learning of reading the expository texts-
森田 信義
PP. 105 - 114
A Fundamental Research on Reconstruction of Shosha Education
PP. 115 - 122
A Study on the Development of John Dewey's Theory of Aesthetic Education -Based on the Content Analysis of Correspondence Between Dewey and Barnes-
PP. 123 - 132
Thirty years of Braille textbooks in Japan, seen in Braille textbook editing materials with a focus on the Japanese language copurse in elementary school
PP. 133 - 140
A study on the educational counseling system for the children under the age of three in the Japanese schools for the deaf
谷本 忠明 小川 寛史
PP. 141 - 149