広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 60 号
2011-12-22 発行

特別支援学校(知的障害)高等部進路指導担当教員に求められる知識・スキル : 障害者就業・生活支援センター職員への調査から

The Survey of the Knowledge and Skills Required for Transition Specialists in High School Divisions of Special Schools for Students with Intellectual Disabilities : Based on the opinions of stuffs of employment and life support centers for individual with disabilities
藤井 明日香
375 KB
The purpose of this study is to investigate the opinions of the staffs working at Employment and Life Support Centers for Individuals with Disabilities, which are the Knowledge and Skills required for Transition Specialists in upper second education divisions of special schools for Students with Intellectual disabilities. The questionnaires were sent to 201 Employment and Life Support Centers for individuals with disabilities. As the result of this study, it was clarified three domains of the knowledge and skills which were requested for transition from school to work. The knowledge and skills that were mostly required were "Coordination and Needs Assessment", "Job-Coaching" and "Job skills analysis".
transition from school to work
transition teachers of special schools