広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 60 号
2011-12-22 発行

家庭と連携した小学校家庭科授業の枠組み : 「支援ツール」を用いた栄養教育

Teaching-Learning Model Concept in the Home Economics Education in Elementary School with Collaboration between School and Families : Nutrition education using support tools
高木 智子
408 KB
Based on the results from the analyses of homemaking in elementary school, this study aims to suggest a nutrition education model with collaboration between School and Families utilizing applied behavior analysis. The results were as follows; 1. It was revealed that there was no sign of collaboration between School and Families are not involved in the homemaking in elementary school, while they used methods such as exchange of information, liaison and coordination and mutual complement. 2. This report examines the theory of general case instruction and the significance of introducing it to the nutrition education. Furthermore, utilizing the four support tools of the applied behavior analysis, developed by Takahata and Musashi, we set the target action of "being able to choose a nutritionally balanced meal for oneself" to suggest a course toward the development of nutrition education.
homemaking in elementary school
coordination between school and families
nutrition education
support tools