The purpose of this study is to clarify the direct effects of character education. We examined the difference between two groups; the second year schools and the third year schools. Participants were totally twenty five hundred and forty four children and students from the fifth grade to the eleventh grade on elementary schools and middle schools. They are having character education with the fixed same nine virtues. We used the recognition tests of nine virtues and sentences on the posters as direct measures in research one. We also examined the consciousness about the relation between the perspectives of the future and the nine virtues (research 2). Additionally we examined the relation between the consciousness about their ability to put the virtues into their action. We found the higher rates of recognition in third year schools than the first year schools. These results means that character education in whole schools approaches let the children and students recognize more the fixed nine virtues. However, we did not cleary find difference in research 2 and research 3 because of the instability on the results of middle school students. We discussed that we need to do researches more long spans to examine the character education.