広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 61 号
2012-12-21 発行

フレンドシップ事業の参加が教員養成学部生の自己認知および教職認知に及ぼす影響 : 教職にかかわる自己効力感と,教職に必要な能力に関する認知の変化に着目して

Effects of Participation in Friendship Program at Hiroshima University on Change of Students' Self Efficacy and Cognition of Abilities Needed for Teachers
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of participation in Friendship Program at Hiroshima University on change of students' self efficacy regarding teaching profession and of their cognition of abilities needed for teachers. Participants were 67 students who took part in Friendship Program held in 2011. The results showed the following: 1) Self efficacy regarding formation of relationship between children and themselves was improved, but self efficacy regarding formation of children's group was not improved very much. 2) Cognition of abilities needed for forming children's group changed in 50% of the students, but cognition of abilities needed for forming relationship between children and themselves changed in only 25% of the students. 3) The change of cognition of abilities needed for teachers had a negative effect on the change of self efficacy regarding teaching profession, and performance accomplishments during Friendship Program had a positive effect on the change of self efficacy.
Friendship Program at Hiroshima University
self efficacy regarding teaching profession
cognition of abilities needed for teachers