The purpose of this paper was to make clear the characteristic of the U.S. donated Basic Science Education Series in Textbook and Curriculum Library. Through the study of documentary records, the following results were reached: (1) After examining 65 unitexts of the Basic Science Education Series in Textbook and Curriculum Library in Hiroshima University, these books were mostly written by B. M. Parker and checked for scientific accuracy by many scientists. (2) Among the special regions dealing with the Basic Science Education Series, the most numerous were biology, and earth science were next in order of numbers. (3) After examining the contents of four unitexts of the Basic Science Education Series for example, color pictures and illustrations accounted for one quarter per book. (4) After examining the grades utilizing the Basic Science Education Series, the most numerou were intermediate school, and junior high school were next in order of numbers. (5) Comparing 63 science units written by G. S. Craig in the 31st Yearbook of the N. S. S. E. with science units from the first grade to the fifth grade at the Laboratory School of the University of Chicago, 36 units corresponded between both. B.M.Parker used the reading materials of the mimeograph printing in the class of school science and she wrote the Basic Science Education Series on the basis of them.