広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 68 号
2019-12-20 発行

感性教育論の展開(3) : 表現

A Development of the Theory of Aesthetic Education (3): Expression
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This paper deals with “expression” as the second viewpoint for kansei or aesthetic education. A teacher can imagine and understand student’s kansei or sensibility when it is represented and expressed. Expression is a necessary moment for aesthetic education. In this paper, the following problems were investigated: 1) “Expression” in the current school education practices, 2) A power called an ability to express as competency, and 3) Aesthetic and philosophical conceptions of expression. In the conclusion, it is pointed out that expression is an exteriorization of inner awareness, sensitivity and ability of a person, but those inner factors do not emerge autonomously, but are made through the person’s interaction with the environmental world. Therefore, expression must be considered in the interface between the person and the objects in the world. In the sense, expression is a confrontation with objects in the world, that is to say, act itself. The essence of aesthetic education including expression should be found in the acquisition of knowledge and skill, because the acquisition of them could be a rich confrontation with the world. This conclusion seems a sharp contrast with common senses of the people involved in education nowadays.
Criticism of school subjects system
Confrontation with the objects