広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 56 号
2007-12-28 発行

両親の養育態度, 生活体験が小学生の社会的スキル, 生活充実感に及ぼす影響

The Influence of Parenting Attitudes and Everyday Activities over Social Skills and the Sense of Well-being in Elementary School Students.
竹嶋 飛鳥
戸田 真弓
谷口 弘一
1.76 MB
This study examines the effects of parenting attitudes and everyday activities on the sense of well-being and social skills of elementary students. One hundred eighty two 5th grade and seventy one of 6th grade students participated in this research. The parental attitudes examined were; over protectiveness and over negative parenting. In the elementary students we looked at the following social skills; participation in group, maintaining relationships and improving relationships. We analyzed these relations while paying attention to the combination of sex differences. The results were as follows: in elementary school students only in girls, didi we find the influence of both parenting attitudes, however in boys, we did not find the influence of parenting attitudes. Aoki et al. (preparing) showed the opposite gender combination effects more in middles school students. That means parenting attitudes were more effective in middle school students. However, everyday activities in boys have a positive effect for improving relationship skills and the sense of well-being and in girls for maintaining relationships and improving relationships. We found everyday activities might be more important than parenting attitudes to get social skills and the sense of well-being in elementary school students. We need to examine in more detail the relationship of everyday activities, social skills and the sense of we-being in students in the point of resilience.
parenting attitudes
social skills
the sense of well-being
everyday activities
elementary students