広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 59 号
2010-12-24 発行

授業研究の新しい方向性 : 反省的実践家によるアクション・リサーチと映像活用

An Innovative Direction of the Research on Class Teaching : Action Research by Reflective Practitioner and Utilization of Visuals
382 KB
This paper's purpose is to explore a new direction of the research on class teaching in order to clarify the theoretical basis of advanced teacher education with database. In our study, teacher is regarded as reflective practitioner. A teacher as reflective practitioner reflects his/her own practices of teaching and makes eff orts to improve them. A teacher actually works on observation, recording, analysis, interpretation, reporting, discussing in the case study of teaching practices, and then acquires and shares the sensemaking ability through narratives of the practices. We attempted to understand such teacher's reflection and eff orts comprehensively, and suggest reformed perspectives for teacher training. The following points were suggested: 1) the importance of case study, 2) the tacit knowing of a teacher as reflective practitioner, 3) the improvement of teaching practices and the development of a teacher himself/herself as action research, and 4) the construction and utilization of database of practices as visual humanities.
case study
reflective practitioner
action research
visual humanities