広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 67 号
2018-12-21 発行

知的障害および発達障害に対する大学生のイメージおよび意識の変化 : 教育学部生を対象とした授業のアンケート分析から

University Students’ Knowledge about Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities: A Questionnaire Analysis of Faculty of Education Students
吉利 宗久
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This study explores the results of a questionnaire concerning faculty of education university students’ understanding of intellectual and developmental disabilities and considered how a class may change the students’ image and consciousness of disabilities. Thirty-six firstyear Faculty of Education students majoring in a special education program completed a questionnaire before and after a class to identify their image and understanding of disabilities. The results showed no change before and after the class focusing on the students’ image and understanding of disabilities. Concerning the students’ image of disabilities, the responses rated the ideas “we can live together” and “should live together” highly, which was a similar result to the preliminary research. Concerning the students’ understanding, they showed a understanding of disabilities similar to their image, and scored highly in their response to their “will to understand and interact with people with disabilities.” Therefore, the respondent’s specialty was inferred to affect their image and understanding of disabilities.
understanding disabilities
active participation of persons involved
intellectual disabilities
developmental disabilities
inclusive education