39 号
2011-03-24 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1346-5104
ONLINE ISSN : 2435-9041
発行元 : 広島大学学部・附属学校共同研究機構
A study on the development for job assistance sustainable employment using on-campus facilities for persons with disabilities.
落合 俊郎 木舩 憲幸 川合 紀宗 船津 守久 牟田口 辰己 谷本 忠明 若松 昭彦 林田 真志 林 武広 神原 一之 檜和田 祐介 奥野 正二 松浦 由紀 小田原 舞
PP. 33 - 38
Learning supports for children with poor working memory : Analyses of classroom behavior of first graders with relatively poor working memory
PP. 39 - 44
Research on the process of adjustment to preschool by a child with special needs
七木田 敦 林 よし恵 松本 信吾 久原 有貴 日切 慶子 藤橋 智子 正田 るり子 菅田 直江 田中 惠子 落合 さゆり 真鍋 健 金子 嘉秀
PP. 45 - 50
A Study on teacher training for mathematics education (4) : Improving teacher training in mathematics in terms of teaching assessment
PP. 51 - 56
For the improvement of English teacher training : A study on student teachers' beliefs about learning and teaching English (I)
深澤 清治 樫葉 みつ子 赤松 猛 伊賀 泰恵 石原 義文 井長 洋 五井 千穂 笹原 豊造 壇 泉 原田 良三 林 史
PP. 63 - 68
Lesson study through collaborative action research with a team of undergraduate student teachers and graduate students (2).
PP. 69 - 74
Developing for New International Exchange Study III : Through Exchange Program about Exploris Middle School, Odyssey School and MENDOYO SMP4
神原 一之 小田 啓史 山崎 学肖 松村 健 朝倉 淳 深澤 清治
PP. 75 - 80
A study on the effect of teachers' guidance for student teachers at Shinonome Elementary & Jr. High schools, based on statistical analysis of pre- & post -questionnaires.
林 武広 神原 一之 秋山 哲 奥野 正二 樽谷 秀幸 松前 良昌 川口 浩
PP. 81 - 86
Cognitive development about crosscultural understanding at elementary school
PP. 93 - 98
Consideration of International Education : Seeking for possibitlies of primary mathematics and science education in the context of international contribution
PP. 99 - 104
A basic study on the development of young children's musical ability (1) :Focusing on young children's singing voice in unison singing.
伊藤 真 三村 真弓 金岡 美幸 林 よし恵 松本 信吾 久原 有貴 湯川 慶子 池田 明子 吉原 智惠美 掛 志穂 君岡 智央 中山 芙充子 井上 由子 坪田 志保 山中 覚美 東 加奈子 宮谷 智子 川﨑 智浦
PP. 105 - 110
PP. 123 - 128
To Cultivate Solid Academic abilities : An Approach toaJapanese Fundamental Material, "Shiji" by Simaqian, in classical Chinese
PP. 129 - 134
A Study on the "Forest Kindergarten Curriculum" to Search from the Viewpoint of Affordance : What do the natural environments bring for Early Childhood Education and Care Practice?
中坪 史典 久原 有貴 中西 さやか 境 愛一郎 山元 隆春 林 よし恵 松本 信吾 日切 慶子 落合 さゆり
PP. 135 - 140
Research on recognition of the junior high school students about the balance of dietary intake and body activities
川崎 裕美 森脇 智子 荒谷 美津子 福田 佳世 井上 由子 高橋 法子 金岡 美幸 宮里 智恵 桑田 一也 辻 美穂 秀島 千晴
PP. 141 - 145
Basic study for the development of music literacy (3) : Focusing on silent singing.
三村 真弓 伊藤 真 大橋 美代子 近藤 知美 福田 秀範 向井 さゆり 神野 正喜 松田 道枝 川村 恭子
PP. 147 - 152
PP. 153 - 158
A Practical Approach to the Teaching of English Based on the New Course of Study : Toward Systematic Teaching of Speaking (1)
PP. 159 - 163
Video Canfarences for Curriculum Designing of the Forest Kindergarten.
岡花 祈一郎 杉村 伸一郎 林 よし恵 松本 信吾 久原 有貴 日切 慶子 落合 さゆり 山元 隆春
PP. 165 - 170
Practical Approaches based-on New Course of Study for Japanese Language Education by MEXT : Japanese language learning for developing students' world of language through collaborative leaning.
山元 隆春 佐々木 勇 田中 宏幸 杉川 千草 加藤 秀雄 八澤 聡 實谷 富美
PP. 171 - 176
A research on the Units Development of Foreign Language Activities in Elementary School : Analysis of the Effectiveness by Text Mining
林原 慎 川﨑 正盛 小早川 善伸 安松 洋佳 中村 千絵 深澤 清治 平川 幸子
PP. 177 - 182
Development of teaching materials for fostering the sense of value through learnig the life story of great person.
鈴木 由美子 宮里 智恵 山内 規嗣 小早川 善伸 安松 洋佳 川﨑 正盛 林原 慎 松尾 砂織 柳生 大輔
PP. 189 - 194
Teaching along the new course of study 3 : Studies of approachable Hanshi and Hanwen starting with modern works of literature.
PP. 195 - 200
A study on qualia for making a formation of awareness in Living Environment Studies
PP. 201 - 206
Developing reading competence through study to be conscious of interpretation and the transformation.
PP. 207 - 212
Research and Development of Study Management from Acquisition to Investigation Centered on Key Competency (2)
桑田 一也 大橋 美代子 泉谷 正則 向井 さゆり 三村 真弓 濵本 恵康
PP. 213 - 218
Fostering competences in global age through social studies (6) : Focusing on reconstruction of learners' thinking in the class
PP. 219 - 224
An Approach about Subject matter of Clothing Life Culture through making 'Jinbei' in Junior High School Home Economics Field
村上 かおり 鈴木 明子 一色 玲子 藤井 志保 林原 慎
PP. 225 - 230
A study on science teaching for children's scientific learning : A case of the unit "Chemical change and atom/molecules"
PP. 231 - 236
Improvement of cooperative creativity through learning in elective subject (Arithmetic/Mathematics) (2) : A practical research promoting characterization of figure in the fourth grade
川﨑 正盛 村上 良太 妹尾 進一 植田 敦三 松浦 武人
PP. 237 - 242
To create lessons of learning advantage for the children to be able to understand and do excercise by involving friends.
佐伯 育伸 藤原 由弥 小早川 善伸 木原 成一郎 松尾 千秋
PP. 243 - 248
A research on the Efficacy of Gender Education with an International Understanding Perspective in Elementary School
PP. 249 - 254
Developing Art and Handicraft Lessons in Elementary and Junior High Schools for Fostering the Aesthetic Feeling in Relationship to the Development of Creative Thinking
吉川 和生 中島 敦夫 大和 浩子 内田 雅三 中村 和世
PP. 255 - 260
Research and development of computer software to create story problem to promote the individual development of children (III)
PP. 261 - 266
A Study of the Develpment and Evaluation of Solid Academic Abilities. : Planning Lessons to Deepen Reading through Writing Activities.
田中 宏幸 山元 隆春 實谷 富美 八澤 聡
PP. 267 - 272
PP. 273 - 278
PP. 279 - 284
A study of the teaching material based on scientist's idea. (1) : Forcusing on the Life outside the earth
PP. 291 - 296
The trial of animal assisted education in kindergarten
谷田 創 木場 有紀 金岡 美幸 掛 志穂 君岡 智央 吉原 智惠美 中山 芙充子 池田 明子 井上 由子 東 加奈子 坪田 志保 山中 覚美 宮谷 智子 川﨑 智浦
PP. 297 - 301
A study of imitation in early childhood education : An examination from the viewpoints of sensation and emotion.
杉村 伸一郎 浅川 淳司 岡花 祈一郎 牧 亮太 松本 信吾 日切 慶子 菅田 直江 林 よし恵 落合 さゆり 久原 有貴 佐藤 裕樹 鄭 暁琳
PP. 303 - 308
Status of periodontal diseases in Junior high school students for 3-year period
林 文子 保田 利恵 中田 啓子 角本 法子 坪井 文 河村 誠 香西 克之
PP. 309 - 311
Making Picture Books and Telling of the Stories for Hmong Children in Senior High School Homemaking Education
PP. 313 - 318
Fundamental study on living thing teaching material : Detection of starch and growth of pollen tube
土井 徹 古瀬 健太郎 秋山 哲 野添 生 竹下 俊治 富川 光
PP. 319 - 324
Learning from experience with unique historical and natural resources of Hiroshima University and in Miyajima (Itsukushima) Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan in 2010.
宮里 智恵 坪田 博美 長野 由知 向井 誠二 小早川 善伸 安松 洋佳 加藤 秀雄 平原 友紀 中原(坪田) 美保 金丸 純二
PP. 325 - 329
Research of Environment education materials applied with environment sensor data (3) : Study of science general education using carbon dioxide data
PP. 331 - 334
Research on developing students' creativity in learning elementary school mathematics (I) : Focusing on first grade classroom for learning the conception of function
PP. 335 - 340
Traninig of environmental proposition by means of five senses' icons
千代 章一郎 匹田 篤二 髙木 浩二 國清 あやか 松岡 靖
PP. 341 - 346
Investigation on dental health behavior of elementary school children.
海原 康孝 林 文子 石徳 由希 秋山 哲 香西 克之
PP. 347 - 352
Creating children's culture in learning in elementary science (XI) : Development of teaching material to promote children's understandings of metal concept
PP. 353 - 358
Clinical survey of nasopharyngeal condition in Japanese elementary school children
高 明善 上田 宏 渡辺 元気 堀畑 篤史 村崎 恭子 石徳 由希 大松 恭宏 秋山 哲 丹根 一夫
PP. 359 - 362
An Approach about the Lesson Plan of Life Planning for Seeking out Life Problems of Each Student in High School Home Economics Field
PP. 363 - 368
A development on teaching materials and methods for enhancing writing ability at junior high schools in the English education
PP. 369 - 373
A Survey and Study of the consciousness progression on the high school student's higher education selection by the lecture of History of University. (2)
PP. 375 - 380