50 号
2023-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1346-5104
ONLINE ISSN : 2435-9041
発行元 : 広島大学学部・附属学校共同研究機構
PP. -
Development of Japanese Language Classes to Foster Logical Thinking Skills: Theory and Practice based on the Logic of the Subject and the Logic of the Subject
羽島 彩加 難波 博孝 間瀬 茂夫 溝上 大樹 山中 勇夫 廣口 知世 丸田 健太郎
PP. 11 - 29
Development of a teaching program of CLIL taiiku in Health and Physical Education: Through the practice of the PE class
磯村 美菜子 冨岡 宏健 岩田 昌太郎 重元 賢史 住田 哲太朗 齊藤 一彦
PP. 30 - 37
Examination of the usefulness of health programs that allow students to learn in-depth by relating their learning in each subject area to their daily lives and health promotion.
酒井 理紗子 川﨑 裕美 山崎 智子 一ノ瀬 孝恵 中岡 采恵 向島 沙世
PP. 38 - 47
Relationship between grit and lifestyle habits: focusing on high school student
重元 賢史 松本 茂 刀根 隆広 信森 正伍 黒坂 志穂 緒形 ひとみ
PP. 48 - 56
Creating Classes for "Moral Education Centered on Children" That Features the Childrens Feelings: Forming Connections to Class Activities to Aim for More Ideal Class Groups
木村 純也 野元 祥太郎 鈴木 由美子 宮里 智恵
PP. 57 - 65
Development of Elementary School Social Studies Lessons Aimed at the Cultivation of Digital Citizenship
伊藤 公一 渡邊 大貴 田坂 郁哉 森 清成 野元 祥太郎 眞鍋 雄大 永田 忠道 渡邉 巧
PP. 66 - 75
The Actual Situation of Visual Acuity Decline in the Introduction of ICT Education and Effective Health Management
PP. 76 - 86
On the development of a self-expression program in kindergarten and lower grades of elementary school to foster self-understanding and connections with others.
山本 千惠 丸子 英美 梅野 栄治 間所 泉 岡﨑 絵美 中山 芙充子 池田 吏志 大野内 愛
PP. 87 - 97
Fostering the Ability to Express Oneself in Music, Art, and Foreign Languages: Improvisation, Creation, and Communication
井上 翔太 神垣 友紀子 髙橋 舞 堂面 貴洋 中村 和世 徳永 崇
PP. 98 - 109
A Case Study on the Actual Situation of Teacher Student’s "Student Understanding" in Health and Physical Education Teaching Practice: For "Focus Student"
阿部 直紀 岩田 昌太郎 柳岡 拓磨 冨岡 宏健 藤田 歩
PP. 110 - 127