学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 50 号
2023-03-31 発行

自己表現能力を育成する音楽科,美術科,外国語科の授業開発 : 即興,創造,コミュニケーションの視点から

Fostering the Ability to Express Oneself in Music, Art, and Foreign Languages: Improvisation, Creation, and Communication
井上 翔太
神垣 友紀子
髙橋 舞
堂面 貴洋
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the effectiveness of the collaborative study between music, art, and English in fostering the ability of self expression. We intentionally related these three subjects by setting up improvisational, creative, and communicative activities in classes. Two collaborative lesson plans were conducted with the aim of getting closer to the essence of self expression by expressing themselves in different ways. According to the questionnaires, these lessons increased their abilities to express themselves Some of the students tried to grasp their characteristics more deeply through the process of thinking abstractly. However, they had little time to acquire basic skills and the limited ways of expressing themselves, so it was difficult for some of them to express themselves as they wanted to. It seemed that our lessons were effective to the students when they got basic knowledge and skills and these students tried to make full use of their knowledge and skills. In contrast, there were few students who tried to get knowledge and skills actively to the goal of developing this capacity for self expression. In addition, many students did not reach the point of expressing themselves to others in mind. The result shows that students were able to have opportunities to approach the essence of the music and art classes, which is to keep questioning how we should be and how we should live our lives. On the other hand, there are still issues to be solved, which are caused by the restricted learning environment and the instructional planning.
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