41 号
2013-03-22 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1346-5104
ONLINE ISSN : 2435-9041
発行元 : 広島大学学部・附属学校共同研究機構
Development of clothing education on the power of japanese textile and kimono by the learning of fashion in japonisme
PP. 11 - 21
A study of the curriculum development for fostering children's thinking ability : Focusing on the music classes of the lower grades of elementary school
森保 尚美 近藤 知美 奥本 絢子 権藤 敦子 寺内 大輔
PP. 23 - 32
A study on science teaching for children's scientific learning : A case of the unit“ utilization of electricity"
PP. 33 - 38
Research and development of computer software to create story problem to promote the individual development of children (Ⅴ)
PP. 47 - 55
Learning supports for children with poor working memory : Effects of a matrix method at Japanese class for fourth-graders.
PP. 57 - 62
Curriculum development in special supportive class at junior high school : Toward the examination of the educational contents from the viewpoint offuture carrier life
PP. 63 - 68
A study on the effect of teachers'guidance for student teachers at Shinonome Elementaly & Jr.High school, based on statistical analysis of pre-&post-questionnaires (Ⅲ).
神原 一之 秋山 哲 石田 浩子 松前 良昌 林 孝 林 武広
PP. 69 - 75
Training of sustainable environmental proposition for the security by means of the five senses icons.
松岡 靖 國清 あやか 千代 章一郎 匹田 篤二
PP. 77 - 82
Subjects for planning ability of home economics education classes by wearing Yukata in teacher training curriculum for home economicseducation : Through an assessment of teaching plans by each teachers of academic subjects, curriculum and teacher training
PP. 99 - 108
Classes based on the new course of study : On coordination of the curriculum among elementary, junior and senior high schools in learning traditional linguistic culture (2)
PP. 109 - 114
PP. 123 - 132
What does the outside exhibition of the early childhood education and care conference bring outside kindergarten teachers?
PP. 133 - 140
PP. 141 - 149
Developing and practicing of Taxonomy table to cultivate elementary and junior high school children's aesthetic feelings : focusing on Meta-cognitive domain
吉川 和生 中島 敦夫 松本 裕子 内田 雅三 中村 和世
PP. 151 - 157
Safety education in school based on the report of the Central Educatio Council : The systematic school hygiene safety sducation connected with body,mind,food and nutrition in a kindergarten, an elementary school, an junior high school
PP. 159 - 164
Improvement of cooperative creativity through learning in elective subject (Arithmetic / Mathematics) (4) : Transformation of the logical recognition of geometric figure through a four-year prospective practice
妹尾 進一 村上 良太 鈴木 昌二 植田 敦三 松浦 武人
PP. 165 - 173
The development of subjects in home economics of elementary school in the perspective of education for sustainable development
PP. 175 - 181
PP. 183 - 190
Lesson activities instilling self-esteem in students with intellectual disabilities : Developing the structured approach in special education classes at elementary and middle schools Ⅱ
PP. 191 - 198
Development of New Oral Health Program for Elementary School Students which Collaborates to International Communications : Through the Exchange Program with International Dental Course Students
PP. 199 - 204
A Research on teaching technique to encourage middle school students to express a positive behavior toward children in contact experience (2). : Analysis of reflective report on contact experience
PP. 205 - 212
Study for teacher's off the job training at the attached junior high school : Aiming for the developments of mathematics teachers
河嵜 祐子 神原 一之 後藤 春香 佐伯 陽 富永 和宏 岩崎 秀樹 馬場 卓也
PP. 213 - 217
Classes based on the new course of study (1) : Bridging the gap between elementary school and junior high school
PP. 219 - 228