Research and development into computer software to create story problems to promote the individual development of children (VII) : The Creation of an Interactive Learning Environment to Pose Multiplication or Division Word Problems for Promoting the Understanding of Problem Structures and their Practical Use
On the enhancement and assessment of academic ability and skills in English in elementary, junior high, and senior high school : Goal setting and assessments for learning English from the viewpoint of “CAN-DO” statements (2)
Classes based on a new course of study : On teaching fruitful “discussion” considering coordination of the curriculum between elementary, junior, and senior high schools
Development of a Next-Generation Curriculum for Recognizing Societal Shift in a Post Nation-State (II) : Transformation of the High School Geography/History Department Curriculum Focusing on the Discourse of the Life-World
A study of training programs designed for teachers who provide education in a globalizing society : Lesson development and delivery based on the principles of inclusive teaching
New science curriculum development based on the “Nature of Science” II : Reconstruction of a coherent science curriculum from elementary through upper-secondary schools
Curriculum development for fostering children’s thinking skills regarding music (III) : From the intercommunication of creative thinking to musical expression
Development of activities related to feeling, thinking, and expressing : Connecting kindergartens to elementary schools through the formation of an environment fostering relationships
A study on the development of an adviser through guidance provided for teaching practice : Mechanisms for synergistic improvements in teaching practice between student teachers and advisers in kindergarten
The development of a class that allows students to “understand” and “perform” exercises while allowing them to “utilize” the lessons learned : The creation of a systematic table for improving time and spatial cognition
Enhancement of Instruction and Assessment using Metacognition to Foster “Interest, Willingness, and Positive Attitudes toward Art,” with the Aid of the Taxonomy Table
A study of the ideals regarding healthy living and food taught in kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school, including individual guidance for junior high students that utilizes the “life survey” and “meal record”
A study on the development of learning tasks and assessment criteria to improve students’ scientific views in elementary and junior high school science : Focusing on the topic “earthquake disaster”
The Development of Clothing Education : Investigation of Attractive Kimonos Exported in the Meiji Era in a Bid to Preserve the Culture of Dyeing and Weaving in Japan
A lesson plan to develop critical thinking in high school social studies (IV) : A case study of the unit on “Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Industrial Heritage”
The Education of Next-Generation Scientists Who Can Take Active Global Roles (II) : Identification of the Required Abilities and Attitudes and the Development of Teaching Materials