学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 43 号
2015-03-26 発行

ワーキングメモリの小さい子どもに対する学習支援 : 児童1人ひとりのワーキングメモリ特性を生かした学習

Learning support for children with poor working memories : Learning based on the characteristics of the working memories of individual children
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We aimed to create a classroom atmosphere in which every child could participate in class activities. A previous study has suggested that some children struggle to understand classroom discussions and find it difficult to listen to other children’s opinions particularly in mathematics classes. In this study, we conducted a working memory assessment for a group of children, asking them to evaluate their behavioral characteristics in class. We provided the children with support books describing their own working memory profiles and suggesting learning strategies appropriate to the profile and the child’s behavioral characteristics. It was found that children with poorer working memories felt that they often struggled to understand classroom discussion. We expected that the support books would help the children to recognize the characteristics of their own working memories, allowing them to use learning strategies that would assist them in preparing for lessons and expressing their opinions in class.