学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 50 号
2023-03-31 発行

デジタル・シティズンシップの育成をめざす小学校社会科授業開発 : CSE教材における「性向アプローチ(dispositional approach)」に着目して

Development of Elementary School Social Studies Lessons Aimed at the Cultivation of Digital Citizenship
渡邊 大貴
田坂 郁哉
森 清成
野元 祥太郎
眞鍋 雄大
499 KB
This study aimed to develop and practice elementary social studies lessons aimed at fostering digital citizenship and verify their effectiveness. For this aim, we developed, practiced, and discussed the fifth grade class, focusing on the " dispositional approach " of "Common Sense Education" developed in the United States.
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