広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

学生による授業評価と自己評価、当該授業に対する意欲・期待、及び成績の関係 : 教職必修科目「生徒指導論」の場合

Relations of student ratings of teaching to student self-ratings, student attitudes toward the subject, and grades : In the case of required subject for teacher's certificate "Student guidance"
Miyake Motoko
Kojima Yoshiko
Matsuda Fumiko
894 KB
Relations of student ratings of teaching to student self-ratings about learning, student attitudes toward the subject, and academic grades were investigated. Undergraduate students (N=357) in four classes of the required subject for teacher's certificate, "Student guidance" participated in the investigation. The main results were as follows : (a) The student attitudes toward the subject, which were investigated just before the course, did not show clear relations to the student ratings of teaching, which were investigated just after the course. (b) Women rated teaching higher than men. (c) The student self-ratings about learning were generally closely related to their ratings of teaching. (d) Students who got A grade rated teaching higher than others who got B, C, or D. (e) The undergraduates were classified into three types by a cluster analysis based on the attitudes toward the subject and the self-ratings about learning. The students in the first cluster (35% of all students) whose characteristic features were low eagerness to get teacher's certificates and to become teachers, but high student self-ratings about learning, showed high student ratings of teaching and high academic grades. The students in the second cluster (44%) whose characteristic features were high eagerness to get teacher's certificates and to become teachers but low student self-ratings about learning, showed low student ratings of teaching and low academic grades. The students in the third cluster (21%) whose characteristic features were high eagerness to get teacher's certificates and to become teachers, high expectation to the course, and high student self-ratings about learning showed low student ratings of teaching and comparatively high academic grades. These results suggest that the teachers of the course must give more consideration to students such like those in the third cluster.
Student ratings of teaching
Student self-ratings
Student attitudes toward the subject
Academic grades