広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
65 号
2016-12-22 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
School Evaluation System in China : From key school system to star grade school system
PP. 1 - 10
The Diversification Policy of Senior High School Curriculum in China : From the point of college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province
小川 佳万 小野寺 香
PP. 11 - 18
PP. 29 - 38
Pre-service Teacher Training at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic : Solutions for Improving Teacher Colleges in Developing Countries
PP. 39 - 48
Paulo Freire’s Initial Thoughts on Education
佐藤 雄一郎
PP. 49 - 54
Current Status and Issues Concerning School Lunch Systems in Chinese Cities : With main analysis of a field survey in Beijing and Nanchang Cities
張 磊
PP. 55 - 61
Lesson Analysis with the Framework of “PASS theory of intelligence” on the 5th Grade Social Studies
松尾 奈美
PP. 63 - 72
Material Environment in a Kindergarten Classroom : Changing and Maintenance of the Classroom Environment by Teachers
淀澤 真帆
PP. 73 - 80
Effects of Morality, Dominance, and Relational Maturity on Perception of Intimate Partner Violence
PP. 81 - 86
Factors Associated with Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Workplace
PP. 87 - 91
Relationships between Interpersonal Networks and Mental Health in High Reassurance Seekers
安部 主晃
PP. 93 - 99
The Effect of Differences in the Sense of Freedom on the Corresponding Differences in the Well-being of Japanese and American Populations : A study using the World Values Survey datasets
中里 直樹
PP. 101 - 110
The Relationship between Conflict Adaptation Effect and Conflict Processing in Response Preparation
西本 美花
PP. 111 - 117
Fifth-Graders with Learning Difficulties : A Case Study of Behavior and Support Using Working Memory Theory
福丸 奈津子 湯澤 正通
PP. 129 - 138
Trends and Considerations in Identity Development among Clinical Psychologists
眞鍋 一水 岡本 祐子
PP. 139 - 147
Examination of Metacognitive Knowledge Used in Ease of Learning Judgment in Memory Tasks
山根 嵩史
PP. 149 - 156
Young Children's Use of Spatial Reference Frames in a Reconstruction Task : Effects of Cover and Movement Path
鄭 暁琳
PP. 157 - 165
Research of Child Care Support for Female Doctors in Hiroshima Prefecture : Types of child care support working mothers have had access to and what they think about them
島津 礼子 津川 典子 富田 雅子 七木田 敦
PP. 167 - 174
Collection and Management of Books in Kangien
PP. 194 - 185