広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
56 号
2007-12-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
Re-examination of the Scheme for Lifelong University System in Higashihiroshima City
PP. 1 - 9
The Strategies for University-Community Partnership in the United States
小池 源吾 佐々木 保孝 天野 かおり
PP. 11 - 19
A Consideration on Instructional Research from the Perspective of Linguistics
中野 和光
PP. 21 - 26
Highlander Folk School and the Southern Labor Movement in the United States : Focusing on its relationship with CIO(Congress of Industrial Organizations)
藤村 好美
PP. 27 - 33
Wissenschaftstheoretischer Überblick über pädagogische Forschungsperspektiven : Ein Versuch zur inhaltlichen Anreicherung des Grundwissens für die Lehrerbildung
卜部 匡司
PP. 35 - 42
Significances of Primary and Secondary Teachers' Personnel Administration Reform in Thailand : Focus on changes in teachers' responsibilities and salary
PP. 43 - 50
International Student Expectations on International Student Advisers' Competence : Through questionnaires survey
潘 建秀
PP. 51 - 59
Reinforcing Control on School Choice in Belgium
金井 裕美子
PP. 61 - 68
Research of Mental Health of Teachers in rural China : Measuring with "SCL-90"
呂 光洙
PP. 69 - 77
A Study of the Academic Marketplace in Chinese Research Universities : Cases of physics and philosophy
蒋 莉
PP. 79 - 86
The Characteristics and Subjects of the On-the-Job Training System for Kindergarten Teachers in China : An analysis on the policies of kindergarten headmaster training
何 京玉
PP. 87 - 91
The Study of Public Schools Accountability Act in California : Characteristics and Issues of School Improvement System
酒井 研作
PP. 93 - 99
Formation Process of Belief that Supports a Nursery Teacher's Growth : The life history of a nursery teacher
吉岡 一志
PP. 101 - 108
Curriculum Change from Life-History by the Teacher
大橋 隆広
PP. 109 - 115
A Consideration about Acceptance of the American Curriculum Studies in West Germany : Centering on 1970's
樋口 裕介
PP. 117 - 123
Die Entwicklung der Didaktik-Forschung in der DDR und der Aufgabe der Nachfolge nach der deutsch-deutschen Vereinigung : Auf Grund der Darstellung von Fuhrmann, E.
PP. 125 - 133
A Study of Dynamic Assessment in the Classroom : Focusing on "quantity per unit volume" in mathematics for six graders
平田 知美
PP. 135 - 142
Überlegung über die Projektwochen in Deutschland
渡邉 眞依子
PP. 143 - 151
Phonological Awareness of English among Young Japanese Children : Learning methods of English suitable for young Japanese children
PP. 153 - 160
A Qualitative Study on "Weak" Friendships among Contemporary Adolescents
松下 姫歌 吉田 芙悠紀
PP. 161 - 169
Reexamination of Rogers' Concept of Empathy from the Viewpoint of Hoffman's Concept of Role-taking
松下 姫歌 松尾 良和
PP. 171 - 180
The Influences of the Observation Practices of Classes upon the Skills of Making the Learning Materials
藤木 大介 中條 和光 磯﨑 哲夫 米田 典生
PP. 181 - 188
A Review and Some Considerations of Studies on Perspectives, Directions and Psychological Support for Mothers of Children with Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities
前盛 ひとみ 岡本 祐子
PP. 189 - 198
A Review and Some Considerations on Researches of Identity on Adolescence from View Points of "Individual" and "Relatedness"
山田 みき 岡本 祐子
PP. 199 - 206
Relation between Eating Disorder Tendency and Family Relationships in Adolescence : Quantitative Analysis of EDI-91 and Kinetic Family Drawings
奥田 紗史美
PP. 207 - 216
The Effects of Time Pressure on Sequential Effects in Simon Task.
白石 舞衣子
PP. 217 - 225
Distributing Working Memory Resources and the Use of External Representations on Problem Solving
大塚 一徳 宮谷 真人
PP. 227 - 235
Unfamiliar Face Recognition Process in 6-year Old Children : Consideration for influence of clothing
大山 摩希子
PP. 237 - 243
Influences of the Native Language on Young Children's Learning a Second Language : Phonological awareness in Chinese children
PP. 245 - 252
Identity Style and Basic Skills for Career Development of University Students
新見 直子 前田 健一 越中 康治 松田 由希子 淡野 将太
PP. 253 - 261
Relationship between Career Decisions and School Adjustment of Japanese-Brazilian Parents and Their Children Living in Japan : Comparative Study of Three Schools in Two Regions
杉岡 正典
PP. 263 - 272
A Study on Solution-Focused Skills in Career Counseling with University Students
栗田 智未
PP. 273 - 282
Development of a Stress Management Program for University Students : Intervention for Cognitive Appraisal
堀 匡
PP. 283 - 292
Classroom-Based Social Skills Training for Junior High School Students:Comparison between Skill-Increased and Skill-Decreased Subgroups
江村 理奈
PP. 293 - 302
Factors Influencing Environment Conscious Behavioral Intentions of University Students : A Study on the Model Regarding Environment-conscious Behaviors and Those Determinants
塚脇 涼太 戸塚 唯氏 高本 雪子 小島 奈々恵 樋口 匡貴 深田 博己
PP. 303 - 307
Influencing Factors of Environment-Conscious Behavioral Intentions of University Students : Comparison of Three Models
高本 雪子 戸塚 唯氏 塚脇 涼太 小島 奈々恵 樋口 匡貴 深田 博己
PP. 309 - 318
Effects of Motive and Purpose on Preschoolers' Judgments about Aggressive Behavior
越中 康治 新見 直子 淡野 将太 松田 由希子 前田 健一
PP. 319 - 323
The Research of Early Childhood Educator's Reading Literacy : Choice of picture-book to read a child
松井 剛太 佐藤 智恵 上村 眞生
PP. 325 - 332
Research on Kindergarten Teacher's Belief System
佐藤 智恵 七木田 敦
PP. 333 - 339
Progress Comparison in the Movement Skills Development of Young Children : The evaluation that used Movement Skills Test Battery(MSTB)
田中 沙織
PP. 341 - 347
Young Children's Source Monitoring Ability
近藤 綾
PP. 349 - 356