広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
62 号
2013-12-20 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
The Present Status and the Tasks of Municipal Boards of Education System : Focusing on an Analysis of a National Survey for Municipal Heads
PP. 1 - 10
Changing Supply Structure of School Teachers in the 2010's : Different response between national and private education colleges
PP. 11 - 20
The Movement of Life Improvement by Shotai-no-Kai : The Adult Education Projects Supported by the Administration of Commerce and Industry in the Taisho Era
PP. 21 - 30
PP. 31 - 39
A Study on the Differences of Expenses for High School Education among Prefectures
小早川 倫美
PP. 41 - 48
The Changes of "Work Education" Idea in the Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi : The changes from the education in his ashrams to the national education in India
PP. 49 - 58
Recent Expansion of Career Education into Higher Level and Concerning Issues in China : A Case Study of Shandong
高 静
PP. 59 - 68
Study on Institutional Support of Practice of Case Method Education : Cases at Harvard Business School and Keio Business School
竹内 伸一
PP. 69 - 78
Collaboration between Clinical Psychologists and Community-based Self-help Groups for Cancer Survivors
兒玉 憲一 黄 正国 岩田 尚大 荒井 佐和子
PP. 79 - 87
Which Person is Important to Relational Identity in Japanese University Students? : Examining associations between identity processes and personality, psychosocial problems, and parent-adolescent relationships for different selected persons
杉村 和美 畑野 快 徳岡 大 西田 若葉 佐藤 裕樹 保木井 啓史
PP. 89 - 97
Research Paradigm of Displaced Aggression
淡野 将太
PP. 99 - 104
The Relations among Evaluation of Supportive Functions of Community-based Self-help Groups for Cancer Survivors, Benefit Finding and Mental Health
黄 正国 荒井 佐和子 兒玉 憲一
PP. 105 - 114
Study of Psychological Experiences and Inner Mother-Child Relationships and Sibling Relationships in Siblings of Disabled Persons : Analysis of unconscious aspects using Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
髙野 恵代
PP. 115 - 124
Trends and Perspectives Regarding Correlation Between Dissociation and Traumatic Events : On the Causes of Dissociation
池田 龍也 岡本 祐子
PP. 125 - 134
Present study of dreaming : Comparing brain science with psychoanalysis
PP. 135 - 141
A Review of Researches at Meal Scene in Preschool
伊藤 優
PP. 143 - 150
A Study on the Reference Relations among Regional Kindergartens in the Meiji Era : By focusing on the case of Shinaji Kusunoki's reference to the Hiroshima Jogakkou Kindergarten
PP. 151 - 159
The Possibility and Issue of Using Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM) as a Tool in Early Childhood Education and Care Practice Research
境 愛一郎 中坪 史典 保木井 啓史 濱名 潔
PP. 161 - 170
A Study on Childcare Support for Children with Special Needs and Children of Concern at Day Care Centers and Preschools : Discussions Focused on Effects Resulting from the Shift to Special Needs Education
佐藤 智恵 七木田 敦
PP. 171 - 178