広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
53 号
2005-03-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
Management of Teacher Education (3) : A Study of the Relationship between the Professional Graduate School and In-service Teacher Education
岡東 壽隆
PP. 1 - 9
Adult Learning and Perspective Transformation
小池 源吾 志々田 まなみ
PP. 19 - 19
Institutionalization of "the Third Function" in Japanese Universities (3)
小池 源吾 天野 かおり
PP. 21 - 30
School Autonomy and Financial Management in Public High School : A Case study of 'Y' Prefectural Board of Education and 'S' High School
古賀 一博 酒井 研作
PP. 31 - 36
School Autonomy and Financial Management in Public High Schools : A Case Study of 'S' Prefectural Board of Education and 'M' Technology High School
河野 和清 市田 敏之 郭 仁天
PP. 37 - 44
Curriculum Leadership and Teacher Development : Centering upon Fenwick W. English's Treatises on Curriculum Management
中野 和光
PP. 45 - 51
A Study on Myles Horton's adult education for social change : Focusing upon his intellectual experience in Chicago
藤村 好美
PP. 53 - 59
Von der Einsicht in die Endlichkeit und Geschichtlichkeit des Menschseins zur Praxis des Dialogs : Bedeutung der Metaphysik bei der Gadamerschen Hermeneutik
大関 達也
PP. 61 - 68
Research on a strategy of acceptance of Mingong children's enrollment in public schools in China : A case of the strategy of Beijing city government
植村 広美
PP. 69 - 75
The Trend of Tuition Fees and Student-aid Policy in Chinese Higher Education
郭 仁天
PP. 77 - 82
A Study on the Vocational City of the Chinese Vocational School
王 栄
PP. 83 - 92
A Study on Reformation of China's 4 Year Middle School System before the Establishment of RenXu School System in 1922 : Focusing on the Chinese Congress of Middle School's Principals in 1918
今井 航
PP. 93 - 102
A study of the debate sessions in the Educational Society of Japan around 1887
白石 崇人
PP. 103 - 111
The Meanings of "Networking" in In-Service Teacher Education
李 如海 岡東 壽隆
PP. 113 - 120
A study of the historical development of der Gruppenunterricht in Germany after World War II
吉田 茂孝
PP. 125 - 132
Mao Zedong's Educational Ideas and Undergraduate Curriculum Reform during the Cultural Revolution : The Case of Peking University
陳 欣
PP. 133 - 142
Parents' Right to Choose School in Belgium : Focusing on the declaration of the right in the School Pact, 1958
金井 裕美子
PP. 151 - 157
The Origin of the German School Report
卜部 匡司
PP. 159 - 165
A Study About The Policies in Regular Senior Secondary Schools of China : At the Viewpoint of School Educational Environment
費 騋闖
PP. 167 - 174
An Analysis of the Needs for Life Long Learning from the view points of Quality of Life and Psychological Well-being : A Survey of the Needs of "Search for Identity" in Adulthood
PP. 175 - 183
A survey of activities of clinical psychologists in medical fields with highly advanced technology
PP. 185 - 191
Effects of single and double forewarnings on two-step persuasion
PP. 193 - 202
A developmental study of violence-related problematic behaviors (6)
前田 健一 新見 直子 山口 修司
PP. 203 - 209
Self-perceptions of basic skills for career development and competence in undergraduate students
前田 健一 新見 直子
PP. 211 - 215
The effect of visual information on verbal communication process in remote conversation
國田 祥子 中條 和光
PP. 217 - 224
The effects of anxiety evoked by feedback of evaluation on reading : The relation between state anxiety and compensatory reading strategies
中尾 美月 中條 和光
PP. 225 - 230
Attachment function in the ontogenesis of the individually different higher cognitive functions : A neuropsychological study and the perspectives
近藤 武夫 斉藤 由里 利島 保
PP. 231 - 236
Roles of relationship in the development of mother and a child : Relationship of mother with children in the negativism age
井上 芳世子
PP. 237 - 240
A review and some considerations of studies on acceptance process and clinical psychological support of persons for spinal cord injury
小嶋 由香
PP. 241 - 248
Psychological risk factors on child abuse-related behaviors among non-clinical mothers
中嶋 みどり
PP. 249 - 257
About functional relations between the stress vulnerability and the hemispheric asymmetries in infants
斉藤 由里 近藤 武夫 利島 保
PP. 259 - 266
Influence of AIDS education on attitudes toward people with AIDS
高本 雪子 深田 博己
PP. 267 - 276
Preschoolers' cognitions about justice of punitive aggression
越中 康治
PP. 277 - 284
An ERP study on the quantitative relation between conflict and response inhibition
武澤 友広 中尾 美月 中尾 敬 白石 舞衣子 宮谷 真人
PP. 285 - 290
Does other-referent process invoke evaluation process?
PP. 291 - 296
How does a positive personality concept become differentiated ones in childhood?
林 智幸
PP. 297 - 303
A study of construction of the kindergaten curriculum
山崎 晃
PP. 305 - 314
Relationship between the ability to use viewer-centered representation and other spatial abilities in young children
小津 草太郎 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 315 - 323
Intervetions of teachers and preschoolers to conflicts in 4-, and 6-year-old class : Interventions which are related to sincere apology
中川 美和
PP. 325 - 332
A study of inclusive early childhood education in New Zealand : Practical guideline for early childhood teachers
松井 剛太 七木田 敦
PP. 333 - 340
La reforme des formations universitaires en France-Autour du developpement de l'enseignement de la culture generate dans le premier cycle
PP. 341 - 350