広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 53 号
2005-03-28 発行

文革期における毛沢東の教育思想と大学のカリキュラム改革 : 北京大学を事例として

Mao Zedong's Educational Ideas and Undergraduate Curriculum Reform during the Cultural Revolution : The Case of Peking University
陳 欣
937 KB
The Cultural Revolution is unique in China in the 20^<th> century. The history of contemporary China has been generally divided by the Cultural Revolution which is being treated as a particular and independent period. The Cultural Revolution has been thoroughly denounced as "Ten Years of Chaos" because it had brought about disastrous social changes. However, many of the educational problems in present China, such as examination-oriented education, over-emphasis on textbook knowledge, heavy homework burden for students, and their isolation from the society, are the problems that had been severely criticized and had been attempted to reduce or remove during the Cultural Revolution. The purpose of this paper is to study the undergraduate curriculum reform and to clarify its characteristics during the Cultural Revolution. It first examines Mao Zedong's social ideas and educational thoughts during the Cultural Revolution. Then, with a case study on Peking University, it explores the higher education reforms focusing on enrollment and administration systems, and investigates curriculum reform in the fields of arts and science respectively. Finally, it summarizes the main characteristics of the undergraduate curriculum during the Cultural Revolution.
Mao Zedong
undergraduate curriculum reform
the Cultural Revolution
Peking University