広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 53 号
2005-03-28 発行

高等学校の自律的学校経営と学校予算に関する研究 : Y県教育委員会及びS高等学校を事例として

School Autonomy and Financial Management in Public High School : A Case study of 'Y' Prefectural Board of Education and 'S' High School
酒井 研作
562 KB
The purpose of this paper is to identify the process and constitution of funding for a public high school and point out issues in term of the expansion of the school autonomy in a case of. 'Y' Prefectural Board of Education and 'S' High School. The findings of this paper are as follows; (1) The system receive a school opinion in budget compilation is not constructed practically. (2) In 'Y' Prefecture, there is not the fund based on principal discretion in the framework of budget. Consequently, (3) in the case of 'S' High School, the subvention from supporter's organization is only fund that principal can use with his own discretionary power.
School Autonomy
Financial Management
Public High school