広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
63 号
2014-12-19 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
An Analysis of Cultural Policies of the Municipal Boards of Education : Focusing on the Promotion of Local Cultures and Community Reconstructions
PP. 1 - 10
School Teacher Demand Projections for Japan until 2025 : When will the third recession period come ?
PP. 11 - 20
The Position of “Adult Education” in the Union of Life-Improvement in the Taisho Era : About the “downward extension” in the movement for life-improvement
PP. 21 - 30
Die Planbarkeit des Unterrichts : Didaktische Modelle und Theorie des Unterrichts von H. Kiper
PP. 31 - 38
Standpunkt von der Narration in der Erzählung zur pädagogischer Praxis : Anhaltspunkt von der Literaturwissenschaft und der narrative Theorie
PP. 39 - 45
Succession of Gandhi’s Education Thought in India : Development of Nai Talim thought and practice
PP. 47 - 56
The Relation Between Psychological Adaptation of Cancer Survivors and Receiving and Providing Social Support in Community-based Self-help Groups
黄 正国 兒玉 憲一
PP. 57 - 65
The Effects of Observer’s Assessment of an Embarrassed Person on Observer’s Behavior
福田 哲也
PP. 67 - 73
Factors Associated with Vigor in Manufacturing Workers
堀田 裕司
PP. 75 - 79
The Survey of Attitudes to Cooperation between Day Care Centers Teachers, Preschools Teachers and Elementary Schools Teacher : Compare with specific information of “They want to convey” and“They want to know”
PP. 81 - 90
Development of Understanding Children by Discussing the "ifs" : The trial of Early Childhood Education and Care Conference using Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM)
境 愛一郎 中坪 史典 保木井 啓史 濱名 潔
PP. 91 - 100
Parental Involvement in Education and Care in a Local Child Rearing Support Center
島津 礼子
PP. 101 - 110
The Professionalism of an ECEC Teacher’s “Concurrent Action” : From the Arrival Time to the Beginning of a Supervised Activity
保木井 啓史 智谷 思音 中坪 史典
PP. 111 - 120
Constructing a Model of Teacher Educators’ Professional Development in Developing Countries : A reflective consideration of a joint project between Hiroshima University and Dominican Republic
PP. 121 - 130
Scope of Lesson Study in International Cooperation in Education : A case study of lesson improvement in Faculty of Educational Sciences, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo
PP. 131 - 140
University Evaluation in China : A Study on the Forming Process
林 師敏
PP. 141 - 150