広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
60 号
2011-12-22 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
Reflection on the Community Service by University from the Viewpoint of Power Imbalance
小池 源吾 天野 かおり
PP. 1 - 8
An Analysis of the Curriculum-making in Public Senior High Schools
PP. 9 - 16
Collection of Books of Nagasaki Normal School
鈴木 理恵
PP. 17 - 26
The Attention to the "Middle/Educated Class" and its Transition : The implications of the Modern/Cultural Life Movement in the later Taisho and the early Showa era
PP. 27 - 36
Studien zur Allgemeinbildung als der Theorie des Schulcurriculums und des Unterrichts : Durch Vergleich zwischen Neuner, G. und Klafki, W.
PP. 37 - 46
The Relationship between Theory and Practice in Professional Training : Focusing on training for social workers in early 20th century Germany
杉原 薫
PP. 47 - 54
Correspondence Senior High School as an Alternative Course : Fresh students' attribution and consciousness
尾場 友和
PP. 55 - 62
Zusammenhang zwischen Gestalt des Lehrplan und Klasseneinteilung in der „herbartianischen" Didaktik
熊井 将太
PP. 63 - 72
Chinese University Students' Ideas about Being Employed
高 静
PP. 73 - 82
Creation and Development of Youth Groups in Meiji Era
佐竹 智子
PP. 83 - 92
Relational Aspect of the Concept of a Person : Analytic-Philosophical Critique on the Reductive Arguments about Personhood in Bioethics
杉田 浩崇
PP. 93 - 102
An Examination on Teacher Learning from a Management Perspective : Focused on "Learning How to Learn Project" by M. James
森下 真実
PP. 103 - 110
Some Urgent Issues and Present Education Policy to Lessen the Centralization in Educational Management in Mongolia : Results of a questionnaire among educational administrators in secondary schools
ルハグワ アリウンジャルガル
PP. 111 - 118
Effects of Attention to Expression on the Event-Related Potentials to Face
宮谷 真人 原 梢恵 衛藤 萌 下田 博志 徳永 智子 高村 真広 橋本 翠 梨和 ひとみ
PP. 129 - 136
Recent Studies on Reading Speed
森田 愛子 岡崎 善弘
PP. 137 - 146
Effect of Gender-related Words on Source Monitoring in Identifying a Speaker's Gender
近藤 綾
PP. 147 - 152
Effects of Compliance-gaining Strategies on the Use of Compliance-resisting Strategies
井邑 智哉
PP. 153 - 162
Effects of Resister's Motives on the Use of Compliance-resisting Strategies
井邑 智哉 深田 博己 樋口 匡貴
PP. 163 - 169
A Review and Considerations of Psychological Studies on Experience of Bereavement and Images of Death
尾方 綾
PP. 171 - 179
The Relationship between Feeling for Friends and Needs for Support : A survey of middle-school and university students
蔵永 瞳 水野 正憲
PP. 181 - 186
A Review of Studies on Self-help Group for Cancer Survivors
黄 正国 舘野 一宏 山村 崇尚 岩田 尚大 兒玉 憲一
PP. 187 - 193
Changes of Attitude toward the Home Country and the Host Country of Kikokushijo and Influencing Factors
小島 奈々恵 深田 博己
PP. 195 - 203
A Review and Considerations of Psychological Studies on Siblings of Handicapped Persons
髙野 恵代 岡本 祐子
PP. 205 - 214
The Effects of Conceptions of Invariable Ability and Effort on the Relations between Attribution and Envy
坪田 雄二
PP. 215 - 224
The Effect of Attention on Event-Related Potentials in the Musical Context
PP. 225 - 232
The Process of Identity Formation from Adolescence to Old Age : An analysis based on the recollections of elderly people
深瀬 裕子 岡本 祐子
PP. 233 - 240
Current Studies on the Emotional Practice as the Professionalism of the Early Childhood Teacher
PP. 241 - 248
A study of Relationships with Childcare Teachers' Resilience and Their Mental Health : Investigation of childcare teachers' years of experience
上村 眞生
PP. 249 - 257
A Study on the Common Knowledge of Foreign Kindergartens among Kindergarten Teachers in the Keihanshin Region in the Latter Part of the Meiji Era : By focusing on the knowledge transmitted by the Kindergarten Union Magazines
PP. 259 - 265
A Study of the German Early Childhood Education and Care System : In focusing on its position
中西 さやか
PP. 267 - 273
La réforme du système des enseignants universitaires en France : témoignages et réflexion sur la mise en application de la loi LRU
PP. 275 - 284