広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 60 号
2011-12-22 発行

オルタナティブな進路としての通信制高校 : 入学者の属性と意識

Correspondence Senior High School as an Alternative Course : Fresh students' attribution and consciousness
尾場 友和
1.21 MB
The aim of this report is to reveal the feature of senior high school students in correspondence education. In Japan, 98% students after compulsory education enter senior high school. 5.3% of them are correspondence school students. Most of them has their experience of stopping going to junior high school and/or drop-out from a full-time senior high school. In about 10 years, this proportion is increasing. This is why there is few public organization for senior high school years students different from for compulsory school's students. This report includes the research of a private correspondence school in Kansai district. The school is considered as a typical correspondence school because this school was established in 1990's and mainly teenagers are accepted. This report says the analysis of the students who entered in April, 2006. The contents are how their attribution, their motivation for correspondence school, their view of study and their way of choosing elective subjects are. This research will be useful for understanding the actual students' conditions after their experience of stopping going to junior high school and/or drop-out from a full-time senior high school.
correspondence education
senior high school
stop going to school